2nd December
John and Clare visit Paul the pony at Roadhead.
3rd December
Hedge started - Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Guelder Rose, Dog Rose, Field Maple, Crab Apple and Hazel.
9th - 11th December
Clare worked on hedge in adverse weather! Mole hills decapitated!
10th December
Torrential rain, spring burst its capping, 2 Ashes blown down in Pit Wood.
14th December
Hedge completed, Crab Apple planted in Orchard hedge line; Christmas tree cut for Tynedale Community Choir party.
15th December
Christmas trees cut for John and Clare and for Hal and Beth.
16th December
Paul vetted at Roadhead; he passed!
21st December
2 metres of hedging planted to screen bee hives from the west.
27th December
Damson and Wild Cherry moved from Meadow to Orchard. Post tidying/topping on lower entrance.
30th December
We dug a pond on the site of the old water trough on the wetland.
31st December
Luke came to visit Liddells having not seen the land since before we bought it. Pond so full, the stepping stones are covered! John made 2 stiles along the new fence. Clare worked on taking humps and molehills off the Meadow.
Hedging and mud - Bramble in her element
More mud
Stylish stile
Paul's favourite trick is putting his hay net on his head. Clare also thinks he is punning. He clearly has a sense of humour.