May - surveys and surprises

First the familiar reminder that to watch the trail camera footage, go to the Liddells website, click on the Blog: the videos will be there in all their glory.

1st May

Clare decided to honour International Dawn Chorus Day by arriving at Liddells just before 5am to listen to the birds. She decided on an anti-clockwise route for a change and so quickly arrived at the bottom of the Scrub having heard Blackbird, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Robin, Song thrush, and Willow warblers on the way. At this point she realised she was looking at an odd shape between two Hawthorns on the Meadow. It was a tarpaulin shelter under which was a pair of boots and a bundle. This was not what Clare was expecting and she was quite scared. She backed off quietly and walked away thinking about what to do. Guessing this was a wild camper, but not knowing how wild, she made her way up to the tool shed to see if there was a suitable weapon with which to defend herself. Rejecting the idea of a rake or a hammer, she realised her best weapon was her mobile phone camera. Thus armed, she locked the top gate and made her way on the road to the bottom gate, keeping it locked and between her and the camper. She could see he was up and was starting to pack. He did this very slowly and methodically and was obviously careful to leave no trace. He saw Clare and as he approached asked if this was the Hadrian’s Meadow camping field. Clare pointed out that had it been, it was unlikely to have had a padlock and chain. Kush was profusely apologetic, particularly when he realised how upset Clare had been and that he had somewhat compromised her delight in the dawn chorus. He was courteous, thoughtful and interested in the Liddells project. He asked if there was a café anywhere soon along the route where he could top up his water bottle, then went on his way. Knowing there is no café nearby, Clare drove back home, gathered some portable breakfast goods and water and drove back to find him on route. Kush was very touched by the gesture and gave permission to be included in the Blog. He may well be reading this.

A postscript - Clare knows she is dilatory about checking the Liddells email and was both embarrassed and delighted to see, far too late in the month, that Kush had sent a kind and generous email after his stay on the Meadow, appreciating how Clare and John are engaging with Liddells and appreciative of his stay and his breakfast.

Clare did manage a few recordings so for those who would like to listen, the audio clips feature the following dominant songs (you will hear others in the background):

Wren (often described as the having loudest birdsong per body weight)

Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Garden Warbler (the Blackcap has a deeper tone, slightly more tuneful, while the Garden Warbler has more by way of burbles in among the notes. Then sometimes the Blackcap burbles and the Garden Warbler sings more tunefully.)

Chiffchaff, Chaffinch (Clare often thinks of this song as resembling a build up to a sneeze and ending with the ‘p’choo’ of the sneeze at the end)

Willow Warbler (again for Clare, as if building to a sneeze but then the sneeze goes away in a series of descending notes), Magpie, Coal Tit

2nd May

Juno came to help John and Clare flatten the last of the molehills on the Top Grazing. Not a mountainous job and Juno set about the task with enthusiasm. And a back hoe.

6th May

Clare and John took a break in the hide after strimming the Orchard and protecting Bird Cherry trees with tubes and cages. They were surprised to see a Willow warbler round the feeders and even more surprised when it went into the caged ground feeder. It was not after food though - the bird emerged with a small feather and set off to a Hawthorn not far away. The bird made several trips across the front of the hide collecting several small feathers. Clare went to see where it was taking them and saw it disappear into the base of a clump of rush. While the bird was away Clare had a quick look and saw a small hole with a mossy cup inside. This was very exciting.

7th May

More tree protection in the Orchard. John and Clare are mindful that the younger buck is still in velvet and they have found fraying damage.

8th May

An evening visit to Liddells after a day of heavy rain. As John approached the bottom gate he said, “If there’s not a deer out after that rain, I’ll eat my hat,” whereupon he and Clare saw the younger buck on the Meadow. John’s hat collection remains intact.

9th May

John had noticed a hare on the Top Grazing which frequently ran for cover from the same spot. On closer investigation he found the hare’s couch. It is more likely to be a temporary resting place than the hare’s form. Below you can see the couch and where it is on the Top Grazing.

Clare had moved her trail camera to a site near the Willow warbler’s nest and was pleased to pick up some footage of three deer. First a doe eating raspberries. She is still in her winter coat but looking very shaggy; then a splendid view of the older buck in hard horn (regular readers may remember why this phrase, although often used, is technically incorrect), and winter coat; last the younger buck still in velvet and winter coat. Not a velvet winter coat. The clips are all captured within a twelve minute period.

10th May

Clare had moved her camera again after capturing no footage of the Willow warbler near the nest. The camera had recorded a lot of footage showing the abundance of St Mark’s flies, (so called because they emerge close to St Mark’s Day, 25th April); they are also known as Hawthorn flies. They do seem to be attracted to Hawthorns in particular.

11th May

Keith generously offered his annual help with a breeding bird survey and met Clare at 7.15 in the morning to walk round listening and making a note of what they heard and saw. They enjoyed the usual Blackcap or Garden Warbler challenge. The results of the survey are here.

Clare took Keith to see the Willow warbler’s nest and was dismayed to see that it had been pulled out and apart, and was empty. Culprit unknown. Clare saved the nest and weighed it - it was 8 grams - light as a few feathers.

The destroyed nest…

…and where it was hidden

Clare commented that she hadn’t seen or heard any Bullfinches for a while. Later in the day walking home, she saw one on an apple tree in the garden at home.

12th May

Bullfinches clearly have a sense of humour - there were two on the Meadow as Clare arrived today.

John and Clare are seeing hares on nearly every visit. Below are a couple caught on camera.

13th May

A gloriously sunny day so, as Tim and Jane were away, Clare completed the weekly butterfly transect. Tim has often said that although the transect year begins in April, nothing much happens in this part of the county till later. Nonetheless Clare saw 8 Orange Tips, 4 Speckled Woods and a Small Tortoiseshell on the Liddells part of the transect. After completing the transect Clare went for a wander into a part of the Scrub that is less accessible and was delighted to see a pair of Tawny Owls. They had obviously been roosting together and flew out surprised by Clare’s proximity.

A sequence of clips from the trail camera showed a doe browsing Hawthorn for several minutes before couching at 7.15 am. She doesn’t get up until 8.43 when she begins browsing again for 2-3 minutes before wandering off.

14th May

John and Clare cleared the last of the barley straw bale from the Top Grazing and distributed it in front of the hide where the ground had become very muddy. The pheasants had a great time moving it about as they hunted for the odd grain.

A doe, possibly the older one, and in her summer coat, looks very pregnant. The kids will be born some time in the next few weeks.

15th May

All the trees in the Orchard are now fully protected either with tubes or cages. It’s a time-consuming but necessary part of routine maintenance. John’s friend Mike saw the Tawny Owls in the Scrub.

16th - 18th May

Clare found 6 of the Willows in Sylvia’s Avenue on the Wetland had been frayed and a couple pushed out completely, so she set about putting tubes on them. Clare and John have a commitment to recycling materials whenever possible in their work on Liddells; it was particularly pleasing to use the hedging tubes that originally came with the plants for the hedge by the apiary. There were exactly the right number for the willows.

Clare had moved her camera to a different area near the hide wondering if the deer might be using it. They weren’t, however she was pleased to have recorded this night time activity.

Clare moved her trail camera again, this time in the hope of capturing the owls on film. The camera proved its worth again. The very first clip after moving it provided evidence of both birds with the too-wit-too-woo calls. Although people might assume this is the call of a single Tawny, in fact the female calls ‘too-wit’ and is answered by the male’s ‘too-woo’. A couple of days later one owl is recorded coming into the tree. (Since then there have been no more sightings.)

20th May

Clare was having a gentle walk round Liddells noticing which plants were in flower. She had had cataract surgery a couple of days earlier and was amused that the first flowers that caught her attention were Eyebright.

Clare also saw Large Red damselflies mating near the Big Pond, the first damselflies of the season. She has been waiting for several months to include nuggets of information from a programme called Dragons and Damsels. First nuggets - these creatures have been around for 330 million years (not the ones Clare was seeing obviously). Both dragonflies and damselflies cover great distances in search of suitable spots; their eyes can detect polarised light reflected by water surfaces and this means they can not only detect a pond however small, but also tell a lot about the water quality and submerged vegetation.

21st - 25th May

Clare decided to pursue the idea suggested by Linda France a while ago - to think of more creative names for the different areas of Liddells rather than the prosaic terms used thus far. So the Top Grazing is henceforth the Hayfield - I think you will agree that this is an improvement in terminology. Clare is working on the Top Strip, dividing it in her mind into sections - the Quarry Walk, Up to a Point - the west end awaits a name.

While on the Hayfield Clare noticed several insects that looked rather like Daddy-long-legs, although this is the wrong time of year for them. She managed to photograph a pair mating and sent the photo to the Royal Etymological Society, as ever receiving a very quick response: ‘Tipulidae are tricky to identify, as many of the colour characteristics that look so straight forward are in fact continuous between species, such that many species are difficult to distinguish one from another without careful attention to other characters often not apparent in photographs. Nonetheless, if I'm not too much mistaken, based on the eye, wing and abdomen colouring, this is a mating pair of Tipula (Lunatipula) vernalis. The species has a preference for sweet-grassland or chalky grassland where the larvae thrive in drier soils.’

John and Clare began mapping and maintaining the trees at the east end of the Hayfield. They were pleased to note that from all the planting over a few years, particularly with the very small trees planted last autumn, there are now 37 Oaks, 18 Horse Chestnuts, 3 Beech, 3 Birch, 3 Hornbeam, 3 Field Maples, 2 Limes, 2 Hazels, 1 Ash and 1 Crab Apple. Every one of these is now protected with either a tube or a cage depending on size. Less than a handful of the trees had failed.

Wandering through the Quarry Walk later in the day, Clare found a wildflower that she had never seen on Liddells before. She thinks it is Charlock.

26th May

More damselflies around both the Big and Roadside ponds (yes, these need new names); this time Azures were abundant with much mating activity. Next nugget - Azure males will sometimes attempt to mate with female Common Blues though with no success.

Clare found a mystery creature inside one of the folding chairs in the shed. John thought it might be a tick however it seemed to be too big, then revealed itself to be a spider - a False Widow Spider.

27th May

Water Crowfoot is in flower on the Big Pond. You can also see a photo-bombing pond snail.

28th May

Clare fashioned a step into the meeting room using half an unwanted pallet. John finished extracting nails and other fixings from fenceposts and rails he had collected from different areas of Liddells which had been discarded during a previous ownership. The retrieved wood is now sawn and stacked. Clare added another layer of protective wire to the third of the Oaks that are descendants of the Leper Oak on Hexham golf course.

Clare also completed this season’s nesting box survey. 13 are in use this year - not a huge number, although clearly there are birds nesting without recourse to the boxes.

While she was walking round, Clare noticed Holly in flower which hasn’t caught her attention before. She also found another face in a tree. regular Blog readers may recall that seeing such things is called pareidolia.

30th May

Both male and female Broad-bodied Chasers were flying round and over the Big Pond. Clare waited patiently to spot the frequently used perches and waited beside them only to be outwitted by the Chasers which immediately moved to different resting points, then returning to their original places as soon as Clare had moved. Nonetheless, here is her attempt at a photo of a female. And more information - dragonfly larvae have forward-facing eyes giving them stereo vision, and jaws that can shoot out an additional half length of their body to catch prey. The ideas in ‘Alien’ were far from original.

Clare saw a juvenile Blue Tit in the Orchard.

31st May

In keeping with all the other surveys this month, Clare has been keeping a record of the plants as they bloom. Thus far the following have been in flower this month:

(the flowers are listed as you would find them in a field guide)

Nettle Family - Nettle

Dock Family - Bistort, Common Sorrel, Broad-leaved Dock

Pink Family - Greater Stitchwort, Common Chickweed, Field Mousear, Red Campion, Ragged Robin

Buttercup Family - Marsh Marigold, Meadow Buttercup, Creeping Buttercup, Lesser Celandine, Common Water Crowfoot, Wood Anemone,

Cabbage Family - Charlock, Cuckoo Flower, Garlic Mustard, Common Scurvy Grass, Hairy Bittercress,

Saxifrage Family - Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage

Rose Family - Lady’s Mantle, Raspberry, Wild Strawberry, Water Avens, Herb Bennet, Tormentil, Silverweed, Crab Apple, Rowan, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Wild Cherry, Bird Cherry

Pea Family - Gorse, Broom, Bush Vetch, Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Red Clover, White Clover

Wood-Sorrel Family - Wood Sorrel

Geranium Family - Meadow Cranesbill, Herb Robert

Milkwort Family - Common Milkwort

Spindle-tree Family - Spindle Tree

Violet Family - Sweet Violet, Common Dog Violet

Carrot Family - Cow Parsley, Pignut

Heath Family - Heather, Bilberry

Primrose Family - Primrose, Oxlip, Cowslip, Yellow Pimpernel

Bedstraw Family - Woodruff, Heath Bedstraw, Common Cleavers

Borage Family - Common Comfrey, Lungwort, Field Forget-me-not,

Labiate Family - Bugle, Water Mint

Figwort Family - Germander Speedwell, Common Field Speedwell, Eyebright, Yellow Rattle

Plantain Family - Ribwort Plantain

Honeysuckle Family - Guelder Rose

Daisy Family - Daisy, Ox-eye Daisy, Perennial Cornflower, Dandelion, Common Catsear, Orange Hawkweed

Lily Family - Lily of the Valley, Ramsons, Bluebell

Of course some are past their flowering period and there are others yet to come. Clare was particularly please to see Common Spotted Orchid leaves appearing in several places.

Readers may note that Clare has made no further mention of the course she joined on Grasses, Rushes and Sedges. She felt that she insufficient botanical background and inadequate eyesight (at least while she still had a cataract), to derive most benefit from the sessions, so she withdrew. She still has a field guide so hopes to learn a few specimens in her own time.

Another juvenile Blue tit near the Big Pond and three juvenile Thrushes in the Pit Wood.

John and Clare had an afternoon walk on Liddells - yes, they can just walk without any need to work - and spent a lot of time by the Big Pond observing dragon and damselflies. Thanks to Chris W’s wonderful blog, Clare had read of his experience watching a dragonfly emerge from its exuvia and so today she thought to inspect some of the rushes in the pond. One plant had at least seven nymphs, another three or four; luckily John was there with his camera. A splendid way to end this month’s Liddells experience.

