Bird Boxes

May - surveys and surprises

First the familiar reminder that to watch the trail camera footage, go to the Liddells website, click on the Blog: the videos will be there in all their glory.

1st May

Clare decided to honour International Dawn Chorus Day by arriving at Liddells just before 5am to listen to the birds. She decided on an anti-clockwise route for a change and so quickly arrived at the bottom of the Scrub having heard Blackbird, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Robin, Song thrush, and Willow warblers on the way. At this point she realised she was looking at an odd shape between two Hawthorns on the Meadow. It was a tarpaulin shelter under which was a pair of boots and a bundle. This was not what Clare was expecting and she was quite scared. She backed off quietly and walked away thinking about what to do. Guessing this was a wild camper, but not knowing how wild, she made her way up to the tool shed to see if there was a suitable weapon with which to defend herself. Rejecting the idea of a rake or a hammer, she realised her best weapon was her mobile phone camera. Thus armed, she locked the top gate and made her way on the road to the bottom gate, keeping it locked and between her and the camper. She could see he was up and was starting to pack. He did this very slowly and methodically and was obviously careful to leave no trace. He saw Clare and as he approached asked if this was the Hadrian’s Meadow camping field. Clare pointed out that had it been, it was unlikely to have had a padlock and chain. Kush was profusely apologetic, particularly when he realised how upset Clare had been and that he had somewhat compromised her delight in the dawn chorus. He was courteous, thoughtful and interested in the Liddells project. He asked if there was a café anywhere soon along the route where he could top up his water bottle, then went on his way. Knowing there is no café nearby, Clare drove back home, gathered some portable breakfast goods and water and drove back to find him on route. Kush was very touched by the gesture and gave permission to be included in the Blog. He may well be reading this.

A postscript - Clare knows she is dilatory about checking the Liddells email and was both embarrassed and delighted to see, far too late in the month, that Kush had sent a kind and generous email after his stay on the Meadow, appreciating how Clare and John are engaging with Liddells and appreciative of his stay and his breakfast.

Clare did manage a few recordings so for those who would like to listen, the audio clips feature the following dominant songs (you will hear others in the background):

Wren (often described as the having loudest birdsong per body weight)

Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Garden Warbler (the Blackcap has a deeper tone, slightly more tuneful, while the Garden Warbler has more by way of burbles in among the notes. Then sometimes the Blackcap burbles and the Garden Warbler sings more tunefully.)

Chiffchaff, Chaffinch (Clare often thinks of this song as resembling a build up to a sneeze and ending with the ‘p’choo’ of the sneeze at the end)

Willow Warbler (again for Clare, as if building to a sneeze but then the sneeze goes away in a series of descending notes), Magpie, Coal Tit

2nd May

Juno came to help John and Clare flatten the last of the molehills on the Top Grazing. Not a mountainous job and Juno set about the task with enthusiasm. And a back hoe.

6th May

Clare and John took a break in the hide after strimming the Orchard and protecting Bird Cherry trees with tubes and cages. They were surprised to see a Willow warbler round the feeders and even more surprised when it went into the caged ground feeder. It was not after food though - the bird emerged with a small feather and set off to a Hawthorn not far away. The bird made several trips across the front of the hide collecting several small feathers. Clare went to see where it was taking them and saw it disappear into the base of a clump of rush. While the bird was away Clare had a quick look and saw a small hole with a mossy cup inside. This was very exciting.

7th May

More tree protection in the Orchard. John and Clare are mindful that the younger buck is still in velvet and they have found fraying damage.

8th May

An evening visit to Liddells after a day of heavy rain. As John approached the bottom gate he said, “If there’s not a deer out after that rain, I’ll eat my hat,” whereupon he and Clare saw the younger buck on the Meadow. John’s hat collection remains intact.

9th May

John had noticed a hare on the Top Grazing which frequently ran for cover from the same spot. On closer investigation he found the hare’s couch. It is more likely to be a temporary resting place than the hare’s form. Below you can see the couch and where it is on the Top Grazing.

Clare had moved her trail camera to a site near the Willow warbler’s nest and was pleased to pick up some footage of three deer. First a doe eating raspberries. She is still in her winter coat but looking very shaggy; then a splendid view of the older buck in hard horn (regular readers may remember why this phrase, although often used, is technically incorrect), and winter coat; last the younger buck still in velvet and winter coat. Not a velvet winter coat. The clips are all captured within a twelve minute period.

10th May

Clare had moved her camera again after capturing no footage of the Willow warbler near the nest. The camera had recorded a lot of footage showing the abundance of St Mark’s flies, (so called because they emerge close to St Mark’s Day, 25th April); they are also known as Hawthorn flies. They do seem to be attracted to Hawthorns in particular.

