3rd February
Part of the south boundary wall collapsed.
7th - 8th February
Dry-stone-walling repair!
9th February
Mark and Bill took down 3 Rowans that had been causing bulges in the south boundary wall.
10th and 12th February
Long-reining tutorials in Cumbria.
12th February
Bird hide Willows netted. Barn owl seen hunting over the Wetland and along near Top Strip.
14th February
Bird box fixed in scrub near (s) of south west corner of Meadow.
16th February
All bird boxes cleaned and checked, No 4 resited to Orchard; shed section 3 started; logs moved from top strip. (Even referring to 'shed section 3' hints that there will be more to come...)
20th February
3rd shed section completed.
21st February
Paul the Fell pony arrives!
23rd February
Meadow wet area refenced and additional stile. Seat made on old wall line. Wood cleared for chip from Rowan felled in quarry and logs split.
Between 16th February and 23rd February owl seen regularly! Pellets found.
Barn owl pellets
While we work, life carries on
Shed 3, construction day 1
Shed 3 construction day 4
Our property expansion
Recycling to make a log shelter