Male Broad-bodied Chaser

Female Broad-bodied Chaser

Here are some we prepared earlier - Clare is not quite certain about what is shown here and as this all happened just as this post is about to be published, she hasn’t had time to check in with Chris. Her guess is that three dragonflies have emerged and are yet to develop their full colour; the darker smaller form is a nymph that is yet to split and release a dragonfly or it maybe the exuvia from which a dragonfly has emerged, Clare is also uncertain what kind of dragonflies these are. So much still to learn. Clare hope to follow up on this great photograph next month.

A reminder that June is the month for 30 Days Wild - readers may enjoy the challenge to engage with nature in the month ahead by being in, watching, listening, reading, creating, discovering, questioning, learning, or any other ways…

April - ticks on lists

2nd April

John and Clare worked in the Orchard, substituting cages for tubes and adding a layer of wire mesh on cages where tree growth had provided juicy tips for deer to nibble. Tim and Jane’s Buckthorns in the Pit Wood also needed bigger tubes.

3rd April

John witnessed a pair of Tree Creepers in the far north-west corner of the Pit Wood.

John thought he heard a Willow Warbler singing near the spoil heaps.

Clare and John updated their to-do list with tasks they identified on the west verge of the Pit Wood.

4th April

A Heron appears successful in its early morning hunt in the Big Pond

6th April

Three hares ran away together from near the spoil heaps.

Clare found Marsh Marigold in flower near the spring.

The first Primroses have appeared on Primroseside in the Pit Wood. When they are all in flower, it is a lovely sight, however extremely difficult to photograph in a way that does them justice. Here is one clump instead.

Tadpoles are beginning to emerge from the frogspawn jelly and resemble ‘a flurry of musical notations’. (Lewis-Stempel)

7th - 14th April

Clare and John were away for a week in the north-west part of the Lake District, where Clare found several species of wildflower out well in advance of those local to Liddells - for example Water Avens, Butterbur and Violets.

A magpie seems to demonstrate its superior intelligence by heading across the Alphabet Bridge at the south end of the Big Pond and a Heron perches in wait.

A doe grazes where there has been a smattering of snow.

John Lewis-Stempel writes of the heron:

‘Herons like their mammalian meal motionless, so they stab it in the head with piston-regularity until life has left it. Since prey with no fur is no easy swallow, the heron has a wise ancestral trick to help the animal go down, which is to dunk it in water to moisten the fur, make it slidey. That heron you saw in a field was perhaps not hunting rodents and frogs, but digesting…Sometimes several digesting herons will stand together, in mutual silent, still ceremony. Herons are impressive as well as impassive hunters…successful with 50 per cent of its catching attempts…Ardea cinerea is no faddist, and will take anything that is alive and can be swallowed whole. Ducklings, wader chicks, frogs, shrews, moles all feature on the heron’s menu…Prey is swallowed whole but digestion is so industrially efficient that only a grey paste is present in faeces. Indigestible elements, such as chitin, fur and feathers, are cast up in oral pellets. The heron’s domain is mud and still water. To keep clean in the mire the bird has evolved special feathers on its breast, which it crushes with its feet into granules and spreads over itself. This ‘powder down’ soaks up the muck and grime from its feathers, which it then scrapes off with a serrated claw… Given its strangely human looks, it’s small wonder that the heron is steeped in folklore. Once upon a time anglers believed its feet gave off a scent that magnetised fish, so carried a heron’s foot to bring them luck. The Old English name for heron was hragra; other names now largely fallen into obsolescence include harn, moll hern, hernser, hegrie and hernshaw. Heron comes form the French; the Gallic name is héron cendré. All of them, of course, are superior to the scientific name Ardea cinerea: longie crane… In Hamlet the prince raves: ‘I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw.’ Handsaw was a northern folk name for the heron.’ (Still Water: The Deep Life of the Pond)

The clip below shows the heron’s trailing tufts really well and gave Clare the excuse to include another OED Word of the Day: ventilary: Due to or caused by wind.

A mallard duck is alarmed by the arrival of a buzzard, and with good reason - duck eggs would make a fine meal for a buzzard.

Two does run through the Pit Wood while the older buck follows them at a more stately pace.

14th April

Back from their break John and Clare had a walk around, hear several Willow Warblers and while nemorivagant (‘wandering in a wood’, OED Word of the Day 17.04.23) found plenty of examples of anthesis (‘the stage at which a flower is open, allowing fertilization to occur’, OED Word of the Day 27.03.23), with Coltsfoot, Cowslip and Oxlip in flower. Clare had looked up Butterbur after she had seen it last week and found that it was mentioned along with Coltsfoot as belonging to the Daisy family.

‘The Primrose Tribe

Herbaceous plants, mostly of humble growth, inhabiting, principally, the colder regions of the northern hemisphere, and in lower latitudes ascending to the confines of perpetual snow. In this order are found several of our most favourite British plants. The Primrose, as its name indicates (prima rosa, the first rose) is the most welcome harbinger of spring; the Cowslip is scarcely less prized for its pastoral associations than for its elegance and fragrance…the flowers of the Cowslip are made into a pleasant soporific wine.’

from Flowers of the Field, 1885 Rev. C.A. Johns

John and Clare found moss in nine of the nest boxes in which they looked, including four of the new boxes.

The Blackthorn is finally in flower (it has been out for weeks around the county and is referenced in early March in Nature Writing for Every Day of the Year). ‘The phrase a sloe-wind, meaning a cold wind, gives the clue to an old belief …enshrined in the proverb: ‘Sloe-hatching time is the coldest time in the year’. This is the time when the blackthorn breaks into its spectacular blossom; and, strangely enough…this period often coincides with a cold spell distinguished by east or northeast winds. It is likely, however, that the coming together of the cold and the blackthorn blossom is one of accident…[l]ike produces like: the blackthorn in spring simulates the depths of winter - A blackthorn hedge in full bloom does, in fact, look as if it is covered in snow, or a thick hoarfrost - therefore according to the old principle cold weather is an inevitable and logical consequence.’ George Ewart Evans (1909-1988)

Sloe or Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)

A well known thorny bush, which presumably derived its name Blackthorn from the hue of its bark, which is much darker than that of the Hawthorn. The flowers appear in March and April, and usually before the leaves have begun to expand. The latter are used to adulterate tea. The fruit is small, nearly round, and so austere that a single drop of its juice placed on the tongue will produce a roughness on the throat and palate which is perceptible for a long time. It enters largely into the composition of spurious port wine.’ Rev. C.A. Johns (1811-1874)

Clare will henceforth label any sloe gin she makes as Spurious Port Wine.

Clare discovered a patch of a dozen Wood anemones (she prefers wooden enemies) that had appeared in the Wildflower meadow. How they arrived is a mystery however they are very welcome. If they flourish, Clare may take some root cuttings and see if they will establish in a woodland patch.

‘…there was a wealth of the white wood anemone … and these delicate flowers, each of so perfect a coinage, were tumbled along the green wayside as if a prince had been scattering largess.’ from English Hours, English Vignettes 1, 1870 Henry James

The buzzard is still intent on keeping an eye on the pond, this time from above in the tree.

15th April

John and Clare planted a dozen Bird Cherry saplings, mostly to join the others on the west verge, and with a few to supplement the ones in the Orchard.

Clare spotted dense areas of Yellow Rattle appearing on the Top Grazing.

17th April

A doe by the pond shows she is beginning to lose her winter coat.

18th - 19th April

John removed the fence down the west verge of the Top Grazing. The fence had originally been to create a twelve foot barrier between the field and the neighbouring land when cattle used to graze the top and there were alpacas in the adjacent field. The fence gave the alpacas protection from any TB the cattle might carry.

He also walked round with his camera and captured a hare in upright mode, a buck couched in the Scrub, Horse Chestnut about to burst into leaf and a mysterious object on a dead Oak branch at the top of the Pit Wood.

Notice that this is the younger of the bucks and unlike the older, is still in velvet

The blob is about two centimetres in diameter. Clare sent a photo to Keith and he thinks it is a slime mould and pointed out that these are not plants, animals nor fungi. Armed with this information Clare started to investigate. An early discovery was an article entitled ‘The mysterious world of the slime mould.’ A second was that there is a Facebook Slime Mould Group - Clare has not joined. Going by a photo on this site, (scroll down to near the bottom of the page), the growth would seem to be a False Puffball.

And then, would you believe it, on Saturday 22nd in a column ‘Garden Friends’, The Guardian reports that the RHS has released a list of the top beneficial wildlife to which gardeners can be sympathetic, and the list includes slime moulds, which ‘should…be embraced’. Embracing might be a step too far however it is encouraging to know that the small blob above is doing its part at Liddells by eating bacteria that decompose plant material and thus contributing to nutrient cycling as the mould in turn will be eaten by invertebrates such as roundworm. Of course the roundworm will first have to climb the tree.

Tim and Jane saw several Commas and Peacock butterflies on their transect walk.

Clare had a huge disappointment when she opened the two hives that had had active bees. In one the bees were all dead and in the other the bees were sluggish, there was a lot of chalk brood and only drone brood - the colony is not viable. Clare will remove all the hives for sterilisation and be without bees for a while.

Walking around after this Clare found the first Violets and Wood Sorrel out. A
small compensation.

‘The sweet Violet is a native of every part of Europe. Lanes, in his Arabian Nights, says sherbet is made of the Violet by pounding the flowers and boiling them with sugar.’ from Wild Flowers Anne Pratt 1855

John was surprised to see evidence that a roe doe has been in the pond. There was footage showing her close to the edge and then the following video - if you slow down the beginning you will see her jumping out. John says that there remains a controversy about whether or not roe deer drink, although he says the better evidence suggests they do.

24th - 28th April

John and Clare went away again for a few days - regular Blog readers may be surprised at these holiday-like trips as neither John nor Clare have shown signs of anything similar in the last few years. Please be assured such ventures are unlikely to become a habit. This time Clare was hoping to tick another item off her bird bucket list - to hear a bittern boom. The boom is made by the male bird to establish territory and attract a female. The boom is made by belching out air. Thankfully the RSPB site Leighton Moss has several booming males and John and Clare heard a lot of booming; at times they were so close to the birds that they could hear the warm-up ritual called grunting. The bird strengthens his throat muscles, which expand to turn his gullet into an echo chamber. His powerful muscles make up a fifth of his body weight and can propel the sound of his boom for more than three miles. They also had a couple of really good sightings of bitterns as well as of 65 other bird species, and heard another 6 species without being able to see them. A big tick on the list. This news item suggests John and Clare could have heard the birds closer to home. Watch here if you’d like to see and hear a bittern booming. Although at quite a distance, John managed to photograph one of the birds and his image shows the bird’s superb camouflage in its reed habitat.

29th - 30th April

Clare and John returned to find a lot more Wood Sorrel and Violets out, Marsh marigolds by the big pond and Bluebells and Stitchwort emerging . They spent a morning making the Top grazing less mountainous by flattening molehills.

There are Water boatmen and Whirligig beetles on two of the ponds. Lewis-Stempel writes about one…'performing a comic turn, sparking round and round on the water’s surface. The eyes are in two parts, enabling it to see up and down simultaneously…the whirligig can trap air against its body for long submerged swims’. from Still Water.

Clare is planning to join listeners across the world early tomorrow morning for International Dawn Chorus day. She is planning to provide evidence of this outing in next month’s Blog.

March - the coming of Spring

1st March

From Nature Rambles Edward Step, 1930

‘How long the winter has been in going! Winters are always long; but some of them seem to us much longer than they ought to be, owing to a lengthy spell of north-east winds filling the sky with dark, heavy cloud when we are longing to see the swaying tassels of the hazel, the golden stars of lesser celandine and the haloes of the leafless coltsfoot…dwellers in the country…can take a fair ramble during the eight or nine hours of daylight, making up for the scarcity of flowers and insects by watching those birds that are with us only during the winter. There are also the shrews and mice of the hedge-bottom, and their hunters the stoat and weasel, to take note of…and the occasional bat that has woken up for a brief flight. There are almost endless treasures to be found in the pond, as soon as the thick ice has melted and made them easy to see and reach; and some nice things, such as many of the mosses, that can be found in full beauty during the cooler, moister months only.’

4th - 7th March

John and Clare put up the rest of the 12 new nesting boxes in the Scrub and the Pit Wood and saw four hares each day while so doing.

Clare asks which film title is being represented here? (answer at the end of this blogpost and credit to John for the joke)

The pond trail camera captured a hare eating peacefully.

Another and far healthier looking deposit of frogspawn has appeared in the roadside pond.

While Clare was in the hide she saw a Blue tit making several visits to perch in the entrance to nesting box J1 and a Great tit staying close to J2 for several minutes. She heard for the first time this year a Yellowhammer singing on the Wetland.

Clare spent some time taking tubes off Junipers at the top of the Crag and protecting the trees with chicken wire cages in order to give the plants the chance to bush out more and gain strength against the wind.

John and Dave took the top of a willow that had been blown over and broken in the Top Strip, however the tree had sprouted below the break so they left the rest to grow. Clare helped cut about 50 potential whips from the top branches and will use them to replace some that have died round a couple of bird-watching seats.

John started work on a gateway into the Top Strip so that he can take the flail mower in to keep the path cut - this will take a lot less time than weeding.

The cut Willow with plenty of growth left

Willow whips with even more potential growth

The pond camera has recorded the largest number of ducks on the pond together to date. While John and Clare often see Mallards on or leaving the pond in daytime, they have never seen a Mandarin duck there and then.

8th - 10th March

Clare planted 7 of the Willow cuttings for International Women’s Day. The trees will henceforth be known as the Seven Sisters.

Clare and John were delighted to welcome Rebecca from Miscreations Theatre. They talked about the possibility of bringing a Wilding Theatre workshop/performance piece to Liddells for schoolchildren. Much will depend on funding and logistics however the prospect is exciting.

The deer family run through the Pit Wood followed by the older buck. John is expecting the older doe to encourage the triplets to leave the patch soon.

A hare is caught in the snow at midday. 17 hours later and the snow is still falling thickly.

11th March

Clare freed the last of the Junipers. There are 16 plants established now.

She also staked the Seven Sisters while John did more work on the gateway.

Astute readers will notice there are only six willows pictured, the seventh is on the other side of the new gateway

Clare and John watched a Blue tit sit in the entrance to J1 for at least three minutes during which time the bird repeatedly looked into the box, bobbed its head and looked behind and around. As it is the females that build the nest, John and Clare wondered if the bird was claiming the site or signalling that she had found a site and was looking for a mate. Or both.

Today’s OED Word of the Day is ‘nunatak - an isolated peak of rock projecting above the surface of inland ice’. As the weather has returned to wintry conditions, Clare decided she had found a nunatak in the roadside pond.