11th May

Keith generously offered his annual help with a breeding bird survey and met Clare at 7.15 in the morning to walk round listening and making a note of what they heard and saw. They enjoyed the usual Blackcap or Garden Warbler challenge. The results of the survey are here.

Clare took Keith to see the Willow warbler’s nest and was dismayed to see that it had been pulled out and apart, and was empty. Culprit unknown. Clare saved the nest and weighed it - it was 8 grams - light as a few feathers.

The destroyed nest…

…and where it was hidden

Clare commented that she hadn’t seen or heard any Bullfinches for a while. Later in the day walking home, she saw one on an apple tree in the garden at home.

12th May

Bullfinches clearly have a sense of humour - there were two on the Meadow as Clare arrived today.

John and Clare are seeing hares on nearly every visit. Below are a couple caught on camera.

13th May

A gloriously sunny day so, as Tim and Jane were away, Clare completed the weekly butterfly transect. Tim has often said that although the transect year begins in April, nothing much happens in this part of the county till later. Nonetheless Clare saw 8 Orange Tips, 4 Speckled Woods and a Small Tortoiseshell on the Liddells part of the transect. After completing the transect Clare went for a wander into a part of the Scrub that is less accessible and was delighted to see a pair of Tawny Owls. They had obviously been roosting together and flew out surprised by Clare’s proximity.

A sequence of clips from the trail camera showed a doe browsing Hawthorn for several minutes before couching at 7.15 am. She doesn’t get up until 8.43 when she begins browsing again for 2-3 minutes before wandering off.

14th May

John and Clare cleared the last of the barley straw bale from the Top Grazing and distributed it in front of the hide where the ground had become very muddy. The pheasants had a great time moving it about as they hunted for the odd grain.

A doe, possibly the older one, and in her summer coat, looks very pregnant. The kids will be born some time in the next few weeks.

15th May

All the trees in the Orchard are now fully protected either with tubes or cages. It’s a time-consuming but necessary part of routine maintenance. John’s friend Mike saw the Tawny Owls in the Scrub.

16th - 18th May

Clare found 6 of the Willows in Sylvia’s Avenue on the Wetland had been frayed and a couple pushed out completely, so she set about putting tubes on them. Clare and John have a commitment to recycling materials whenever possible in their work on Liddells; it was particularly pleasing to use the hedging tubes that originally came with the plants for the hedge by the apiary. There were exactly the right number for the willows.

Clare had moved her camera to a different area near the hide wondering if the deer might be using it. They weren’t, however she was pleased to have recorded this night time activity.

Clare moved her trail camera again, this time in the hope of capturing the owls on film. The camera proved its worth again. The very first clip after moving it provided evidence of both birds with the too-wit-too-woo calls. Although people might assume this is the call of a single Tawny, in fact the female calls ‘too-wit’ and is answered by the male’s ‘too-woo’. A couple of days later one owl is recorded coming into the tree. (Since then there have been no more sightings.)

20th May

Clare was having a gentle walk round Liddells noticing which plants were in flower. She had had cataract surgery a couple of days earlier and was amused that the first flowers that caught her attention were Eyebright.

Clare also saw Large Red damselflies mating near the Big Pond, the first damselflies of the season. She has been waiting for several months to include nuggets of information from a programme called Dragons and Damsels. First nuggets - these creatures have been around for 330 million years (not the ones Clare was seeing obviously). Both dragonflies and damselflies cover great distances in search of suitable spots; their eyes can detect polarised light reflected by water surfaces and this means they can not only detect a pond however small, but also tell a lot about the water quality and submerged vegetation.

21st - 25th May

Clare decided to pursue the idea suggested by Linda France a while ago - to think of more creative names for the different areas of Liddells rather than the prosaic terms used thus far. So the Top Grazing is henceforth the Hayfield - I think you will agree that this is an improvement in terminology. Clare is working on the Top Strip, dividing it in her mind into sections - the Quarry Walk, Up to a Point - the west end awaits a name.

While on the Hayfield Clare noticed several insects that looked rather like Daddy-long-legs, although this is the wrong time of year for them. She managed to photograph a pair mating and sent the photo to the Royal Etymological Society, as ever receiving a very quick response: ‘Tipulidae are tricky to identify, as many of the colour characteristics that look so straight forward are in fact continuous between species, such that many species are difficult to distinguish one from another without careful attention to other characters often not apparent in photographs. Nonetheless, if I'm not too much mistaken, based on the eye, wing and abdomen colouring, this is a mating pair of Tipula (Lunatipula) vernalis. The species has a preference for sweet-grassland or chalky grassland where the larvae thrive in drier soils.’

