May 2015 - evidence of a green woodpecker on the land

4th May

Bird box survey

4th - 29th May

More planting, majority in meadow. 

10th May

Jonathan made his first visit. 

14th May

Keith helped with this year's bird survey

14th, 15th and 21st May

Tim began helping us think about a website

18th May

Mel came to help with digging the pond/wet area.

21st May

We planted Willows for the bird-watching bower on the wetland.

23rd, 24th and 25th May

Much work in the Pit Wood - paths - strimmed and brashing started; re-strimming of path in top strip and brashing at west end. 

25th May

Nick visited and offered to help map the history of the land; we was of a mind that there might possibly have been ancient woodland here; we heard a green woodpecker in the Pit Wood. 

29th May

Andrew from Cottage Garden Flowers in Bingfield came to see the site; he has donated some Lady's Bedstraw plants. 

Please use your imagination to see this as a woven bower in years to come, encircling a binoculars-wielding Clare

Nick identified some of our trees as Red Oaks, pointing out the 'pins' or 'whiskers' on the tip of each lobe, and the red base of the stalk