1st April
Pussy Willow in Scrub below Top Grazing; Larch in flower in Pit Wood.
2nd April
Crab Apple moved from home to Orchard.
4th April
Brashing and strimming on Wrigley Walk in Top Strip. Juliet Roger from the Moorland Mousie Trust visited to discuss the possibility of her Exmoor ponies grazing the land. All parties in agreement, they arrive the week after next!
6th April
Wrigley Walk now cleared along its length. A sparrowhawk flew out of the quarry area, a peacock butterfly was on the gorse near the gate. We saw swallows on the corner by Crag House on our way home.
12th April
Fence on southern edge of Pit Wood repaired and hurdle into orchard.
13th April
Brashing along southern edge of Pit Wood; water trough cleaned; 2 bumble bees on top pasture; moss in Nest Box 2.
14th April
More brashing on southern edge of Pit Wood; bird boxes up in Pit Wood, verge and top strip; work on trough (much flooding!). Ladybirds everywhere, several bumblebees and peacock butterflies; hunting buzzard; Mel doing wildflower survey.
15th April
More work on water trough; more bird boxes in Pit Wood; Wrigley butterfly survey; work started to clear southern tip of western boundary fence. Deer ran out of Pit Wood, across Wetland up Crag, over Top Grazing and jumped into top plantation. Wood Sorrell at west end of Top Strip. Butterflies (peacock).
16th April
Wild Cherry blossom in plantation; trough finished; more work on western boundary fence (stapling complete); 5 bird boxes in top plantation.
18th April
Moss in bird box 8; more moss in number 2; chiffchaff seen and heard in Pit Wood.
Wood Sorrel emerging where brashing has let light in
Rainwater collection trough under construction (thanks Lynne & Richard for the photograph)
The leisurely position for fixing a bird box
Wild Cherry in blossom in the Top Strip