12th March

John cut about 70 whips from neighbour Sylvia’s Willow tree. Clare had thought a good use for them would be to make a walk from the bottom of the Crag north across the wetland.

15th March

An abundance of frogspawn has appeared - more in the roadside pond, a large amount in the big pond, some in the Crag pond, and for the first time ever some in the vernal pond between the roadside and big ponds. It represents the potential for a lot of frogs and/or heron and newt food.

19th March

Clare and John set about planting the willow walk and by the end of the afternoon, and with cutting some of the longer whips, had 96 planted and a lot more in reserve to fill in gaps or use somewhere else. They are very grateful to Sylvia and have named the path Sylvia’s Avenue in her honour.

From The History of the Worthies of England, Thomas Fuller, 1662

Willows - ‘A sad tree, whereof such who have lost their love make their mourning garlands; and we know what exiles hung up their harps upon such doleful supporters. The twigs hereof are physic, to drive out the folly of children. This tree delighteth in moist places, and is triumphant in the Isle of Ely, where the roots strengthen their banks, and lop affords fuel for their fire. It groweth incredibly fast; it being a by-word in this county, ‘that the profit by willows will buy the owner a horse, before that by other trees will pay for his saddle.’ Let me add, that if green ash may burn before a queen, withered willows may be allowed to burn before a lady.’

Hal, Beth and Juno arrived for some outdoor activity and built a shelter, used the story-telling circle fittingly, investigated frogspawn and lots more besides.

Note the camouflage face paint

Frogspawn - ‘it sprawls, cold and uncontainable, like jellyfish’. (from Still Water: the Deep Life of the Pond John Lewis-Stempel

20th March

World Rewilding Day.

John worked on the new gate and removed the cage round one of the first Horse Chestnuts Clare and John had planted in the Top Strip, replacing it with a cage to protect the trunk from fraying and nibbling.

21st March

World Poetry Day.

I love the little pond to mark at spring
When frogs & toads are croaking round its brink
When blackbirds yellow bills gin first to sing
& green woodpecker rotten trees to clink
I love to see the cattle muse & drink
& water crinkle to the rude march wind
While two ash dotterels flourish on its brink
Bearing key bunches children run to find
& water buttercups they're forced to leave behind.

John Clare

22nd - 23rd March

John and Clare played at The Flintstones - Clare had spotted a pie of discarded stones by the roadside near home, so she and John bagged them up and used them to fill ruts on the Top Grazing roadway. They then went to the Top Strip and began their annual check to see which trees needed maintenance,

Evidence of fraying on saplings in the Orchard suggest that the buck is now, as some writers describe, ‘in hard horn’. John points out that this description is incorrect as roe deer antlers are made of bone, not horn. Synchronously the latest news from The Deer Society (23rd March) included the following: ‘Regular readers may be amazed just how often we encounter the common mistake of referring to deer antlers as horns. It's not surprising,  given how last year one celebrity wildlife expert on a popular wildlife show,  made this very mistake in front of millions of viewers…Deer are unique in being the only animals to produce antlers.  They are normally cast and regrown annually in pairs and are produced by the males of all deer species with the exception of the musk and water deer.  Although it is abnormal for the females of any other deer species to grow antlers, female reindeer are the only ones to do so habitually.

Antler growth and casting is controlled by a number of hormones, the principal one being the hormone testosterone whose production is governed by daylight length.  The growing antler is living bone which is covered by a furry skin called velvet which supplies it with oxygen and nutrients. 

At the end of the growth cycle, the velvet is lost and the material within dies to become hard and insensitive.   After a few months the join between antler and skull weakens and the antlers fall off.  The process of regrowth begins again almost immediately in most cases.

Horns, on the other hand, consist of a living bone projecting from the skull that never dies back and is covered by a sheath of a tough protein called keratin, the same material found in hair, hooves, fingernails, feathers and claws.  Horns are grown by ruminant animals such as goats, sheep, cows and antelope.  They are generally retained throughout an animal’s life and continue to develop as it matures. 

There is only one exception to this rule, the Pronghorn antelope of North America which sheds and regrows its horn sheath every year.  This interesting animal is really neither a deer nor an antelope, although it is related to both, belonging in a distinct family of its own.

Somewhat confusingly, and although now considered by many to be a somewhat archaic term, it is still quite correct to refer to a deer that has shed the velvet on its newly grown antlers as being in ‘hard horn’.’

26th March

As soon as John and Clare arrived this morning they heard a Chiffchaff calling and then saw the bird in the old Alder near the spoil heaps. As soon as Clare tried recording the song, the bird flew away and went silent.

With a large bunch of Sylvia’s Willows remaining, John and Clare planted more round the two bird-watching seats, removing dead shoots and replanting outside the membrane floor this time.

Clare spotted a Great Diving Beetle making its way along the grass path away from the big pond. Apparently they use damp soil by the edge of ponds in which to pupate.

A heron is seen in the big pond at night. (The true Night heron can be seen in waterside habitats in Southern and Central Europe.)

27th March

Clare had found another dumping of stone by the wayside so she and John went rubble-rousing again, collecting several bagfuls to fill ruts.

They then finished planting the remaining Willows on the Wetland.

Again the singing chiffchaffs were alert to the sound of Clare getting her phone out to record them, and went silent, though immediately resumed singing once she had put her phone away.

‘It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is from summer in the light, and winter in the shade.’ (from Great Expectations Charles Dickens) Taking advantage of the sunshine (the apiary is sheltered from the worst of the wind), Clare had a quick look at the hives and was disappointed to discover that only two of the four colonies had made it thought the winter. One might have been too small to survive; the other had obviously succumbed to damp. The hive was secondhand and maybe past its waterproof prime and needs replacing.

New Yellow Iris shoots are emerging.

‘…the shoots of yellow iris are pushing through in six-inch blades, a water-bed of daggers; every day they ‘weaponise’ towards the swords of their maturity…Yellow iris is yellow flag (on account of its large petals), is Jacob’s sword, is segg, from the Anglo-Saxon for ‘sword’. The knifeness of the young leaves means that the water-margin plant is occasionally nominated as the origin of the ‘fleur-de-lys’ of heraldry.’

from Still Water: The Deep Life of the Pond

28th March

A Mandarin duck appears on the trail camera in daylight for the first time. This is a male and you can see the distinctive markings: bushy orange ‘whiskers’, triangular orange ‘sails’ on the back and a black chest.

The camera then captures a pair of herons.

29th March

Clare and John collected more rubble for the roadway then went to the Orchard where they freed three trees from their cages - a Damson, a Wild Cherry and the large Bird Cherry. They have each reached a size where they are unlikely to be used by a fraying buck. John noticed that the Oak nearby has become even more of a veteran tree.

Freed Bird Cherry.

After several attempts Clare managed to record a Chiffchaff without it noticing her getting her phone out. The song is unremarkable and an easy one to learn.

30th March

The deer haven’t been seen on Liddells for a while, although John and Clare saw two groups of three out on a field very near to Liddells earlier this week. The trail camera however captured the three does near the big pond.

The film illustrated in 4th - 7th March is ‘Withnail and I’.

February - preparations

To see the Blog with all the video footage, go to

Left over from January - a fox limps its way through the Pit Wood. The smaller doe squeaks her way along the same path.

1st February

Clare has long said that she wished she knew more about grasses, sedges and rushes. Today she began a course with the Natural History Society of Northumbria on exactly that topic. She learned many new words, always a personal delight, and hopes that by the end of the course she will be able to use them confidently and appropriately. ‘Awn,’ ‘glume,’ ‘tepals', ‘lemma,’ ‘palea,’ ‘stolon,’ ‘culm', ‘auricle’ and ‘ligule’ might also help improve a Scrabble game. ‘Sedges have edges’ is also a good starter phrase and easy to remember.

John began work on the fourth bench.

A fox - not limping - goes off the path in the Pit Wood.

2nd February

The older buck makes his way through the Pit Wood and the camera captures excellent footage of the velvet on his antlers. As yet there is no evidence of him fraying to remove it.

3rd February

Clare took steps to finish putting wire on the approach to the shepherd’s hut; John finished the third bench.

Should the bees emerge in warm spells, there is forage ready for them.

5th February

Clare checked that all the hives had fondant - this can be a time of year when bees starve if they have eaten all their store and there is insufficient forage available for them. If the weather warms and then goes cold again, there is a risk that the queen starts laying but the colony is still too small for the workers to keep the brood warm, so while others are enjoying balmy early spring days, Clare and other beekeepers are concerned.

Clare planted more Periwinkle that she had grown from cuttings. This time she covered them with mesh as previous shoots had been eaten.

John continued his creative recycling for the meeting room; this time the fourth bench top is made from sawn up bed slats from a bed frame he and Clare inherited when they moved house. John also finished plugging gaps in the meeting room roof to keep out the rain. Thus far this treatment seems to have worked.

Clare identified more wall repair that needs to go on the to-do list.

The pheasant feeders that came with Liddells have been removed. Clare and John are hoping that without a supply of food, the pheasants will move elsewhere and stop taking up so much camera footage and battery power.

‘Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)

From Flowers of the Field, 1885

Too well known to need any description. Fl. January - March.

Rev. C.A. Johns (1811-1874)From Nature Writing for Every Day of the Year

7th February

John and Clare seem to be subject to the organising zeitgeist. John created extra storage in the log shed while in the tool shed Clare channelled some of Marie Kondo’s principles.(While looking up exactly what Marie Kondo suggests, Clare noticed that under the heading ‘What are the 5 steps of the Konmari method' 6 Rules are listed:

Rule 1: Commit Yourself to Tidying Up. The KonMari Method™ is not a quick fix for a messy room or a once-in-a-while approach to tidying. ...

Rule 2: Imagine Your Ideal Lifestyle. ...

Rule 3: Finish Discarding First. ...

Rule 4: Tidy by Category, Not by Location. ...

Rule 5: Follow the Right Order. ...

Rule 6: Ask Yourself If It Sparks Joy.

It would seem that Kondo has neglected to discard one.

Clare was certainly pleased with her work, and will be joyful if her efforts are maintained.

14th February

In accord with the tradition of putting up bird boxes on St Valentine’s Day, John and Clare added a new box in the Pit Wood.

15th - 18th February

Clare discovered Woodpecker activity on a dead Elder behind the bee hives. As it is early in the year this is most likely to be from drumming to stake out territory.

Clare applied her organisational skills to the log shed and after three days’ work all the dry logs were stacked at home ready for this year’s autumn/winter burning, and all the wood that had been sawn and split ready to dry was stacked.

19th February

An entirely new experience on Liddells - John had met some detectorists working on land nearby and invited them to visit Liddells. Wayne, Mac, John and Lisa were delighted to accept the offer and spend a hard-working morning with the metal detectors. They covered the Top Grazing and the Meadow and then worked over the spoil heaps near the hives.

There proved to be no need to contact the British Museum with the finds, however there was some social history evidenced. The remains of a toastrack, a tin of Snowfire Vanishing Cream from the 1930s (here is one in fine condition, a tube of Synulox (still prescribed and used for treating a range of bacterial infections in cats and dogs, a tube of Orbenin (also still prescribed and used for the treatment of ocular infections in cattle, sheep, horses, dogs and cats), a Matchbox Series 23 Trailer Caravan (they were produced from 1965-1969; here is one in pristine condition:, a very rusted door handle, parts of an oil lamp, 2 spent bullets, the bowl of a spoon, the handle-end of a trowel or similar, several buttons, tuppence ha’penny (a George V penny, a George VI penny dated 193? and a George VI ship ha’penny), a nut, various unidentifiable bits of metal, inevitably the remains of a few aluminium cans, two bottle tops and some pieces of metal decoration whose origin is mysterious (top left of the photograph). If anyone has any ideas about what it might have been these last pieces decorated, feel free to email them in.

Meanwhile John and Clare planted an Oak grown and donated by their alarm maintenance engineer, wove straggly Willows into the arbour round one of the benches and completed a second section of wall repair.

The Liddells Hoard

23rd - 24th February

Dave came to help finish the wall as some of the stones needed extra lifting power.

Clare found frogspawn on the roadside pond however it was brown, which suggested it had been affected by the cold weather which had been distinctly brumous (‘Brumous’ Foggy, wintry OED Word of the Day 24.02.23).

Clare moved the camera from the Pit Wood to start this season’s Pond Watch - there were four clips of a heron within the first 24 hours and some interesting early morning visitors.

25th - 26th February

John and Clare set up a nesting box assembly line, completed 10 boxes and put 5 on trees in or near the Scrub. The boxes are mostly made from left over bits of shed not needed in the rebuilding works.

Clare planted a tray of Snowdrops in the Pit Wood and heard a thrush singing on Liddells for the first time this year. She recorded the singing which was accompanied by a Chaffinch, Robin and Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming - all suggesting the nest-box making is timely.

Clare also carried out an equipment inventory in her bee shed and was pleased that due to somewhat over-zealous prep last year, she has all the equipment she needs to start this bee-keeping year.

John saw a Woodcock near the Junipers.

28th February

Luke the Mole Man arrived with his traps - the final aspect of this month’s preparation.

January 2023 - benchmarking

1st January

To experience the Blog in all its video glory, go to and click on Blog.

Clare began her year delighted to be able to return to some bird-watching. It was as if a rainbow had come out. After a lot more rain the roadside pond seems to be holding its level.

The Pit Wood trail camera captures the old buck - you can see this year’s antlers forming and how thickly covered they are with velvet. John says the older bucks grow their antlers before the younger ones and growth begins as soon as they shed the old ones, which can be any time in November and December.

2nd January

John lit the first fire of the year in the shepherd’s hut. A stoat and two hares keep warm with activity in the Scrub.

3rd January

A hare looks contemplative in the Pit Wood and a young doe noses around.

4th - 5th January

John started work on the benches for the Meeting Room, recycling upstands from benches he made for Hal and Beth several years ago.

John provided his own caption - ‘John has been elevated to the bench’

5th - 7th January

John planted more Willows, started work on a second bench and saw fives hares as he was walking around.

The Pit Wood trail camera captured a pair of hares that looked as if they might start boxing.

In the Scrub, the doe and triplets go round in circles, disturbed by nearby shooting.

9th January

John did more work on the second bench for the meeting room and plugged some of the leaks from the recycled and storm damaged roofing sheets with a bitumen sealant. He is hoping this will work.

Clare began putting netting on the shepherd’s hut steps which are very slippery when wet.

10th - 14th January

John did some stone-walling repair work on the north boundary, worked on the second bench, added more sealant to the roof (his work two days ago seems to have been effective), and added a drip cover to one of the windows.