John and Clare began mapping and maintaining the trees at the east end of the Hayfield. They were pleased to note that from all the planting over a few years, particularly with the very small trees planted last autumn, there are now 37 Oaks, 18 Horse Chestnuts, 3 Beech, 3 Birch, 3 Hornbeam, 3 Field Maples, 2 Limes, 2 Hazels, 1 Ash and 1 Crab Apple. Every one of these is now protected with either a tube or a cage depending on size. Less than a handful of the trees had failed.

Wandering through the Quarry Walk later in the day, Clare found a wildflower that she had never seen on Liddells before. She thinks it is Charlock.

26th May

More damselflies around both the Big and Roadside ponds (yes, these need new names); this time Azures were abundant with much mating activity. Next nugget - Azure males will sometimes attempt to mate with female Common Blues though with no success.

Clare found a mystery creature inside one of the folding chairs in the shed. John thought it might be a tick however it seemed to be too big, then revealed itself to be a spider - a False Widow Spider.

27th May

Water Crowfoot is in flower on the Big Pond. You can also see a photo-bombing pond snail.

28th May

Clare fashioned a step into the meeting room using half an unwanted pallet. John finished extracting nails and other fixings from fenceposts and rails he had collected from different areas of Liddells which had been discarded during a previous ownership. The retrieved wood is now sawn and stacked. Clare added another layer of protective wire to the third of the Oaks that are descendants of the Leper Oak on Hexham golf course.

Clare also completed this season’s nesting box survey. 13 are in use this year - not a huge number, although clearly there are birds nesting without recourse to the boxes.

While she was walking round, Clare noticed Holly in flower which hasn’t caught her attention before. She also found another face in a tree. regular Blog readers may recall that seeing such things is called pareidolia.

30th May

Both male and female Broad-bodied Chasers were flying round and over the Big Pond. Clare waited patiently to spot the frequently used perches and waited beside them only to be outwitted by the Chasers which immediately moved to different resting points, then returning to their original places as soon as Clare had moved. Nonetheless, here is her attempt at a photo of a female. And more information - dragonfly larvae have forward-facing eyes giving them stereo vision, and jaws that can shoot out an additional half length of their body to catch prey. The ideas in ‘Alien’ were far from original.

Clare saw a juvenile Blue Tit in the Orchard.

31st May

In keeping with all the other surveys this month, Clare has been keeping a record of the plants as they bloom. Thus far the following have been in flower this month:

(the flowers are listed as you would find them in a field guide)

Nettle Family - Nettle

Dock Family - Bistort, Common Sorrel, Broad-leaved Dock

Pink Family - Greater Stitchwort, Common Chickweed, Field Mousear, Red Campion, Ragged Robin

Buttercup Family - Marsh Marigold, Meadow Buttercup, Creeping Buttercup, Lesser Celandine, Common Water Crowfoot, Wood Anemone,

Cabbage Family - Charlock, Cuckoo Flower, Garlic Mustard, Common Scurvy Grass, Hairy Bittercress,

Saxifrage Family - Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage

Rose Family - Lady’s Mantle, Raspberry, Wild Strawberry, Water Avens, Herb Bennet, Tormentil, Silverweed, Crab Apple, Rowan, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Wild Cherry, Bird Cherry

Pea Family - Gorse, Broom, Bush Vetch, Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Red Clover, White Clover

Wood-Sorrel Family - Wood Sorrel

Geranium Family - Meadow Cranesbill, Herb Robert

Milkwort Family - Common Milkwort

Spindle-tree Family - Spindle Tree

Violet Family - Sweet Violet, Common Dog Violet

Carrot Family - Cow Parsley, Pignut

Heath Family - Heather, Bilberry

Primrose Family - Primrose, Oxlip, Cowslip, Yellow Pimpernel

Bedstraw Family - Woodruff, Heath Bedstraw, Common Cleavers

Borage Family - Common Comfrey, Lungwort, Field Forget-me-not,

Labiate Family - Bugle, Water Mint

Figwort Family - Germander Speedwell, Common Field Speedwell, Eyebright, Yellow Rattle

Plantain Family - Ribwort Plantain

Honeysuckle Family - Guelder Rose

Daisy Family - Daisy, Ox-eye Daisy, Perennial Cornflower, Dandelion, Common Catsear, Orange Hawkweed

Lily Family - Lily of the Valley, Ramsons, Bluebell

Of course some are past their flowering period and there are others yet to come. Clare was particularly please to see Common Spotted Orchid leaves appearing in several places.

Readers may note that Clare has made no further mention of the course she joined on Grasses, Rushes and Sedges. She felt that she insufficient botanical background and inadequate eyesight (at least while she still had a cataract), to derive most benefit from the sessions, so she withdrew. She still has a field guide so hopes to learn a few specimens in her own time.

