2nd August
Hay shed completed!
4th August
Roadway finished and the trailer has new mudguards.
5th August
Path maintenance in Top Strip - weeding and strimming.
6th August
Same again.
7th August
More chip laid on Top Strip path; more strimming; area around sheds temporarily fenced and walkway into shelter started.
8th - 9th August
More work on walkway into shelter.
11th August
Chris Bates from Oakwood and Howden Recycling delivered a trailer load of gravel for the walkway and the hollow beside the new roadway. Walkway finished and fencing of that strip completed. Harebells found on Top Grazing right up close to the road boundary wall.
12th - 14th August
Posts and rails fixed for area in front of sheds.
15th August
The Great Leveller - all was going well in John's post and rail eyes until Clare came along with her spirit level and everything changed. Or rather she insisted everything had to be moved. We're both rather pleased with the result. We found a Horntail Wood Wasp in the log shed - an insect neither of us had seen before.
In the spirit of living levelly
He knows Clare was right all along
I think we all agree this looks very fine. And level.
Horntail Wood Wasp. Photo by Billmcmillan (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
18th August
Railings round sheds complete. Clare not railing any more.
23rd August
Log clearing from Top Strip ready for Paul to haul. Brash removed and piled up ready for Green Gym Day
24th - 25th August
At last we had enough dry days in a row to cut the Wildflower Meadow. Tom came in with his tractor and cut and turned the hay, John strimmed and Clare resumed her Grim Reaper role for the occasion. John also strimmed in the Orchard in readiness for hedge planting.
Hey! Hay!
Hay in the making
The Grim Reaper reappears. Any improvement on last year's scythe action?
27th August
Tom turned the hay again. We cleared brash from the Top Strip ready for the chipper. More path maintenance in the Top Strip. Clare discovered that one of her four bee colonies had laying worker bees and was no longer viable. Roe deer seen moving from the Scrub to the Pit Wood at 3.30pm - so much for them being crepuscular.
To everything, turn, turn, turn. There is a season, turn, turn, turn!
28th August
Hay in. Having rowed up the hay it was baled, transported and stored in the newly built hay shed.
So 1 cut meadow = 19 hay bales = 1 full hay shed +2 happy ponies + 2 very tired adults.
John approves
Paul approves
29th August
Liddells is a wonderful place to be when there's a great sunset, as there was today. Tim captured this one.
30th August
John fixed shuttering in place for the paths into the sheds. Clare failed to take a photograph of this momentous development in our attempt to upgrade the shed area.