The first fox of the year is captured on camera in the Pit Wood. It pauses to look at the camera light.

The young buck’s antlers continue to grow.

A kid’s squeak is very clearly heard in Pit Wood footage.

The Pit Wood camera captures four roe deer and very clearly shows the difference in rump pattern between the three does and the buck.

Either one badger goes through the Scrub twice ot two badgers go through about 40 minutes apart.

15th January

The second bench is nearly complete so John started on the frame for one of the tables. Then demonstrated how they might be used.

Clare is adopting a one-step-at-a-time approach.

16th January

Snow! While John was walking round with his camera, he saw five deer moving from the Scrub, up and along the Crag, across the Top Grazing and into the Top Strip. He only managed to get four of them on camera. He said they were most likely the old buck, older doe and her three triplets.

17th January

For reasons best known to itself, the Scrub trail camera has decided to stop taking video footage in favour of stills, however it has captured a stoat with prey and a Woodcock.

19th January

Chris B met John and Clare to talk about bringing up some hard core to fill in the muddy ruts on the Top Grazing near the gate. Clare heard a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming nearby. It continued to drum on and off throughout the morning’s visit. John and Clare filled the feeders and sat in the hide and were rewarded by a Bullfinch feeding on bramble seeds in front of the hide. Neither John nor Clare dared move to reach for a camera. Bullfinches are resident on Liddells and often seen in the trees, however they seldom venture near the feeders so this was a particular delight.

20th January

Taking best advantage of the hard, frosty ground, Chris sent a team up to make the roadway less muddy. John was impressed not only by the speed and efficiency of the work, but by skilful digger manipulation and trailer reversal.

The result

21st - 22nd January

A Jay digs for acorns in the snow.

John made a start on a second table, using timber from the small and now outgrown bed he made for Juno.

Ice on the roadway pond looks to be in Art Deco style as it begins to thaw. The water below is draining away slightly so the ice surface is sloping.

Catkins have appeared on hazels and alders in the Pit Wood. The catkins on the old hazel tree are far more abundant though less developed than on the more recently planted trees.

23rd - 30th January

John continued his work on the table tops and started the third bench. He has sanded, varnished and planed the edges.

A badger demonstrates the meaning of rootling.

Signs of Spring activity to come are appearing - one hare is clearly interested in another; two different badgers (one larger than the other) an hour or so apart mark their territory on opposite sides of the path in the Pit Wood; a fox marks his territory in the same area; a pair of male pheasants confront each other.

The family of four roe deer are still being seen together, although the smaller of the two young does is often captured several minutes behind the others. The single doe and kid haven’t been seen on film for some time now so have probably moved on to find their own territory.

Clare noticed several deposits of a white opaque jelly round the edges and on the island of the big pond. On closer inspection these were attached to what looked like eggs. Keith thinks they are snail eggs, most likely of the water snails.

John noticed that something has been nibbling away at the trunk of one of the trees in the Orchard - possibly hares or rabbits during the cold spell.

31st January

Final benchmarks and a rainbow for the end of the month.

John wishes it to be known that he realises that the bench position in the next photograph is preferable to the arrangement above.

December - hip hip hooray

Happy New Year to all Blog Readers - thank you for your support. We hope you continue to enjoy progress reports from Liddells. To see the Blog in all its glory, ie with trail camera footage included, click here and then click on Blog.

2nd December

John planted about 40 willow whips from neighbour Sylvia’s tree.

It is always heartening to see that there are hares thriving on Liddells. Here two rush through the Scrub.

3rd December

Clare made sure her bees were ready for the winter before she went in for her hip op. (The surgeon is also a beekeeper, so understood how the timing of the operation suited a beekeeper’s calendar. There is very little to do over winter except check the bees have plenty of food available.) Clare hefted the hives to assess the state of the stores and added boxes of fondant over holes in the crown board above the colony - the bees’ metabolism is slowed right down so they need to eat sugar directly without needing to process it, as they have to with syrup. Clare also added pillowcases stuffed with old sweaters under the roofs to provide some insulation and help absorb any damp.

John set about revamping a temporary log shelter near the bug hotel and worked on clearing a pine in the Pit Wood that had fallen during Storm Arwen, brashing the trunk ready for logging.

He brought home photographic evidence of how cold it was at Liddells.

5th - 6th December

John has moved his trail camera to the north-west corner of the Pit Wood as he recognises it is one of the deer’s favourite places. First on the scene was a pair of hares, then sure enough, the camera captured a doe couching and the young buck standing , then they reverse positions.

10th December

The cold brought a dense mist to Liddells that was slow to clear. Through the murk the camera in the Scrub has recorded the family of four roe; it is a while since they have all been seen together.

12th December

While Clare recovered in the warm at home, John’s car recorded that it was -5º while he worked at Liddells.

14th December

John is doing preparatory work prior to getting logs from the northern boundary under shelter. It remains cold.

Path past the roadside pond

Frosted rush

Path to orchard

16th December

John cleared an old gate and other debris from the north-west corner of the Pit Wood. He noticed how much less frosted the evergreens are than other growth.

20th -21st December

The Scrub camera captures the young buck on his own. The doe will have been encouraging him to go it alone. A Jay appears to be listening for its buried acorns.

22nd December

John wandered round Liddells with his camera instead of being there to work. Although he has included a couple of images of recent work, going up to play has sent him into reflective mode, if not a bit barking.

Refurbished log shelter

Enlarged Trapezium Bridge (for the log trailer)

The Big Pond,

the Roadside Pond…

and the Crag Pond

Dead Elm with regeneration

Orange Willows by the roadside pond - these are some of the very first Willow whips John and Clare planted, and were donated by Wenda and Matthew several years ago

Bark of a young Silver Birch…

and of an old one, probably past its canoe usefulness

The outflow from the spring, looking upstream. It is on the banks here that Primroses are abundant in the Spring

25th/26th December

A little bit of festive footage. A pair of Jays on Christmas Day and a single one pleasingly close to the camera on Boxing Day; also on Boxing Day a doe, a buck and another doe (probably one of the younger ones) are startled by nearby pheasant shooting and run through the Scrub.

John had to do some repairs to the meeting room roof to stop some leaks.

28th - 30th December

John set about various tasks - more work on widening the Trapezium Bridge, stone-walling on the northern boundary, adding a pallet to the temporary log shelter, clearing logs round the log shed, and making voice notes for tasks in the New Year with which, fingers crossed, Clare will be able to help. John saw three roe making their way out of the Scrub, across the Meadow and into the NE Strip. The roadside pond is filling up again with recent rain.

31st December

Three trail camera clips to end the year, a doe, a hare and the young buck - you can see the buttons developing on his head.

November - fog, fog blog

For those of you who had difficulty loading the last post, there are fewer videos this month, so it should be easier. As ever, go to the website: and access the Blog from there to see all the video footage.

October’s Blog was posted before John and Clare saw the Halloween activities in the Pit Wood. One hare is joined by another, but can you see the deer as well?

Although the footage is in black and white, the small birds in the Pit Wood can be identified as Bullfinches - you can see the white rump of the one flying off to the left.

An owl makes a Halloween sortie and its movements suggest it was successful.

2nd November

A fox makes its way through the Pit Wood.

3rd November

Footage of a hare nibbling shows its markings very clearly.

5th November

A fox in the Pit Wood again; it’s hard to know whether or not it is the same fox as a few days earlier, however this one seems to have a kink at the end of its tail that is not so evident in the other one.

More footage of a Jay in the Scrub and as it flies off there is a brilliant flash of the blue in its wing feathers. Jays often appear here in the Scrub as do grey squirrels. It’s possible they are raiding each other’s stashes.

6th November

John fixed catches to the shutters and a handle to the door of the meeting room. The choice of handle is particularly satisfying as it is a recycling of a fixture from the old pony shelter.

Clare found a fungus she had not seen before. It resembles tiny ghostly trees. Thus far she has been unable to identify it. Any suggestions welcome.

Footage from the Pit Wood shows the backs of two hares as they run past the camera, however the source of the squeaking is a mystery. Clare wondered if it was a roe kid, however John thinks this is unlikely given the maturity of the kids now. Any ideas?

9th November

John finished varnishing the meeting room floor.

10th November

More owl footage. A Tawny Owl again finds prey in the Pit Wood.

12th November

Clare brashed a path to the group of Aspens (two newly planted and Juno’s tree) in the Pit Wood and managed to punch herself in the nose with the long loppers. Memo: never tug towards the face. She felt very foolish and very sore and with a black eye as a momento. The path looks nice though.

13th - 16th November

Clare began the annual cleaning of the nest boxes ready for next year. She found the remains of a wasp nest in one, the vacated nest of tree bumblebees in another and lots of woodlice in several.

John worked on logging and moving the remains of the fallen oak branch in the Orchard.

The doe with two of the triplets, the buck and one of the does, forage in the Pit Wood.

The next day one of the kids appears limping. This is similar to last year although there is no obvious injury to the kid. Clare wonders whether with triplets, one might become slightly more vulnerable if it is always last in the queue for food or attention. This year the cameras have shown that one of the three kids, a doe, is habitually slightly behind and more separate from the others. Meanwhile the single kid and the other doe have been seen together and are apparently healthy. John says that in deer world generally, survival rates are thought to be in the region of 30%. In the case of roe deer the figure may well be higher.

18th November

After considerable rain yesterday, Clare was delighted to see the roadside pond fuller than it has been in months and water coming out of the overflow pipe.

19th November

The Hexham Village Band came to plant an Oak tree for one of their members who has died. It was a very touching ceremony. After the planting the band became the first users of the meeting room. They managed to squeeze in 20 players even though one end of the space was full of wood ready to be made into tables and benches. You will note the creative use of the window.

20th November

Sadly Clare and John saw first the carcass of a hare on the path below the Scrub, then Woodcock feathers a bit further on. A Sparrowhawk is probably responsible for the Woodcock. Hares continue to turn up on the trail cameras, so there are still some around.

23rd November

Mel came to help John with tree maintenance, mostly replacing stakes and tubes on the Wetland and in the Pit Wood.

26th November

John completed cleaning out the nesting boxes, which meant climbing up the the three Clare couldn’t reach.

27th November

The Scrub trail camera captures a lone doe kid with a very slight limp and what looks as if it might have been a wound near her front right shoulder. If this is so then it seems as if the kid is getting better, though separated from the family.

29th November

Clare had found a lovely passage in November’s section of Nature Writing for Every Day of the Year, and sent John off with his camera to produce some illustrations. He was somewhat hampered by the dense fog that covered the land, however he managed to augment the writing with his creative eyes and with other treats from Liddells bosky areas.

‘A Leafy November

On some of the oaks the inner leaves were still greenish, while those on the outer boughs were brown, and the mingling of the two tints seen at a little distance under the sunshine produced a remarkable and pleasing colour. Other oak trees had assumed so red a brown as to approach a copper colour…Between the dark Scotch firs the foliage of the beeches seemed warm red. The branches of the larch had a fluffy appearance, caused by the yellow needles which had partly separated but had not yet fallen…Birches, too, except just at the corners of the copses or in isolated positions, were not yet bare…while whole hedgerows full of maple bushes glowed with orange. The sun shone brilliantly day after day, lighting up the varied hues of the trees and hedges and filling the woodlands with beauty.’

From Chronicles of the Hedges, 1879, Richard Jeffries (1848-1887)

Hawthorns on the Meadow


Scots pine






Guelder rose





Wild cherry

Corsican pine

Clare was amused to see that today’s OED Word of the Day is bockety: ‘of a person: unable to walk without difficulty; infirm, lame. Also of a body part: injured, impaired’. The dictionary word chooser seems to know that Clare is due for a hip replacement next week. She looks forward to being less bockety in the New Year.

Thanks to Mathilda for this month’s blog post title; the month seems to be ending in typical November weather; ‘Dark November brings the fog/ Should not do it to a dog.’ (Flanders and Swan)

October - nature red in beak and talon, and under the wing

A reminder to access this Blog through the website - where you will find all the videos. They will be unlikely to play though your email, and may not even show up at all. There are some crackers this month.

Thanks to Jane E and Barbara for their suggestions for a collective noun for pond snails - ‘preponderance’ and ‘snuggle’.

1st October

Local farmer John brought 45 ewes to eat down the grass on the Top Grazing. Clare noticed two more wildflowers still in bloom that she hadn’t included last month: Field Scabious and Red Campion.

More rain has left the Big Pond within a few centimetres of being full. Water is flowing freely through the channel Clare cleared under the Alphabet Bridge.

Clare spotted a Common Puffball and an Orange Birch Bolete near the pond, and more Turkeytail fungus, this time on the trunk in front of the hide.

A badger goes through the Scrub

2nd October

A male Southern Hawker and a male Common Darter are still flying around the Big Pond and the pond level has gone up another couple of centimetres.

The trail camera shows a hare nibbling at a sapling. Hares and rabbits can damage young trees although there is often more publicity given to damage attributed to deer.

3rd October

John is interested in the varied diet of roe deer and was pleased to see a kid grazing on fungi.

Less than an hour after the kid’s browsing, a Sparrowhawk (TrogTrogBlog Chris thinks it is a juvenile), catches what looks like a Blackbird. The Sparrowhawk is mantling its prey. Mantling is hunching, crouching, or arching shoulders and spreading wings over a recent kill to conceal it from other birds and predators just as a mantle cloaks a person. In heraldry the mantling is the drapery or piece of cloth tied to the helmet above the shield in a coat of arms. In the video the sounds are coming from the captured bird. There is a ten minute gap in the footage so it is possible that the Sparrowhawk took its prey off, as Chris so vividly described, to eat it to death. A doe and kid wander through the scene of the crime and show how far their winter coats have developed. As if all the Sparrowhawk footage wasn’t striking enough, a Buzzard comes in to pick over the spoils. You can see just how much larger it is than a Sparrowhawk and it is exciting to have caught this bird on camera as well. A doe kid (who seems to end up with a feather on its nose), a hare and then a rabbit all seem to be investigating the odiferous interruption to their familiar route through the Scrub. Clare and John only saw the footage on their return on 10th October (see below) so Clare went up to see if any evidence remained. The feathers confirm the victim was indeed a Blackbird.

4th October

A stoat runs through the Scrub.