Another juvenile Blue tit near the Big Pond and three juvenile Thrushes in the Pit Wood.

John and Clare had an afternoon walk on Liddells - yes, they can just walk without any need to work - and spent a lot of time by the Big Pond observing dragon and damselflies. Thanks to Chris W’s wonderful blog, Clare had read of his experience watching a dragonfly emerge from its exuvia and so today she thought to inspect some of the rushes in the pond. One plant had at least seven nymphs, another three or four; luckily John was there with his camera. A splendid way to end this month’s Liddells experience.

Male Broad-bodied Chaser

Female Broad-bodied Chaser

Here are some we prepared earlier - Clare is not quite certain about what is shown here and as this all happened just as this post is about to be published, she hasn’t had time to check in with Chris. Her guess is that three dragonflies have emerged and are yet to develop their full colour; the darker smaller form is a nymph that is yet to split and release a dragonfly or it maybe the exuvia from which a dragonfly has emerged, Clare is also uncertain what kind of dragonflies these are. So much still to learn. Clare hope to follow up on this great photograph next month.

A reminder that June is the month for 30 Days Wild - readers may enjoy the challenge to engage with nature in the month ahead by being in, watching, listening, reading, creating, discovering, questioning, learning, or any other ways…

February - preparations

To see the Blog with all the video footage, go to

Left over from January - a fox limps its way through the Pit Wood. The smaller doe squeaks her way along the same path.

1st February

Clare has long said that she wished she knew more about grasses, sedges and rushes. Today she began a course with the Natural History Society of Northumbria on exactly that topic. She learned many new words, always a personal delight, and hopes that by the end of the course she will be able to use them confidently and appropriately. ‘Awn,’ ‘glume,’ ‘tepals', ‘lemma,’ ‘palea,’ ‘stolon,’ ‘culm', ‘auricle’ and ‘ligule’ might also help improve a Scrabble game. ‘Sedges have edges’ is also a good starter phrase and easy to remember.

John began work on the fourth bench.

A fox - not limping - goes off the path in the Pit Wood.

2nd February

The older buck makes his way through the Pit Wood and the camera captures excellent footage of the velvet on his antlers. As yet there is no evidence of him fraying to remove it.

3rd February

Clare took steps to finish putting wire on the approach to the shepherd’s hut; John finished the third bench.

Should the bees emerge in warm spells, there is forage ready for them.

5th February

Clare checked that all the hives had fondant - this can be a time of year when bees starve if they have eaten all their store and there is insufficient forage available for them. If the weather warms and then goes cold again, there is a risk that the queen starts laying but the colony is still too small for the workers to keep the brood warm, so while others are enjoying balmy early spring days, Clare and other beekeepers are concerned.

Clare planted more Periwinkle that she had grown from cuttings. This time she covered them with mesh as previous shoots had been eaten.

John continued his creative recycling for the meeting room; this time the fourth bench top is made from sawn up bed slats from a bed frame he and Clare inherited when they moved house. John also finished plugging gaps in the meeting room roof to keep out the rain. Thus far this treatment seems to have worked.

Clare identified more wall repair that needs to go on the to-do list.

The pheasant feeders that came with Liddells have been removed. Clare and John are hoping that without a supply of food, the pheasants will move elsewhere and stop taking up so much camera footage and battery power.

‘Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)

From Flowers of the Field, 1885

Too well known to need any description. Fl. January - March.

Rev. C.A. Johns (1811-1874)From Nature Writing for Every Day of the Year

7th February

John and Clare seem to be subject to the organising zeitgeist. John created extra storage in the log shed while in the tool shed Clare channelled some of Marie Kondo’s principles.(While looking up exactly what Marie Kondo suggests, Clare noticed that under the heading ‘What are the 5 steps of the Konmari method' 6 Rules are listed:

Rule 1: Commit Yourself to Tidying Up. The KonMari Method™ is not a quick fix for a messy room or a once-in-a-while approach to tidying. ...

Rule 2: Imagine Your Ideal Lifestyle. ...

Rule 3: Finish Discarding First. ...

Rule 4: Tidy by Category, Not by Location. ...

Rule 5: Follow the Right Order. ...

Rule 6: Ask Yourself If It Sparks Joy.

It would seem that Kondo has neglected to discard one.

Clare was certainly pleased with her work, and will be joyful if her efforts are maintained.

14th February

In accord with the tradition of putting up bird boxes on St Valentine’s Day, John and Clare added a new box in the Pit Wood.

15th - 18th February

Clare discovered Woodpecker activity on a dead Elder behind the bee hives. As it is early in the year this is most likely to be from drumming to stake out territory.

