August 2016 - the adventures of Clare and her flatpack scythe

2nd August

4 Willows planted on wetland and an existing Willow discovered.

5th August

2 huge brash heaps created ready for chipper. 

6th August

Green Gym Day. Mel, Jane E, John and Clare had chipped both piles by noon - 2 hours' very efficient work. Then more chip spread on path with Barry's help and steps started by Mel and Barry while John and John M felled 2 Larches. 

11th August

Nick started scything the Wildflower Meadow. 

12th August

Eggs in hive 1. 

13th August

Eggs and brood in hive 1. Barefoot trimmer came to Paul - both very good!

15th August

Clare assembled her flatpack scythe! Clare scythed while John strimmed and Barry came to help.

16th August

Barry lent us his topper and we finished cutting the whole meadow and started raking rows. 

17th August

All hay raked into rows and tedding. 

18th August

Some green hay spread on top grazing. Steps up path in top strip - section completed. Tedding hay. 

19th August

More green hay spread and tedding. 5 dumpies of hay in store. Capped brood in Hive 1. 

22nd August

Campions grown from seed planted in meadow and 1 x Musk Mallow; hay removed. 

23rd August

More Campions planted; all hay removed; Yellow Rattle seed sown on top area of Meadow. 

25th August

Eggs and capped brood in Hive 2 - both hives viable! More Campion plugs planted. 

28th August

John built cavaletti for Paul. Clare planted Evening Primrose, Meadow Cranesbill and St Johns Wort plugs in Meadow. 

Stylish scything style

Topping is topping!

The agricultural equivalent of IKEA

Paul trying out the newly cut Meadow

John M supervising John H

Mel and Barry making sure the Silver Birch doesn't fall down

Jane tackling Mount Brash with no sherpa

Jane tackling Mount Brash with no sherpa