5th - 9th October

Clare and John spent a few days away visiting the RSPB reserve at Leighton Moss. Clare has had Bearded Tits, or as they are more properly called Bearded Reedlings, on her bird bucket list for some time and hoped that on her fourth visit to this reserve, she would be lucky and see them. The birds did not disappoint. Carl Linnaeus classified the birds in the genus Parus with the tits, however they were subsequently removed from this category and placed with the Parrotbills only to be recognised recently as a unique songbird with no other close relations, and placed in the monotypic family Panuridae (from the Greek panu, "exceedingly", and ουρά, "tail"). The male sports moustaches rather than a beard. Clare and John had other treats - a Great White Egret, a Bittern in flight, a Marsh Harrier hunting over and in the reeds, an otter and lots more besides. Clare decided that the time away might have been what some people call a ‘holiday’; she found the word between ‘hogwash’ and ‘holistic’ in her dictionary. Interesting concept. A selection of ‘holiday’ photography is included for Blog biodiversity.

Male Bearded Reedling on a grit tray. The birds spend the summer months feasting on insects. However, to avoid having to migrate south like the swallows and warblers, the Bearded Reedlings change their diet to reed seeds in winter. The seeds are extremely tough so the birds eat grit to make the seeds easy to digest.

10th October

The Big Pond is up to its overflow. The roadside pond is filling slowly although the shallow and deep ends have yet to join up.

A dog fox marks his territory in the Scrub.

12th October

John completed the exterior of the west wing of what he and Clare have decided to rename the Meeting Room. The new name embraces the broader use for the space that John and Clare hope will happen.

13th October

A sunny autumn day and there were several butterflies on the Michaelmas Daisies in the Meadow - a Peacock, two Commas, a Red Admiral and a Speckled Wood. The Speckled Wood proved too flighty to photograph. The flowers were also humming with bees foraging. Clare was pleased to see many honey bees adding to their stores for winter.

A large female Sparrowhawk perched briefly in an Ash tree in front of the hide before flying off. No birds were caught this time.

Clare has been waiting for the opportunity to include another crossword clue in the Blog. This time the clue was in the Guardian’s August Bank Holiday puzzle, a double-grid alphabetical crossword with no numbered lights; answers had to be filled in where they would fit. Maskarade, the setter, added a theme of given names: one of each pair of answers for a letter of the alphabet was a name, and the names beginning A-M went into one grid, and the names beginning N-Z went into the other grid. Fiendish. The clue in question is: ‘Oak’s sudden flourish mentioned by American and British Composer, Edmund, half-heartedly’ (7,5) The answer lies in the photograph (and at the end of this Blog post).

A roe doe and her kid show their gorget patches. Not all deer develop these white areas on their throat however when they do develop on an individual deer, they are most easily seen when they’re in their winter coat. ‘A gorget was originally a piece of material wrapped around a woman’s neck, during the period of time immediately after the fall of the Roman Empire. After that, it was used to describe the pieces of armour placed around the throat of a soldier, to protect them from injury during battle. Subsequently, as their effectiveness as protective amour waned, they were used as a badge to distinguish rank in the army. I’m not sure what the gorget’s functionality is on a roe deer. Unless, of course, the white patches to help with their protective camouflage, by breaking up the outline of the neck in heavy cover.’ (

15th October

Today’s offering in Nature Writing for Every Day of the Year is all about Spindle Trees. Happily Clare had photographed the berries earlier in the week having not been wholly taken up with her house-keeping.

‘…the spindle is quite Japanese in its contortions; the boughs, with their twisted grey-green bark, seem positively to writhe, and the leaves and berries are sprinkled so sparsely that they seem to decorate rather than clothe its antiquity…the flame-coloured leaves and pink and orange berries of the spindle-wood glow like clusters of some strange exotic flower…there is something strangely unfamiliar about these berries of the spindle-wood - berries which open out into dull pink segments, like petals, and expose a bright orange centre, which is really a seed…There was a time, not so many generations ago, when even a woman who knew nothing of trees in general, and cared less, being wholly taken up with her housekeeping, would have recognised the spindle-wood at a glance. In those days when the spinning wheel flashed beside every hearth, and everything possible was made at home, the tough close-grained wood of the tree was in constant demand, and many a pair of lovers must have come to such a tree as this to choose branch and cut it, to make a spindle for the lady’s use.’

From The Peverel Papers, Flora Thompson

Today was meant to be a Green Gym day to plant trees, however it was raining substantially in the early morning so John and Clare cancelled. Then of course, the rain stopped. John and Clare decided to go up and plant some trees anyway. They planted 10 Oaks and decided on sites for more of the saplings they have waiting for the next Green Gym day in a week’s time. Clare protected the saplings with gorse, tied round the plants with Brambles.

More vulpine marking in the Scrub.

15th October

The Pit Wood camera recorded the first Fieldfares and Redwings of the winter foraging on the ground.

16th October

Clare and John saw Fieldfares flying over the Scrub and the Pit Wood.

Neighbour Chris brought his hydraulic log-splitter to Liddells and he and John worked their way through all the logs that John and Dave had brought from felling around the site. Clare indulged in one of her favourite activities, stacking the logs. Yes, she has read Norwegian Wood: Chopping, Stacking and Drying Wood the Scandinavian Way, although she doesn’t aspire to such aesthetically pleasing log piles as the Scandinavians.

The roadside pond is filling slowly.

17th October

More Fieldfare sightings and Clare startled a Woodcock in the Scrub.

The doe with triplets spends time grooming one of the doe kids; the buck arrives, tries unsuccessfully to suckle and is subjected to a more intimate grooming.

18th - 19th October

A Tawny owl downs its prey in one and flies off; twenty minutes later it flies past the camera right to left (video not included); a minute after that the bird is on the ground again and eating something it as caught; in the early hours of the next morning it has yet again hunted successfully. The Scrub is clearly a place for small mammals. Or perhaps not, depending on whether you are an owl or a small mammal. The Barn Owl Trust has an information page about Tawny Owls. If you want to know more about their diet, click here.

21st October

Green Gym Day and the weather was on the side of planting and neighbouring farmer John had moved the sheep from the Top Grazing to the Wildflower Meadow. John and Clare were joined by six stalwart friends, one of whom brought additional trees he had grown at home, and they all set about planting 55 trees. An Apple and two Damson trees went into the Orchard, a Hazel and two Aspens were added to the Pit Wood and all the rest - Oaks, Beeches, Elm, Horse Chestnut, Willows - were planted at the east end of the Top Grazing. Each tree was given a protective circle of Gorse or Hawthorn secured round the sapling with bramble twine. Clare has devised this method after reading about how Gorse and Hawthorn scrub make perfect areas for trees to regenerate.

Walking through the Pit Wood Clare, John and Barry discovered a large area of Fly Agaric which was largely uneaten, unlike the ones in the Scrub.

The shallow and newly deep areas of the Roadside Pond have finally joined up.

After watching many hours of deer going through the Scrub, the sight of one of Texels came as a bit of a shock. Apparently it had gone awol on the trip down from the Top Grazing. It seems to have benefitted from the grazing.

22nd October

The old buck makes his way through the Pit Wood. You will see that tip of one side of his antlers has broken off.

Meanwhile in the Scrub, and much earlier than it has been seen before, the Tawny owl flies up on to a perch.

24th October

A hare and a kid browse together in the Pit Wood. Within seconds a stoat runs offstage then returns. The hare is eating apples Clare had put down in front of the camera in the hope of attracting Fieldfares and Redwings, however there are still plenty of berries on the trees for them to eat.

Later that same evening an owl is captured waiting for prey.

25th October

The Tawny Owl appears yet again in the Scrub, hunting successfully in the early hours of the morning and later in the evening.

Between the owl’s two appearances the camera captures two hares, a Jay and a high speed stoat, while in the Pit Wood a single Redwing is seen foraging in the leaf litter. Although the red under its wing is faint, the pale stripe over its eye is very clear.

30th October
Clare saw her first Goldcrest of the winter in a Hawthorn near the bee hives.

Crossword answer: Quercus rubra: Querc sounds like “quirk” = “sudden flourish” + US = “American” + RUB[b]RA = British composer Edmund.
Definition: “Oak” – the Northern Red Oak.

September - it all goes to show

For new readers - when you receive the Blog email, use it as a prompt to read the Blog on the Liddells website: The videos won’t be available through the email.

August Post Script

It appears that grey squirrels can eat fly agaric mushrooms, so the animated antics featured in last month’s blog may be due to the fungus’ hallucinogenic effect. Videos from 30th August show a stoat behaving similarly, however stoats are carnivores so maybe this one was naturally exuberant.

1st September

The sub-heading for this month in Nature Writing for Every Day of the Year is ‘Airy Spheres of Thistledown.’ The phrase comes from The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy.

Farmer Barry took the hay off the Top Grazing.

2nd September

Clare had a friend over from Weardale and they sowed Yellow Rattle seeds on the Top Grazing. They encountered a frog near the feeders. Clare continued her work on the big pond.

The two does and their kids are obviously sharing the same space. They all go through the Scrub regularly though a single kid is now frequently seen there on its own and not all the triplets appear together each time they are caught on camera.

3rd - 4th September

More work for John on the classroom floor and for Clare on the big pond, where she saw another frog. The herons clearly haven’t eaten them all.

Clare made a note of all the recordings on the trail camera over a 24 hour period:

5.29 Eyes at hare height in the mist

6.11 Doe + large moth moving north to south in the mist

6.32 Rabbit in the half-light

7.25 Hare going east then turning south

9.29 Doe travelling west

10.17 Hare going east

12.18 Blue tit attacking the camera

12.34 Sound of camera attack and fluttering wings

15.25 Lone kid moving east

16.47 Doe foraging behind the hawthorn

20.06 Hare paused in half-light

20.07 Hare still there

20.08 Hare runs off east

20.12 Nearly dark, doe going east; blackbird alarm calls

12.15 Doe and one kid

20.15 Doe and kid eating

20.18 One kid joined by another; much scratching

20.18 Both kids foraging

20.23 Hare running through going east, several moths

22.02 Fox approaches from east, changes direction and leaves south

5th - 7th September

Clare knew two bee colonies needed feeding with sugar syrup as they had eaten all their stored honey. It was first necessary to remove the super (box with frames for honey), so Clare added a clearer board. This has a slightly complicated route for the bees to find their way through and down into the brood box, however the smell of the queen is an enticement for them to work it out. It is harder for the bees to find their way back up. Clare returned early the next morning only to find a lot of bees still in the super. This was unusual as the board had worked well on several previous occasions. Clare brushed the bees off and managed to add a syrup feeder without getting stung though did pause when she had to retrieve a crown board (the board that sits on top of the boxes and under the roof) from the shed. The penny eventually dropped - she had put the clearer board on top of the super instead of underneath. Clare then put the clearer board in the correct place under the super of the second colony and went to continue her work on the big pond feeling ever so slightly foolish. A sparrowhawk swooped through the feeding station, though again no birds were taken.

John finished using up all the boards salvaged from the storm damaged sheds last November.

Finally there is substantial rain. The island in the big pond is once more an island.

Footage of one of the kids shows how the spots on its coat are fading.

Further videos of the doe and triplets. You can see mutual grooming in the second clip.

10th September

The day began with an auspicious sign for John. The Guardian cryptic crossword featured the following clue: ‘Fishy food reportedly expensive, one ruminates’ (3,4) Answer at the end of this blog post.

Clare and John joined in with the local Village Show. Clare was thrilled to win a First Prize for her fruit scones and Second Prizes for cheese scones, rock buns and shortbread biscuits. John, however, completely swept the photographic board with photos he had taken on Liddells. So well did he do that he came home with a trophy. The label for the long-tailed tit doesn’t really do justice to John’s achievement.

Meanwhile the stoat appears in the Scrub again.

Clare declared the restoration of the big pond’s wall complete.

Footage of the kids in the evening shows they can be distinguished as two does and a buck.

11th September

John started working on the east wing of the classroom.

The deer are seen very frequently on the Scrub camera. A doe runs away and you can see how the white hair on her rump goes erect when the animal is alarmed, making a much larger white patch (target) visible. One kid appears on its own and its squeaking is audible. The triplets all try to suckle. When kids are very young is it almost impossible to distinguish what sex they are; here you can see the differentiation on their rump markings in daylight, to show that there are two does and a buck. Later the buck kid tries again to suckle, however the doe is clearly trying to deter him.

On her walk home, Clare saw an exquisite seed head lying on the path. There were no wildflowers nearby except Creeping Thistle and Yarrow and it is not from either of them.. Any identification help would be gratefully received.

12th September

Clare was delighted to show a group from the local National Women’s Register round Liddells. She had been concerned that it was a bit late in the season to see much of interest and was pleased to be proved very wrong when she did a wildflower survey the day before the group arrived. Initially she found over 30 species still in flower and this number increased to 38 by the end of the visit. Particularly striking were the violets out on the west verge of the Pit Wood. There were also Red Admiral, Large White and Speckled Wood butterflies, Southern Hawker and Common Darter Dragonflies and Emerald Damselflies, and a variety of birds on the feeders. The group made a very generous donation by way of a thank you - Clare and John have bought two Aspen saplings to join and talk to Juno’s tree, and they will buy wildflower plugs in the Spring.

After the visit Clare started digging out the channel under the Alphabet Bridge leading in to the big pond. She noticed a large number of tiny pond snails on a rock in the pond.

John completed the door to the classroom. He considers it to be the best door he has yet made. He has made a lot of doors.


Common Carder bee on Red Clover

Proliferation of pond snails - any suggestions for an appropriate collective noun will be welcome

John admiring his door

13th September

Clare dug out more of the pond channel. There have been numerous male Common Darters around but very few females. This female obligingly paused on a fence post for long enough for Clare to get her phone camera out. The male Southern Hawkers that have been around don’t rest like the darters, though they will come teasingly close, however they move so fast it is very difficult to photograph them. Clare managed to get one in a shot with her phone camera. If you would like to see really splendid photographs of dragonflies, visit

Every autumn Clare determines to learn to identify more fungi and then remembers how difficult it is to be sure of the identification. She thinks the bracket fungus featured below might be Turkeytail.

Female Common Darter

Male Southern Hawker

14th - 19th September

John had his trail camera on the Meadow. He enjoyed the footage of the hare so much, it was only on the third viewing that he noticed the deer in the background.

Two hares appear in the Scrub again. A kid appears to be on Robinwatch.

Two clips of a stoat in the Scrub. In one it appears to be going round in circles; in the second it is chasing a hare, which is considerably larger than the stoat.

Clare finished digging out the channel under the Alphabet Bridge. All that is needed now is the water to run through it into the pond. She saw the remains of a hare near the roadside pond - maybe the stoat had been successful in its hunting.

A rabbit is at cross purposes with a hare.

In the Pit Wood, the doe with a single kid (identified as another doe), are foraging on fallen leaves.

