7th August
One year as owners - breakfast at Liddells.
8th August
Surveys evening - Gary and Jane, Tim and Jane, Mel and Cath, Keith and Rachel joined us for a thank you meal at home.
10th August
Green Gym Day 2 cancelled because of forecast, which proved accurate, however we opened up the site to plant Rosemary T's Oak tree.
14th August
Green Gym Day 3 - shredded all of bottom brash pile; tubes collected from Top Strip and Pit Wood; rushes dug out of Wildflower Meadow; much rain! Frog unearthed. Mel's wildflower survey.
20th August
We visited Little Sparta which prompted more ideas to be followed up. We felt challenged to think more about what we want from this project.
23rd August
Green Gym Day 4 - we were joined by Mel, Gary, Hal, Neil, Sally, Jane W, Tim and bagged 30 bags of shreddings, made 2 and started on a third dam on the Wetland, brashed in the Top Strip west of the spoil heaps. Once again we had to battle the rain, however everyone declared they had a great time!
24th August
We visited to see the effect of the damming - there was water holding in the potential pond at the west end of the bottom of the Crag and at the second site midway along the northern edge of the proposed Wetland.
28th August
Work to protect the Oak (donated by Rosemary T) in the Top Strip. 11 Wood Anemone plugs planted in the Top Strip.
29th August
Oak tree planting completed. Visit from Ian Everard to return English Woodland Grant Scheme application and discuss next moves.
Tim and David rushing to remove the rush...
and finding this frog
Making friends
Damming in progress
Brashed area of Top Strip
Damming successful
Rosemary T's donated oak