Clare applied her organisational skills to the log shed and after three days’ work all the dry logs were stacked at home ready for this year’s autumn/winter burning, and all the wood that had been sawn and split ready to dry was stacked.

19th February

An entirely new experience on Liddells - John had met some detectorists working on land nearby and invited them to visit Liddells. Wayne, Mac, John and Lisa were delighted to accept the offer and spend a hard-working morning with the metal detectors. They covered the Top Grazing and the Meadow and then worked over the spoil heaps near the hives.

There proved to be no need to contact the British Museum with the finds, however there was some social history evidenced. The remains of a toastrack, a tin of Snowfire Vanishing Cream from the 1930s (here is one in fine condition, a tube of Synulox (still prescribed and used for treating a range of bacterial infections in cats and dogs, a tube of Orbenin (also still prescribed and used for the treatment of ocular infections in cattle, sheep, horses, dogs and cats), a Matchbox Series 23 Trailer Caravan (they were produced from 1965-1969; here is one in pristine condition:, a very rusted door handle, parts of an oil lamp, 2 spent bullets, the bowl of a spoon, the handle-end of a trowel or similar, several buttons, tuppence ha’penny (a George V penny, a George VI penny dated 193? and a George VI ship ha’penny), a nut, various unidentifiable bits of metal, inevitably the remains of a few aluminium cans, two bottle tops and some pieces of metal decoration whose origin is mysterious (top left of the photograph). If anyone has any ideas about what it might have been these last pieces decorated, feel free to email them in.

Meanwhile John and Clare planted an Oak grown and donated by their alarm maintenance engineer, wove straggly Willows into the arbour round one of the benches and completed a second section of wall repair.

The Liddells Hoard

23rd - 24th February

Dave came to help finish the wall as some of the stones needed extra lifting power.

Clare found frogspawn on the roadside pond however it was brown, which suggested it had been affected by the cold weather which had been distinctly brumous (‘Brumous’ Foggy, wintry OED Word of the Day 24.02.23).

Clare moved the camera from the Pit Wood to start this season’s Pond Watch - there were four clips of a heron within the first 24 hours and some interesting early morning visitors.

25th - 26th February

John and Clare set up a nesting box assembly line, completed 10 boxes and put 5 on trees in or near the Scrub. The boxes are mostly made from left over bits of shed not needed in the rebuilding works.

Clare planted a tray of Snowdrops in the Pit Wood and heard a thrush singing on Liddells for the first time this year. She recorded the singing which was accompanied by a Chaffinch, Robin and Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming - all suggesting the nest-box making is timely.

Clare also carried out an equipment inventory in her bee shed and was pleased that due to somewhat over-zealous prep last year, she has all the equipment she needs to start this bee-keeping year.

John saw a Woodcock near the Junipers.

28th February

Luke the Mole Man arrived with his traps - the final aspect of this month’s preparation.

June - 'I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June' L.M. Montgomery

1st June

We planted a bag full of English Bluebells donated by a friend with woodland. We planted them in the north-east area of the Pit Wood. Clare finished pulling out the last of the Sycamore seedlings from the Wildflower Meadow and found two thistles that had escaped her gaze. Thistles now removed.

2nd June

Shepherd hut progress - making crucial decisions on the design of the window frames. Our friend Stephen had read last month's blog and had been concerned about where we were going to find the necessary shepherd. First find your sheep. Keith, on the other hand, told us about wooden boxes, about the size of a chest freezer, that he had seen in Romania, that are for shepherds to sleep in overnight. A bit minimalist for us, however it would have been less work.

3rd June

Having put Paul's make-up on because he has had a louse infection (the same product that was recommended for infant eczema) we went for a stroll over the site. The first discovery was a fallen Rowan on the Wetland, a casualty of very strong winds. Water Avens and Aconite were out in the Pit Wood.

Slugs come in many colours. 

Paul tolerating make-up

Rotten to the core

Water Avens - they remind Clare of the Flower Fairy books she read as a child


You can see why Aconite is also called Monkshood

Hide hiding

3rd, 4th, 5th June - three days at Number 11

What follows is a selection from over 400 videos taken over three days. We apologise for failing to provide a Springwatch-like analysis of frequency of visits, division of labour between male and female, items on menu, and completed customer satisfaction forms.

10th June

Pony Pedicure Day. Steven made one of his regular visits. Paul nailed it and William (this was a first for him with us) helped with pony treats, emerged with trimmed fore hooves, but not yet four hooves. John started to grapple with the shepherd's hut door.