There is a fast and furious chase sequence involving birds, a hare and a fox.

John makes substantial progress on the east end of the classroom.

21st September

John raised the roof on the east end of the classroom. Clare saw three hares while walking round.

24th September

A successful fox hunt. It is not clear what the fox has caught.

25th September

Footage of one of the does shows her losing her summer coat.

26th September

The east end of the classroom is nearly fully boarded out. Shutters and flooring remain on the to-do list.

While smearing the stump in front of the hide with her highly popular (with the birds) peanut butter paste mix, Clare noticed a significant flourish of Sulphur Tuft fungus.

The ‘Murder Buck’ appeared again in the Pit Wood. (For any new subscribers, this is a mature buck that has antlers devoid of any tines. That is to say the antlers will resemble two long spikes, without the traditional brow and rear antler tines. The reason that this type of beast is called a 'Murder Buck' comes from the damage that this type of buck can cause to an opponent when sparring.

29th September

John and Mel planted nearly 40 hazel saplings in the stump circle and on the verge of the Pit Wood. Many thanks to Kathryn R for donating the plants.

Finally for lagophilic readers, a hare, which is somewhat startled by a blackbird, to end this post. On a whim, Clare searched to see if there were any relevant fables. She found a print instead.

30th September

For the botanists among readers, the wildflowers still out on 11th/12th September were: Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Bush Vetch, Buttercup, Chickweed, Common Cat’s Ear, Clover (Red), Clover (White), Common Daisy, Dandelion, Eyebright, Foxglove, Goldenrod, Groundsel, Hawkbit, Heather, Hedge Woundwort, Herb Robert, Hogweed, Meadow Vetchling, Michaelmas Daisy, Nipplewort, Ragged Robin, Ragwort, Red Campion, Red Hemp Nettle, Ribwort Plantain, Self Heal, Sow Thistle (Prickly), Thistle (Creeping), Thistle (Marsh), Thistle (Spear), Tormentil, Tufted Vetch, Water Mint, Wild Carrot, Willowherb (Broad-leaved), Willowherb (Rosebay), Violet, Yarrow

The answer to the crossword clue is ‘roe deer’.

August - being driven round in circles

For new subscribers, it will be unlikely that you can watch the video footage through an email. We suggest that when you see the Blog email, go to and click on the Blog page. All the video clips will be there.

1st August

Clare and John visited the Knepp Estate in Sussex. This is where Charlie Burrell and Isabella Tree have abandoned intensive farming in favour of a pioneering rewilding project. The Maori use the word kaitiakitanga, for ‘Guardianship or management, esp. of the natural resources of a place or area; environmental stewardship considered as a duty and responsibility of the inhabitants of an area’ (OED Word of the Day 04.07.22). The undertaking is inspiring, based as it is in respect for and trust of nature, and those qualities were apparent throughout. Although not the best time of year to see some of the more exciting species that have returned there, Clare and John each saw a Turtle Dove in fight, many White Storks and were astonished that a pair of red deer stags grazed within ten yards of the hut where they were staying. There were numerous Gatekeeper butterflies which Clare had not knowingly seen before; Clare noticed a Common Field Grasshopper had landed on her jacket, a short distance from its usual habitat of unimproved grassland, which was there in abundance.

Meanwhile, back on Liddells, the trail camera in the Scrub captured footage of a neighbour’s dog chasing one of the roe triplets. The doe and other two kids appear, following the scent and much alarmed. Clare and John are now waiting for any footage that shows the kid has been reunited with its family.

2nd August

Tim and Jane thought they had seen a Purple Hairstreak butterfly on the large oak on the Wetland last evening, so set off again this evening to try their luck. They were successful and saw a couple on a tree that overhangs the north boundary near the bee hives, although photographing the butterflies proved hard.

4-5th August

Clare has learned a lot about roe deer from John and was therefore excited to discover what she believed could be a driving circle in the Scrub, a clearly trampled circle round a Hawthorn. In the rut, a buck, sensing a doe coming into oestrus, will quite literally, drive her round in circles or a figure of eight until she is receptive. This may happen over several days. The buck appeared early in the day of the 5th. John came to look at the circle and agreed with Clare’s speculation so Clare moved the Scrub camera to focus on the central Hawthorn. Later that day the doe appeared, the buck is seen in pursuit, and a single kid follows on its own.

Clare worked some more on digging out the roadside pond while it remains dry.

6th August

Clare found a Ground Beetle cloaked in a spider’s web on the brush in the Necessarium. Ground Beetles are often found under the bark of decaying wood, so perhaps the sawdust was the attraction. The brush didn’t seem to be decaying.

The single kid appears on its own for several minutes in the morning and in the afternoon, near the Hawthorn in the Scrub.

7th August

Clare and John celebrated nine years of kaitiakitanga of Liddells by getting on with their chosen projects - Clare digging out the roadside pond and John working on the classroom. Mindful of the damage caused by Storm Arwen, he has decided to put shutters on the openings, which can be fixed open if there are weather warnings, thus allowing any storm winds to go through the structure without lifting off the roof.

Clare’s hunch proved to be well founded although the main driving circle proves to be to the right of the Hawthorn. The doe was captured hanging around the circle early in the day. The drive happens in the early evening. John has edited together all the clips from the trail camera and you can see the buck driving the doe for several minutes. There are calls audible throughout the drive. John is unsure whether these are from the buck or the doe. She seems to tire towards the end and then returns on her own, presumably after mating. John says that the buck will mate with the younger does first, hence selecting the doe with only one kid. John is very pleased to have footage of a drive.

8th August

Clare, having unsuccessfully tried to find Purple Hairstreaks on previous days, not realising that they are usually seen in the early evening in sunny, still conditions, rather than earlier in the day, was pleased to see Tim also out to look for them. Tim showed Clare exactly where to look and there indeed were a couple of the butterflies, just visible to the naked eye, however binoculars gave a better view.

9th August

Tom made 30 bales from the hay on the Wildflower Meadow. Clare and John enjoyed seeing the old-fashioned rectangular bales. Clare, finding it hard to know how deep was deep enough, saw the heap of soil she had removed and decided she had added sufficient depth to the roadside pond. She started work on uncovering the edging stones that had become overgrown.

Giant haystack not

11th August

Tim managed to get a photograph of a Purple Hairstreak and has helpfully circled its whereabouts! He pointed out that, rather than purple, the wing colour appears rather reddish.

13th August

Barry told Clare that in the north of England and in Scotland, the process of moving hay out of the fields and storing it in a barn is called ‘leading the hay’. Clare had not heard this before although then synchronously heard John use exactly this phrase later in the day. Barry also demonstrated the use of some rather nifty straps with ratchets to secure the hay on the trailer. Just as he was explaining that if you threaded them the wrong way, they were almost impossible to undo, John provided a visual aid for this problem. John and Barry led the hay to Barry’s barn. John finished untangling the strap by early evening. While investigating the phrase Barry had introduced, Clare discovered a photograph in National Galleries Scotland entitled ‘Leading Hay’. She rather wished she had worn a boater for the Liddells event.

Clare started work on the north side of the pondside road, spotting a Small Copper nearby.

14th August

Clare finished uncovering the stones on the south side of the road, so turned her attentions to the north, remembering that when the large digger had come to further dig out the big pond, it had displaced several of the road edge stones.

15 - 18th August

The classroom building work continues. You can see the first shutter in place.

Clare’s work on the road edge continues.

One of the trail cameras, now returned to the Pit Wood, shows a doe with two kids. There has been no footage showing all three kids since the beginning of the month.

A hen pheasant has a young chick. This is quite late in the season as pheasants typically raise a brood between April and June with the incubation period lasting on average between 22 and 28 days.

With no hare on the blog thus far in the month, here is a hare. John is seeing hares regularly on the Top Grazing while he works on the classroom. The hares may be using the hay bales as shelter from the sun. They seem unperturbed by John’s activities. He has seen five out at the same time.

21st August

A busy day. Jane B had arranged to bring several family members to Liddells. Zoe, who is studying agri-forestry, came early for a tour with Clare. There was plenty of activity on the pond and Zoe managed to capture a shot of a Common Darter at rest. Georgie and Charlie had fun testing their strength pushing bales and in the process found a caterpillar of the White Ermine Moth. The contrast in colouration between caterpillar and moth is striking. A visit to the hide entertained.

Male Common Darter

White Ermine Moth caterpillar

Georgie focussing on the birds

This is what the birds see

Charlie inspecting the results of his pond-dipping

Not a masked invader but Clare in her bee suit

Checking all the struts are there on the Alphabet Bridge

Climbing the hay bales is always fun

John lifted a roofing sheet from a pile on the ground to find two Violet Ground beetles underneath. They quickly scuttled for cover, however Clare managed to photograph one of them.

Clare completed a butterfly transect as Tim and Jane are away. Clare saw 8 different species - Large White 7, Green-veined White 4, Small Skipper 1, Red Admiral 3, Peacock 1, Speckled Wood 5 and Wall Brown 1. The Wall Brown was the first she had seen this year. Here is a photograph of one she saw just six days later while she was on a walk with Pat.

Violet Ground beetle

While Jane et al dipped the pond, Clare inspected her bees and was delighted to discover that the most recent split had worked, and the nucleus hive had frames of capped brood, indicating a successfully mated queen. Clare began the season with two colonies and has increased them to six. This hot, dry summer has offered ideal conditions for new queens to mate, unlike in previous years where cold, wet spells have compromised successful mating.

22nd - 23rd August

Clare was relieved to finish restoring the roadside edges. She then turned her attention back to the big pond and she and John started tackling more of the invasive Branched bur-weed and Hard and Soft rush.

John used surplus roofing sheets bought for the hide at a farmers’ sale three years ago, to create a weed-suppressing sub-floor for the classroom. Perhaps also a Violet Ground beetle hideaway.

24th August

The single kid has appeared on its own several times in the Scrub, however today the doe and kid appear together.

25th August

A doe followed by a single kid walk in front of the trail camera. Clare and John were relieved that the next clips show all three of the triplets. This is the first time they have all been recorded since the dog was seen chasing a kid.

In the evening a pair of hares run through the Scrub.

26th August

Clare and John were delighted to welcome TrogTrogBlog Chris to Liddells. They took a scenic route to the big pond where male and female Emerald damselflies, male and female Common Darters and two male Southern Hawkers kept them entertained. The Southern Hawkers frustrated all attempts to have their photographs taken, however you can see how spectacular they are here. While watching the activity on the pond, Tim and Jane appeared doing a butterfly transect so Clare was able to introduce three members of the Liddells curatorium (‘A group of curators (in various senses), typically acting as an advisory body.’ OED Word of the Day 28.08.22) to each other.

Clare and John, not having heard or seen a Greenfinch on Liddells for months, noticed a pair coming to drink at the pond. John managed to get a photograph of one.

He also took a couple of images that showed autumn on its way.

After Chris had left Clare noticed a dead hare near the log shed. There was no obvious cause of death.

Not long till hedgerow jelly making time

Not for the hedgerow jelly, these are poisonous, however thrushes can feed on the berries, as they are immune to its poisons, and scatter the seeds abroad.

27th August

Clare found, if not a fairy ring, at least a fairy semi-circle, in the Scrub near to the driving circle.

Fairy semi-circle

John moved the hare’s carcass and saw two Common Sexton beetles scuttle away into the grass. A hare would seem to be a bit too big for them to bury, however they may well have been feeding on the corpse. Apparently the beetles can sense rotting flesh at a distance of two miles.

John began flooring the west end of the classroom.

I’m not floored

John and Clare were most surprised to see footage of a Woodcock in the Scrub. Readers may remember that there were clips of Woodcock in the Scrub last winter, however John and Clare had always thought that the birds were migrants rather than resident. You can hear a Tawny Owl calling in the background. Shortly after the Woodcock had left, a stoat appeared.

On their way to the hide, John noticed a frog sitting in the roadside pond Clare wondered if it was optimistic about the prospect of water, in which case it could be a Froghoper.

While John progressed with the classroom, Clare turned her attention to the damp section of the Wildflower Meadow and dug out the mint that was beginning to take over again. She also lifted and split Yellow Iris and Purple Loosestrife to replant round the ponds.

28th August

More activity in the Scrub. A Tawny Owl appears in front of the camera, then about twenty minutes later, the buck comes through. John has always said that after the rut, the bucks seem to vanish, however this one is still around.

A Great Tit flies at the camera. This happens again round about midday. The bird can’t be looking for a nesting site at this time of year.

Meanwhile, John decided to put a trail camera on the Meadow. He and Clare have seen deer on and nearby there quite often. His choice proved successful and a doe appears several times, again challenging the received wisdom that roe are crepuscular. The camera is pointing east.

29th August

Clare worked on the big pond again while John began the doorway for the classroom. They both spotted a new bit of excavation on the path near the hide. Best guess is a vole hole.

While at the hide there was a moment when there was a flurry of alarm calls, all the birds flew for cover and before Clare had finished saying, “Where’s the Sparrowhawk?” a female flew across the feeders. No birds were taken however it was a while before they reappeared, led by two Marsh tits.

Kathryn arrived with a trailer full of hazel seedlings which had germinated in pots in her garden, possibly from nuts buried by squirrels.

Manmade doorway

Mammalmade doorway (the tunnel is about 6-7 centimetres wide)

When Clare checked the trail camera she found several clips of a grey squirrel in the Scrub. There are often clips of grey squirrels and normally she would delete such footage muttering darkly, however, this time the videos raised a grudging smile. The squirrel’s activities lasted for a couple of minutes; John has stitched the videos together. The animal seems to be playing in a way reminiscent of stoats gambolling.

July - discoveries, neither hellish nor boring

There are more than usual video clips this month - roe kids are very cute. Remember that you are unlikely to be able to access these through the Blog email. Go to click on the Blog and watch them through the website.

John and Clare have been waiting and hoping for sightings of this year’s roe kids, and the first glimpse was towards the end of last month, however retrieved too late to include it in the June blog post.

1st July

Kathryn L came to plant trees she had kindly donated - a beech, an oak, two birches, a rowan and a holly. Cutting gorse for protection revealed a birds’ nest tucked deep into a gorse bush near the top gate. The nest hasn’t been feathered so may not have been used this year.

Kathryn planting ‘Son of a Beech’

2nd July

The trail camera in the Scrub is showing at least six hare appearances in any twenty-four hour period.

The trail camera in the Pit Wood shows another tantalising glimpse of a roe and kid.

