During May - more maintenance work on path west end of Top Strip - logs used for southern edge.
2nd May
International Dawn Chorus Day - Clare did a breeding birds listen.
5th May
Naomi Waite (NWT meadows specialist) walked over Liddells and found Adders-tongue fern in the Meadow. Janet made her first visit to meet Paul with a view to mentoring John.
7th - 14th May
Janet looked after Paul.
21st May
Steve Leigh, a barefoot trimmer, came and managed to trim Paul's forefeet. Lots of time spent moving Beech and Rowan logs and brash and ongoing logging and stacking.
26th May
Clare started removing nettles from under Hawthorns on meadow and then began tackling the Thistles. Evidence of roebuck fraying on many saplings and the Spindle Trees.