Pick your feet up Paul

Nice muzzle nuzzle

Just a trim please

Caption competition - answers to

I'm not in the least unhinged

Common Spotted Orchids on the Wildflower Meadow

Ragged Robin (one of Clare's favourites) on the Wetland

Great Tit chicks in their nestling down or neossoptiles (we hope you love the OED Word of the Day as much as we do)

11th June

Trail camera revelations - ballet pigeon and tod. John remembers one of his aunts reading Aesop's tale The Fox and the Crow to him in French

14th June - Green Gym Day

Having had to cancel a Green Gym Day last month, we were pleased this one went ahead. So clearly were our loyal supporters, one of whom, when told about the day, replied "Yippee!!!" The photos below would suggest Clare & John did no work at all. 


15th-20th June

John goes strimming crazy on paths in the Pit Wood, Orchard and Top Strip.

21st June

Mel and John trailered all the chip from beside the Wildflower Meadow to the Top Strip and topped up the path at the east end before retiring to the pub for a pint and a game of pool (as is their wont).

Clare inspected her bees before going away for a week (Clare not the bees) and discovered one colony had hatched a new queen who had mated successfully and was laying new brood. The other had failed to follow this fine example and had developed laying workers. The colony cannot be saved. Their honey can. 

Tim went to see the Solstice sunset from Liddells.

26th June

Tim issues a Peacock butterfly caterpillar alert

May - bearding bees and hut-building

1/2 May

John looked in all the small nest boxes and found 11 in use, fewer than in previous years. This will partly be due to the poor April weather and also reflects the decline in bird numbers nationally. We'll look again in a week or two and see what progress there might be.

3rd May

Friends of ours asked if we would contribute greenery to be used for decoration at the wedding of their oldest daughter. We were delighted to say yes.

This - mostly Larch, Wild Raspberry, Elder, Cow Parsley and Snowberry - was transformed into ....

these and...


3rd May

Clare realigned the trail camera so that, as she thought, it would show more of the nest box in front of it. Hmmm. Luckily the new position caught night time activity.

Foraging doe
Foraging badger
Doe losing winter coat

4th May

John has started work on the shepherd's hut - no Farrow and Ball products will be used in its decor. He is working on it almost daily. Tim has been walking the butterfly transect and in the absence of butterflies sent a lovely photograph of the Snake's Head Fritillaries on the Wildflower Meadow.

Also known as snake's head (the original English name), chess flowerfrog-cupguinea-hen flowerguinea flowerleper lily (because its shape resembled the bell once carried by lepers), Lazarus bellchequered lilychequered daffodildrooping tulip or, in northern Europe, simply fritillary

5-8th May

Clare and Sally walked over the whole site and recorded wildflowers and birds heard and seen. They found three large cushions of primroses in the Pit Wood that had not been found before but which had obviously been there for a long time. The first of the year's bluebells had emerged in the Top Strip. John and Eilidh continue working on Paul's development. We find evidence that a Tawny Owl is still around.

Eilidh encouraging Paul to pick up his feet.

8th May

More evidence of a Tawny Owl in the Pit Wood.

9th May

John makes progress on the shepherd's hut and Clare finds more spring flowers appearing. 

Violets in the Pit Wood

Lady's Smock (Cuckoo Flower) on the Wetland

Measure twice, cut once

10th May

John is a year older today. To celebrate he, Mel and Clare did some routine maintenance on the Top Strip path, weeding and laying more chip. They were so engrossed, no photograph records the activity. We saw a swallow apparently investigating the log shed, we'd like to think as a possible nesting site.

14th May

Progress on the hut. We walked round making a list of jobs that Green Gymners could help with. En route we saw what Clare initially thought was a hive preparing to swarm. This was confusing as, to the best of her knowledge, this colony had lost its queen. When the bees were still there the next day, further investigation suggested they were 'bearding'. This happen when the colony is too hot and large numbers of bees leave temporarily so that the house bees can be more effective in cooling the hive, which they do by fanning their wings. This is very different from this. John re-realigned the trail camera so that it focussed on the nest box, which he did beautifully, enabling a fine pheasant photo opportunity.

Getting cross (members)

Bearding bees

Posing pheasant

Equestrians among you will have heard of William Fox-Pitt, one of the greatest eventers. Here is our Pit fox taking the wall jump. He will henceforth be known as William.

Our Pit fox

18th May

Tim and Jane are paying particular attention to the bilberry of the Crag in the hope of seeing Green Hairstreaks. None have appeared so far, however Tim did photograph this rather splendid spider. We'd welcome an identification so arachnologists feel free to contact us.

19th May

The Adder's Tongue Fern on the Meadow is showing through. It is approximately 2cm high. It was registered as 'scarce' in Swan's Flora of Northumberland in 1993.