Earlier in the year, and on the way to check on one of Juno’s bird boxes, Clare had noticed an unfamiliar plant growing near one of the signposts to the hide. She had kept her eye on it and wondered if it might be an orchid although since the flowers have been late emerging, she dismissed the idea. More on this story later…

3rd - 6th July

The repair work from Storm Arwen continues. John finished restoring the fencing behind the sheds and started on the stretch at the east end of the Top Strip. Clare was delighted to see a pair of Bullfinches below the Scrub - she had remarked yesterday that it was a while since she had seen any. So gratifying to know the birds are listening.

At last there is a proper view of the new kid. Then one of the doe and kid together. Take a look at the shape of the doe’s muzzle. More on this story later…

The old buck chases another deer through the Scrub. John says it is a bit early for the rut (mid July to mid August), so more likely the buck is chasing another buck off his patch in readiness.

The hare is investigating a fern frond. More on this story later…

The doe appears with the kid. Then another kid. Then another kid - triplets again!

7th July

Obviously footage of the kids is irresistible. This doe’s muzzle markings are clearly visible. The edges of her muzzle are squared off.

A little later, still in the Pit Wood, a doe with a different muzzle shape appears. This muzzle tapers to a point at the sides.

8th July

The hare checks the frond again. Or it might be a different hare.

Clare and John set about collecting Yellow Rattle seeds from the Top Grazing. They were pleased to see how well the plant is establishing there.

Clare busied herself trying to photograph a wood wasp on one of the log piles, however it found a way down to the bottom and out of the camera’s view. On the way home from Liddells, John and Clare realised they had a longhorn beetle in the car which probably decided to hitch a ride while they were distracted by the wood wasp.

9th July

The buck is marking in the Scrub again. This is probably preparation for the rut, as would be chasing off any other bucks.

John and Clare are watching the footage of the new kids carefully and are a bit confused by what they are seeing - sometimes one, sometimes two, sometimes three. It is perfectly possible that sometimes a kid or two is off camera. However, the doe’s muzzle in the second of the three clips below, is just visible, and looks to be pointed at the sides. The kid on its own in the third video, may well be the third kid, following a little behind.

John and Clare are reaching the conclusion that there are two does with kids, one with three, and one with one. The doe with one kid is likely to be a youngster, no more than two years old. John says it is unusual for two does to be appearing to share the same territory.

10th - 14th July

Activity on the Top Grazing. John starts putting in the posts for the outdoor classroom. The hay is cut. (7th - 11th July is 温風至 Atsukaze itaru - Warm winds blow - in the Japanese microseasons. Good hay-making weather.)

Clare was surprised to find that the bees in the first colony she split are once again thinking of swarming. Nothing ventured, she decided to execute another split, putting the swarm cell and four other frames of brood into a nucleus hive. More on this story later…

Clare began digging reeds out of the roadside pond while it is empty, and using the opportunity to add a little more depth to the pond.

One doe and one kid appear in the Scrub on two occasions; one kid appears, and leaves, independently. Then a doe goes through with three kids.

A hare nibbles at a rose stem in the Scrub. When Clare looked closely at the stem later, she found that it had no leaves (the hare doesn’t seem to be eating leaves), and concluded that the hare must have been eating the thorns. Rabbits are known to eat all parts of roses, including the thorns; as with deer, they are drawn to plants in the Rosaceae family, so it is likely hares are too. In a later video one hare jumps out at another; the first is noticeable smaller than the second, so probably one of this year’s young being surprised by an established resident. The next clip shows the hares apparently not in conflict.

15th July

After a long interruption, Clare and John were delighted to organise a Green Gym Day. They had over 50 trees to plant - donations and their own successful germinations from acorns and conkers - however as the forecast showed days of very hot, dry weather to come, planting trees with no means of watering them seemed to be a bad idea. The other task was to harvest Yellow Rattle seeds from the Wildflower Meadow. All good plans… There was rain. Off and on, quite a lot of rain. With the hot weather still in prospect, planting was out and with the rain, seed collection was out. What to do? John and Clare had been thinking about taking up the path at the west end of the Top Strip to make it possible to cut with the flail mower. The first job was to remove all the edging logs and the stakes holding them in place.

Clare arrived early and decided to catch up with the weekly email from the Northumbria Natural History Society. The email featured a short video on the Broad-leaved Helleborine. Clare was excited to realise that this very closely resembled the mystery plant near the hide and set off to check. Helleborines are also part of the orchid family. Bingo!

The Green Gym team arrived and set about tackling the Top Strip path. They created several piles of pleasingly rotting wood that will no doubt be appreciated by the local bug life. Gratifyingly, there seemed to be no need to pull up all the membrane underneath the path as there is sufficient weed growth for the chip, which is composting anyway, not to compromise the flails. There were gaps in the rain almost long enough for a picnic lunch. Clare noticed that for the first time there were nuts on one of the hazels planted as understory several years ago.

After the work was done, Clare took Pat with her to examine the plants again, and Pat noticed that some flowers had begun to open at the base of the spike, and agreed with the identification.

The doe and three kids are seen on the trail camera, as is the lame doe who hasn’t appeared for a while.

17th July

Although they are two days apart, the clip of the limping doe is followed by a video of a limping fox.

Clare was rewarded for her frequent visits to monitor the Nettle-leaved bellflower in the Scrub, and found that it had come into flower. In spite of the plant allegedly producing copious amounts of seed, there has only ever been one plant in this area.

The Alder Buckthorns from Tim and Jane have grown beyond the tops of their tubes.

Mel had been excited to hear about the Broad-leaved helleborine, saying it was a plant he had been looking for for many years. He went to see it and reported back that there were another 15-20 plants downstream of the first. So not a random occurrence but more likely an established colony that had just gone unnoticed all these years. It is thanks to Juno’s bird boxes that they were seen at all.

Clare inspected the nucleus and hive from which it had been split. There was another queen cell under construction in the nucleus, so Clare took that down, leaving the original. The hive will remain in purdah for a month or so until any new queen has had time to emerge, mature, mate and start laying. More on this story next month… There were eggs in the other hive so it would seem as if the bees have given up on the idea of swarming. It is now late in the season for them to do so, although bees have never been known to read the text books.

Clare was pleased to see a male Linnet in the Scrub - another bird that hadn’t been noticed around for a while.

A hare breaks off a piece of the bracken frond, then leave it uneaten. Some ferns are toxic to rabbits and hares. Maybe this hare remains unsure about this particular plant and takes the safe option.

19th July

John went out for an evening’s deer watching, armed with a video camera and a squeaker that mimics a roe kid’s cry. He wondered if the squeaker would attract a doe and kids. Instead the sound attracted the old buck who came barking and leaping around the Wetland. The buck would be looking for does to mate.

John also saw a Tawny Owl fly out of the North-east Strip.

20th July

The hay was baled yesterday. Barry advised that the bales are left standing to cool down for about 10 days. If they are stacked while the hay is very warm, and in this heat, there is a risk of combustion.

Knowing that the big pond was gradually getting choked with rush and Branched Bur-reed, Clare decided to face her dislike of wading through mud and to order waders so that she could tackle the task of reducing the numbers of these plants. With the dry weather the water in the pond is fast disappearing, offering the perfect opportunity to wade in. Clare began by working round the edges of the island which has slowly been increasing in size. She has decided to call the island St John’s, not to beatify John but to reflect the increasing number of St John’s Wort plants that appear there each year.

The doe with one kid appears in the Pit Wood. There are four clips of a kid foraging on its own in the Scrub, over a period of 8 minutes.

21st July

Clare spotted a pair of mating Red Soldier beetles on Hogweed. It isn’t a very good photograph, however she wanted to use the caption.

A kid leaps off into the Scrub, and then a doe emerges from the direction in which it leapt.


(Red Soldier beetles are commonly known as Hogweed Bonking beetles. They are doing what it says on the tin.)

22nd July

A fox with gait unimpaired trots through the Scrub. A couple of hours later a badger goes through with a passing interest in the fern. Another couple of hours and a badger comes towards the camera.

23rd July

More pond work. Clare noticed what appeared to be a newly emerged and not fully uncurled male Common Hawker Dragonfly very near where she was working. It obligingly moved onto her arm where John was able to take a photograph. Clare then replaced it on rush where she kept an eye on it. It straightened up over the next few minutes. Clare looked in vain for the exuvia - the cast skin from which it had emerged.

While on her way up through the Pit Wood near the hide, Clare spotted another 4 Broad-leaved Helleborines. They are several yards away from the original finds. She then went to top up the feeders and thought to have another look at the plants on the way out. Curiously they weren’t quite where she had remembered. That was because this was yet another different patch although closer to the one found earlier. Altogether there are another 9 plants; today’s finds are more fully in flower. Not including the ones that are sitting still unnoticed.

There is a sequence of four videos showing the doe, the doe with one kid, with two kids and a bit of grooming, then again a third kid appears a couple of minutes later. In the first clip, you can just see the pointed edges to her muzzle. She is being bothered by the flies.

24th July

It is the season for discoveries. Today Clare spotted another plant in the Pit Wood that she had not noticed before. She thinks it is Lesser Burdock.

On her way through the Orchard she saw two juvenile Chiffchaffs in an Elder, and on the path leading up away from the Orchard, she found a Thrush anvil.

Lesser Burdock

Empty broken snail shells by the Thrush anvil

26th July

Mel came to help dig reed and rush out of the big pond. Clare decided that as well as the phrase ‘mud in your eye’ there should be ‘mud in your ear,’ ‘mud up your nose,’ ‘mud in your mouth’ and ‘mud in your hair’. The OED Word of the Day came up with a timely offering: goopy, ‘That is viscous or semi-liquid, often in an unpleasant or disgusting way’. Clare regretted not taking a ‘before’ photograph of the pond, however she did manage an ‘after’. There were plenty of dragon flies and damselflies about, particularly emerald damselflies, and a Common Hawker laying eggs.

Mel and Clare went to visit the ‘new’ helleborines and found not eight, but thirteen. On the way Mel noticed that the red clover in the Pit Wood is Zigzag clover. The leaves are longer and more pointed that with the usual red clover, the flowers are redder and more open, and where side shoots emerge from the main stem, the main stem goes off at a slight angle, hence ‘Zigzag’.

Tim has noticed that butterflies are fewer in number and diversity this year, however at the moment there are a large number of Small Skippers around.

Zigzag clover

Small Skipper on Hogweed

29th July

The day began with rain, then warmed up, the perfect illustration of the start of 土潤溽暑 Tsuchi uruōte mushi atsushi: Earth is damp, air is humid, 29th July - 2nd August. John began fixing boards to one side of the classroom. Clare dug out some more reeds and rush and spotted an azure damselfly by her foot.

30th July

John did further work on the classroom while Clare mudlarked about in the big pond and dug out more of the roadside pond. The big pond looks a little fuller after two days of heavy rain; the roadside pond remains empty. There was plenty of life in the big pond with water boatmen, pondskaters, pond snails, water beetles all visible, as well as damsel and dragonflies flying around.

June - 30 Days Wild

First, apologies to Tim for forgetting to include his charming photos of hares last month. He took these on the 14th May, on the Top Grazing.

Also from last month, the trail camera in the Pit Wood showed a different buck from any seen here recently. This one is what is called a ‘murder buck.’ A murder buck is a mature roebuck that has antlers devoid of any tines. That is to say the antlers will resemble two long spikes, without the traditional brow and rear antler tines. The reason that this type of beast is called a murder buck comes from the damage that this type of buck can cause to an opponent when sparring. John has seen them in the roe deer population on Holy Island.

Clare decided to log her 30 Days Wild this year and make these activities the main focus of the Blog. She has enjoyed taking a creative approach to her 30 wild days. Every day she has read a passage from Nature Writing for Every Day of the Year, ed. Jane McMorland Hunter, a delightful gift from Kathryn. Footage from the trail cameras has been added to these activities.

1st June: 4.15 am, thinking the bees would be quietly asleep, attempted to add a special entrance to one of the hives to help the bees defend themselves against robber bees - the bees detected the intrusion and objected strongly; finished reading The Wisdom of Trees, Max Adams.

2nd June: search for Yellow Rattle in the west end of the Top Grazing showed that the seeds sown last year had taken in many places; baby Blue tits at the feeders.

3rd June: planted trees - 7 Bird cherries + 3 Hawthorn (kindly donated by Keith) as hedging on the west boundary below the Wetland, and one Oak (also from Keith) nearby; walked home and identified 56 plant species in flower on the way.

4th June: another walk home from Liddells by a different route and saw 3 curlews in a field. Trail camera - fox and moths

5th June: evening walk round Liddells, nestlings seen still in J2.

Trail cameras - Great tits still feeding nestlings in J1; old buck seen in Pit Wood.

6th June: prepared a piece about the honey bee waggle dance for this month’s Rat Arts (a bimonthly meeting at a local pub to share songs, poetry, prose, etc., on a chosen theme. This month the theme is Dance).

7th June: Eileen came for lunch on Liddells and noticed a hare come up really close while we were talking; reference to the Ghost moth in Nature Writing - ‘A common sight at this time of year…[it] hovers above the fields and hedges at dusk - at one moment a pale, floating shape flitting across our path, then suddenly vanishing. It is usually still within reach of your hand, although invisible, for it has only to alight and fold its wings to disappear in the half-light. The upper side of its wings is mealy-white and glimmering, coming into view when poised, a most perfect disguise of brownish grey.’ (from The Peverel Papers, Flora Thompson, 1923)

Trail camera - hare in the Pit Wood; juvenile crow wing-flapping for food.

8th June: Bullfinch pair were perched in a Hawthorn near the first willow arbour; took photo of Corsican pine cones developing. Frustratingly the trail camera focussed on J1 had failed to capture footage of the Blue tits fledging. Heigh ho.

Trail camera - limping doe and two others, neither of which seems to be the old doe.

9th June: Pat and Sue came for some botanising and found Heath Speedwell, aka Common Gypsy Weed, Common speedwell, or Paul's betony, on the Crag.

Trail camera - in spite of the many broken pheasant eggs lying over Liddells, this hen has raised a pair of chicks.

10th June: learned the word ‘nemorous’ from a newspaper article - it means ‘full of woods or groves, wooded, woody. A passage from Edith Holden’s Diary in Nature Writing refers to the Yellow Bunting [the bird we call the Yellowhammer], and writes that, ‘in Cumberland they say it says ‘Devil, devil dinna touch me-e’. This bird is called Yeldrin and Yellow Yowlie in Scotland.’

11th June: today’s Guardian has an interesting article about Mugwort - there is some coming out near the Wildflower Meadow which might find its way into one or two of the recipe ideas suggested.

