6th September
Open Day for friends' work - Neil did more damming and sourced spring below Crag; Jane E and Sally did more brashing in Top Strip; John and Robbie put in 4 fence posts for Meadow; Clare worked on cleaning ivy off top wall and opening space in Top Strip; Pat freed more trees in the Pit Wood.
Week beginning 8th September
4 panels and trough painted for rain water collection on Top Grazing; all bags of chip now in Top Strip; John saw a stoat (Top Grazing) and deer coming from Pit Wood into Scrub; the blackberries are in abundance and excellent; more ivy cleared off top wall; more Black Medic seeds sown and Wild Carrot and Wild Parsnip.
14th September
Last 2 posts in for Meadow fencing; more clearing in Top Strip, painting completed for rainwater collection.
16th September
We met Ian Everard (Forestry Commission) - advised on thinning.
Results of brashing
Opening the Top Strip
A gateway waiting for a gate
Fly Agaric in the Scrub