20th May

We are aware we don't have many photographs of the different birds on Liddells, so it's good to find the trail camera helping to address that gap. The Wood Pigeon came back to the same spot several times over two days, visiting about every twenty minutes.

20th May

After all her pedgilling (OED Word of the Day again - to work hard and painstakingly at) away at removing the Creeping Thistle on the Wildflower Meadow last year, Clare was delighted to barely fill one bag with them this year. So far a total of 442 pulled out - yes, she did count them, it helped with the sense of achievement - which would suggest she has pretty much decimated them. Result! 

23rd May

John has been pedgilling away too. Clare is delighted he has found a use for the tool belt she gave him.

24th May

Keith helped us yet again with our annual breeding bird survey - he managed to find a window between taking a group bird-watching in Romania and spending a month offering nature tours in the Cevennes. We are very grateful for his generosity, both with the breadth of his knowledge and of his time. We saw fewer birds than in previous years, partly because the tree foliage is quite dense now and also it was pretty cold early morning. One addition to our usual list was hearing a raven flying over. You can see the results here.

25th May

Clare persisted with her work removing the Thistle and Sycamore seedlings which are prolific this year. This necessitated looking closely at the ground and Clare was thrilled to discover that not only has Yellow Rattle established itself in at least three-quarters of Meadow, but there are at least four more patches of Adder's Tongue Fern than we had realised on the western third of the Meadow - and a frog.

27th May

Eilidh came over and helped get Paul harnessed for some work and he pulled two bags of logs, one from the Wetland which is the longest he has been asked to do. As you can see, it seemed to cost him little effort. (We'd like to say that we know best practice would have Eilidh and John wearing hard hats and that it is only because they know Paul so well that they haven't put them on, however will endeavour to remember to do so in future.) Clare spotted more wildflowers emerging. A bit of footage from the trail camera showed a magpie in the Scrub. We've included it to add to our menagerie.

Water Forget-me-not, which we remember is on the Wetland 

Tormentil, which is not in the least bit tormenting

Bugle, which does not play the Last Post

28th May

More Meadow work. Orchid leaves are appearing, the Yellow Rattle is beginning to flower and there is a particularly fine patch of Bistort. You can now see more clearly, if you have ever investigated a viper's mouth, why Adder's Tongue Fern is so called.

Yellow Rattle doing it's job and getting down to grass roots


Happily this will not bite

30th May

A couple of photos to show how John is progressing with the Shepherd's Hut. 

A room with a view...

...and with another view

No, we haven't forgotten this month's fashion shoot. (Clare was asked why we kept including photographs of gorse. If you too are mystified, click here)

31st May

A final note - please consider supporting the Wildlife Trust's initiative to do something wild every day in June. It's the fourth year of 30 Days Wild. The purpose is to boost wellbeing by being more connected to nature. Even if it's too late to sign up, start straight away and let your imaginations work. If you live near enough to Liddells and want to do something wild there, let us know.

May 2014 - the bird boxes prove popular; more planting and surveying

2nd May

Pair of willow warblers in larger of two large willows in Scrub. Herb Robert near neighbour's piglets; Daisies in Wildflower Meadow; Violets, Cowslips and Wood Sorrel in Pit Wood; transplanted Wild Garlic in Pit Wood now in bud; Cuckoo Flower (Lady's Smock) in verge west of Pit Wood; Self Heal, Water Avens, Violets and Sweet Woodruff in NW corner of Pit Wood; small pond found behind Oak adjacent to west wall in verge. 

14 nest boxes mapped:

  • Box 2 - 2 eggs
  • Box 12 - moss/hair
  • Box 8 - moss/feathers
  • Box 11 - 4 eggs
  • Box 9 - 3 eggs

All others empty. 

Blackcap heard in Pit Wood. Unidentified fungus on fallen branch in Pit Wood east of Nest Box 7 (photographed however photograph very poor; let's hope we can find it again). 

4th May

Remaining 6 bird boxes mapped - no activity; work started on high seat west of North-east Strip; Cowslips by spoil heap; peacock butterflies and small tortoiseshell, 2 unidentified whites; more work to clear SW boundary fence. 

5th May

More work on high seat and W boundary fence; Primroses on N facing slope of Pit Wood near spring; Stitchwort in Pit Wood; Marsh Marigold planted on S facing edge of spring run off pipe. 

15th May

Mel's wildflower survey - over 30 species recorded. 

16th May

We arrived early to meet Keith for a bird survey, and found mist sitting in the valley over the Pit Wood. We recorded 20 bird species seen and/or heard; highlights were garden warblers and tawny owl roosting on a Sycamoor in Pit Wood. Nest building in Box 12; blue tit sitting on 9 eggs in Box 8. 20 Setanta seed potatoes planted in Top Strip. We found our first Bluebells coming up in the Top Strip.

