4th-5th October
Work on rainwater collection system. Neil/Lesley and Sally and family chose their Christmas trees.
8th October
Our mains water supply ceased.
13th October
Met with Robert Charlton to discuss possibilities of using spring overflow. Treecreeper in Hawthorn on Wildflower Meadow. Robbie has completed top barbed wire and most of fence posts for Meadow.
18th October
John worked on hurdle for Meadow; Clare planted 120 English bluebells and 100 snowdrop bulbs in Top Strip.
26th October
All chippings bagged; general tidy on Meadow area.
28th October
Dave H and John did more felling in Top Strip.
30th October
Mel and John did more thinning and brashing in Top Strip.
Rainwater collection system
Fungi - we really must learn to identify them
The meadow hurdle completed