20th May

Second bumblebee survey. Hare on top grazing - it ran from its form as we approached down the verge. 

23rd May

Eggs hatched in Box 8; blue tit chicks in Box 11; tawny owl flew out of hawthorn at east-most point of orchard (7.45am). 

Herb Robert

Wild Garlic

Sweet Woodruff



Cuckoo Flower (Lady's Smock)


Clearing on the SW boundary

Marsh Marigold planting

Water Avens


Mist in the valley

Ex-citing new residents - the arrival of the Exmoor ponies

21st April

Easter Monday: Juliet Rodger delivered six Exmoor ponies, which cantered to the west edge and got on with the business of grazing.

No 2 bird box now has down on top of the moss; first Cowslip out on the path down to the Orchard. 






Early April 2014 - beaks and troughs

1st April

Pussy Willow in Scrub below Top Grazing; Larch in flower in Pit Wood. 

2nd April

Crab Apple moved from home to Orchard. 

4th April

Brashing and strimming on Wrigley Walk in Top Strip. Juliet Roger from the Moorland Mousie Trust visited to discuss the possibility of her Exmoor ponies grazing the land. All parties in agreement, they arrive the week after next!

6th April

Wrigley Walk now cleared along its length. A sparrowhawk flew out of the quarry area, a peacock butterfly was on the gorse near the gate. We saw swallows on the corner by Crag House on our way home. 

12th April

Fence on southern edge of Pit Wood repaired and hurdle into orchard. 

13th April

Brashing along southern edge of Pit Wood; water trough cleaned; 2 bumble bees on top pasture; moss in Nest Box 2

14th April

More brashing on southern edge of Pit Wood; bird boxes up in Pit Wood, verge and top strip; work on trough (much flooding!). Ladybirds everywhere, several bumblebees and peacock butterflies; hunting buzzard; Mel doing wildflower survey. 

15th April

More work on water trough; more bird boxes in Pit Wood; Wrigley butterfly survey; work started to clear southern tip of western boundary fence. Deer ran out of Pit Wood, across Wetland up Crag, over Top Grazing and jumped into top plantation. Wood Sorrell at west end of Top Strip. Butterflies (peacock). 

16th April

Wild Cherry blossom in plantation; trough finished; more work on western boundary fence (stapling complete); 5 bird boxes in top plantation. 

18th April

Moss in bird box 8; more moss in number 2; chiffchaff seen and heard in Pit Wood. 

Wood Sorrel emerging where brashing has let light in

Rainwater collection trough under construction (thanks Lynne & Richard for the photograph)

The leisurely position for fixing a bird box

Wild Cherry in blossom in the Top Strip

March 2014 - primrose premiere

3rd March

Mel came and helped John move a Damson tree from home to the orchard area. 

10th-12th March

John builds a stile into the roadside plantation, close to the entrance gate and we start clearing in that corner to create a path inside the fence for Tim to use on his butterfly surveys (Wrigley Walk?!). 

We plant Snowdrops round the cross base, Wild Garlic in the Pit Wood, 3 Speedwell plants in the wildflower meadow; hang 2 bird boxes in the scrub area and plant 2 Oak trees (from Keith and Rachel and Fran and Martin [Tynedale Community Choir]).

19th March

Wildflower survey number 3 - first Primroses are out in the Pit Wood. 

21-22nd March

More work on 'Wrigley Walk'.

25th March

Path through the scrub area cleared. 

26th March

Further work on Scrub path and 2 bags of Snowdrops from Fran and Martin planted on the land. 2 curlews flew over towards the south west corner. 

29th March

Jane K plans a transect walk for a bumble bee survey. 3 Honesty plants introduced to Wildflower Meadow. 

Preparing to replant the damson

Damson in it's new home

One of the oak saplings in the North-east Strip

Alder catkins

Kissing is in fashion when gorse is in flower

Pit Wood primroses

The first of what will be many stiles 

Wild Garlic 

February 2014 - birdboxes and snowdrops to mark Valentine's day

2nd February

Scarlet Elf-cap fungus identified. 

6th February

Brashing complete in NE Strip.

7th February

Brashings removed; Snowdrops seen at last!

9th February

John made a stile into the NE Strip.

10th February

North East plantation boundary fence repaired. 

14th February

We hang bird box number 1 for St Valentine's day and see the first of the Snowdrops we had planted last year.

19th February

Wild flower survey number 2

20th February

Clare saw a treecreeper, female bullfinch and heard a song thrush in the NE Strip; snowdrops on the road verge either side of the entrance gate. 

Scarlet Elf Cap Fungus

Snowdrops in the North-east Strip 

Our Valentine's Day bird box