Trail camera - the juvenile crow still wants feeding

12th June: photographed a Buff-tailed bumblebee on Water Avens; saw Early Purple Orchids and a Stonechat while walking home

13th June: visited the Peace Labyrinth at Walltown; saw Common Spotted and Early Purple orchids; wondered about creating a tunnelled willow walk this year on Liddells with Sylvia’s willow prunings.

14th June: went in search of orchids on Liddells and found some out in the north-west corner and on the Meadow.

15th June: much activity at the feeders today; identified lots of juveniles - Tree Sparrows, Great tits, Marsh tits, Blue tits, Chaffinches, Great Spotted Woodpeckers.

Trail camera - young hare in the Scrub

A bit of shuteye


Juvenile Great spotted woodpecker - this is a male, the female has less red on the forehead. By next spring all this year's juveniles will have lost their red heads and young males will develop red on the nape but the females will remain plain black and white

An explanation for the recent rapid emptying of the nyjer seed feeders

Goldfinch and male Siskin

Pond snail in the Big Pond

16th June: another search for Creeping thistle on the Meadow - only 12, so this year’s total is 118, a big reduction; several Guelder rose plants in flower for the first time in the Orchard.

Trail camera - wary doe in Pit Wood. She may have had her kids and is therefore being particularly alert to possible threats.

17th June: opened the nucleus hive after leaving it in purdah after spitting to find 3 frames of capped brood - this part of the splitting exercise has been successful.

18th June: dug some turves with Red Clover and Yellow Rattle to introduce into the lawn at home after ‘No Mow May’ revealed no wildflowers in the grass; walked home via Written Crag (so-called because Flavius Carantinus, a quarryman, left his mark there: “PETRA FLAVI CARANTINI”) and saw a Swift, a Linnet, several Skylarks and a Yellowhammer.

19th June: a trip to Holy Island with John who wants to see if he can carry out a roe census there; it was a nature extravaganza - Pyramidal, Early Purple and Common Spotted orchids, Marsh Helleborines, Stonechats, Reed Buntings, juvenile Starlings, butterflies, bees, dozens more flower species and at least 20 roe deer. And an owl.

Marsh helleborine

Juvenile Stonechat

Wooly bear caterpillar of the Garden Tiger moth

Roe doe in meadow

20th June: preparation for Tynedale Community Choir’s 20th Birthday picnic on Liddells, clearing paths, assembling pond-dipping equipment.

21st June: a day at the Burrell Collection in Glasgow to celebrate a friend’s 80th birthday - 10th century ceramic pigeon from Iraq, and an Egyptian green stone goose in a collection of grave goods, were among favourite pieces; not only the longest day today, but the start of another of the Japanese microseasons. From today until 26th June this is 乃東枯 Natsukarekusa karuru - Self-heal withers.

Self-heal withering

Trail cameras - longest day hare and the first glimpse of a kid (the mother seems to be one of the young does, so probably will only have one kid in her first year of breeding).

22nd June: hive 4 opened to reveal half a frame of larvae - the new queen has only just started laying so hive closed up again quickly.

23rd June: started reading Still Water: the Deep Life of the Pond, by John Lewis-Stempel, a gift from Mathilda; loved the description of summer rain by Edward Thomas in Nature Writing:

‘June puts bronze and crimson on many of her leaves. The maple-leaves and many of the leaves of thorn and bramble and dogwood are rosy; the hazel-leaves are rosy-brown; the herb-robert and parsley are rose-red; the leaves of ash and holly are dark-lacquered…in a minute the rain has traversed half a mile of woods, and…[there is the] pattering on roof and pane and leaf, the dance of leaves, the sway of branches, the trembling of whole trees under the flood…When it is over it has put a final sweetness into the blackbird’s voice.’ (from The South Country, 1909)

Rosy leaves of [Haw]thorn


…Herb Robert

…and the darkening leaves of Elder

24th June: final prep for the choir picnic and time in the hide: Great Spotted Woodpecker, Siskins, Redpoll, Chaffinch, Dunnock, Great tits, Blue tits, Coal tits, Marsh tits, Tree sparrows, Bullfinch, Nuthatch.

25th June: extract from The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar Wilde in Nature Writing, tells of how the nightingale pierces her breast on a rose thorn and sings until her life-blood has caused the rose to blossom and turn crimson. A tragic tale. Globe on Tour offered an outdoor performance beside Hexham Abbey, of Julius Caesar. Thunderstorms were forecast; swifts screamed overhead in a fittingly dramatic way, though no lions whelped in Beaumont Street.

No nightingales this far north, however here is a rose

26th June: Tynedale Community Choir’s 20th Birthday picnic and an opportunity to relax after the celebratory singing festival in Hexham the day before. 8 Bird Cherries planted in the Orchard - one for each voice (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and one for each of the choir leaders (Jo, David, Kathryn and Bridie). Huw and Judith went pond-dipping with their grandchildren and found all sorts of things including a large dragonfly larvae and a small fish. How the fish arrived there is a mystery. A celebration bonfire rounded off the occasion. (Thanks to Mel and two Janes for photo contributions.)

Clare explaining that the saplings will be protected using Hawthorn brash; Mel waiting to plant the soprano’s tree

John talks to Tony the tenor planter

David plants his choir leader’s tree

The bonfire framework survives till the end

27th June: BBC Radio’s Add to Playlist offered a charming piece from the United Strings of Europe - Caroline Shaw’s ‘and the swallow’; the music is inspired by words from Psalm 84 -

‘Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young’

From today till 1st July we are in 菖蒲華 Ayame hana saku: Irises bloom. Japanese irises must come into flower later than in the UK, however here is one still blooming.

28th June: spent time digging pondweed out of the roadside pond and making it a bit deeper, while there is no water; honey bees were coming to drink from the wet mud; time at the hide - 8 siskins including juveniles (6 on one feeder at the same time - sixkins?), Sparrowhawk visited twice

Siskin kin

29th June: looked up this year’s Urban Wildlife Photography awards - this led to further investigations into Brolga and Rainbow parakeets; while removing the flowering heads of Hogweed on the Meadow, removed 3 more Creeping thistles (still only 121 this year, so pulling them out seems to be effective).

30th June: another hour digging the roadside pond which has gratifyingly held water since rain fell in the last two days; mud and petrichor (a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather) to end 30 wildly spent days.

Trail camera - hare looking far from wild

May - doing the splits

1st May

John saw the two Mandarin ducks on the big pond in daylight. Unfortunately they were too far away for his phone camera.

2nd May

The local Community Choir with which Clare sings, has the bonkers habit of meeting at the local bandstand to sing in the sunrise on the first of the May Bank Holidays. They then eat breakfast together. Three years ago this day coincided with International Dawn Chorus Day so Clare took several singers with her for a walk round Liddells after the breakfast, in order to listen to some birdsong. This year she repeated the offer and nine others joined in. She began the walk by suggesting people kept their eyes open for hares as it was very unusual to be on Liddells and not see one. They heard Pheasant, Blackbird, Crow, Song thrush, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Chaffinch, Willow warbler, Garden warbler, Great tit, Wren. Three Swallows flew over, the first Clare had seen over Liddells this year. Other identifications included a frog, jelly ear fungus, and several flower species. Maggie saw two deer as they jumped away over a wall. No hare appeared.

Later that morning Clare returned and saw two hares - they clearly have a sense of humour. She saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker twice at the hide. She planted a third Field Maple grown and donated by Mel. Now the saplings can have three-way conversations and encourage each other to grow.

Clare started a cowslip survey organised by Plantlife (if you have or know of cowslips nearby, go to and consider joining in). Apparently cowslips are heterostylous - flowers which have style and anthers of different heights. Long style and low anthers = L-type, short style and high anthers = S-type. This is needed to prevent self-pollination and therefore ideally there will be an equal amount of both flowers in any location. An unequal balance might mean that the flowers are not doing so well. The survey began in Estonia in 2019, where a citizen science campaign, Looking for Cowslips began, in order to see if the landscape, grasslands in particular, was supporting the flowers’ wellbeing. The idea spread to Europe and the UK. The results showed that the balance was more skewed in smaller populations and in urban areas, indicating that human activity may be having a negative impact on the species. Grassland preservation and protection is imperative.

Clare was pleased to record that her survey of 100 plants showed 52 S-type and 48 L-type.

She also valued the experience as an example of ‘opsimathy’: Learning conducted or acquired late in life; an instance of this. Of course Liddells has been offering that for the last nine years.

Meanwhile John saw the pair of Mandarin ducks on the big pond again, however they flew away as soon as they became aware of him.

Listening and watching

‘[w}ild-scatter'd cowslips bedeck the green dale’ Robert Burns

‘Among the many pleasing purposes to which these favourite flowers are applied by children, none is prettier than the making of Cowslip Balls. The method, which may not be known to all my readers, is as follows:

The umbels are picked off as close as possible to the top of the main stalk, and from fifty to sixty are made to hang across a string stretched between the backs of two chairs. The flowers are then carefully pressed together, and the string tied tightly so as to collect them into a ball. Care should be taken to choose such heads or umbels only as have all the flowers open, or the surface of the ball will be uneven.’ Rev. C.A. Johns From Flowers of the Field, 1885

4th May

John has moved one of the cameras back to the middle of the Pit Wood. A hare showed up almost immediately. You can also hear just how much birdsong there is, even in the middle of the day.

5th May

John and Clare were joined at Liddells by three officers from the Northumberland Wildlife Trust to see how the site was doing (readers may recall that Clare and John intend to leave Liddells to the NWT), and in particular to see whether it might qualify for Local Nature Reserve (LNR) status. It is always excellent to walk round with people who bring expertise to the land and this was no exception. Duncan, Geoff and Alice - a curatorium: A group of curators (in various senses), typically acting as an advisory body, OED Word of the Day 18.05.22 - were very encouraging and although didn’t think that Liddells would yet have the required species richness over the whole site for LNR designation, there were pockets in which that richness was there or almost there. The amount of Adder’s Tongue Fern on the Meadow proved to be quite exciting, and the way Yellow Rattle has established. Duncan and Geoff puzzled over exactly which Lady’s Mantle they found in the Meadow, subsequently sending the identification Hairy Alchemilla: Alchemilla filicaulis subspecies Vestita. Geoff spotted moths mating on the outside of the hide, though wasn’t confidently able to identify them. As part of a general discussion at the end of the visit, Alice commented that the root plates exposed by trees felled by Storm Arwen are offering excellent opportunities for mining insects. More investigation called for.

Before he left, John saw Redpolls and Siskins, and a Greenfinch on one of the peanut feeders at the hide. Greenfinches have been notable for their absence for a while, however Tim had sent a photograph of one in his garden (half a mile away), this very day.

Pale Pinion moths - very many thanks to TrogTrogBlog Chris who responded to Clare’s identification plea. Chris added that this moth ‘is uncommon in the north but occurs regularly in Dumfries & Galloway (see Stewart Sexton sees it every year up the coast at Boulmer ( And this is the right time of year. This is the NBN atlas, not always the most reliable source’. As Chris pointed out, the moths are exquisitely disguised on the wood grain.

Redpolls, male on the left

Two female Redpolls

Particularly rosy male Redpoll and male Siskin


To add to the colours - Bluebell

‘We call wild flowers common because of their quantity. But this is just where we strike the great difference between productions of Nature and the productions of Man. When we produce many samples of the same thing they are of poor quality and we speak of them as mass-produced. The mass productions of Nature do not fail at all in terms of quality. Take the bluebell. There indeed is quantity. Yet every year we are freshly struck by their quality. Only a flower-snob could fail to see that any one of those bells on the uplifted belfry is as delicate a construction as any tulip or rose. I will not say more beautiful, or less, for in this realm of flowers we are actually in the presence of abundant examples of - perfection. I think that perfection is the key to the emotion that flowers cause in us.’ John Stewart Collis From Down to Earth, Part II, The Wood, 1947

6th May

Another example of the camera light transfixing a badger. The camera has recorded badgers going away from the camera several times. This one seems stopped in its tracks.

7th May

The two cameras recorded deer activity at about the same time in different places in the Pit Wood. The old buck is anointing again. Three minutes later and a hundred yards away, the young buck and doe appear by the bottom of the stream. Six minutes after that the doe appears where the big buck had been. The old buck shows no signs of losing his winter coat, while the two youngsters’ summer coats are clearly on their way.

10th May

Saturday’s Guardian suggested that one of the ‘60 Ways to Turn Your World Upside Down’ (should you feel the need), would be to tune in to the Japanese concept of micro-seasons. Today is the start of the five day 蚯蚓出 Mimizu izuru, or Worms Surface. Others might feature later in the Blog as appropriate. Prepare to be upended.

John has been investigating all the different plants roe deer will eat. The young doe here is eating Water Avens.

13th May

Here the young doe is joined by the young buck. The camera has captured excellent close-ups of both. The young buck is no longer in velvet.

14 -16th May

John and Clare returned from a few days in Cumbria listening for and watching cuckoos. Derek, who farms next to Liddells, says there used to be cuckoos every year locally.

A pair of Greenfinches turned up at the feeders.

Clare inspected the bees having done so on Sunday 8th before she went away, when she spotted that one of the queens had lost her marking. Clare re-marked her, feeling pleased that this would make swarm management easier. Today she was amazed to see that the stronger colony had taken advantage of her absence and created several swarm cells. One way of hoping to prevent a swarm is to remove the queen and establish a small colony - the theory being that this mimics swarming. So Clare set about finding the queen. After going forwards and backwards through the frames four times she gave up. She returned in the afternoon with John hoping that two pairs of eyes would solve the problem. It didn’t, even after taking each frame out three times. She returned the next day and was relieved to see that the bees still hadn’t capped/closed the cells (capped swarm cells means the bees have already swarmed). Three more goes at finding the queen proved as unsuccessful as the previous seven. Much harrumphing ensued. Fortunately her old bee-keeping mentors responded very promptly to a plea for help and suggested an alternative method of swarm control. Clare geared up to do this on Monday but was thwarted by heavy rain and hoped the bees would be too.

17th May

Barry came to help Clare split the colony with queen cells. As Barry’s bees were not thriving, he and Clare took the opportunity to see if they could create two new colonies. First they identified two large queen cells and brushed all the bees off the frames where these were; these frames went into a new brood box; all except one of the brood frames were added to this box having shaken off all the bees (so that the queen remained in the old brood box). It was important to check that this remaining frame had eggs from which the bees could create a new queen cell in case the queen swarmed anyway. The new brood box was placed on top of the old one with a queen excluder between them, and left till next day. The theory is that the nurse bees will move up to look after the brood. Next morning the new brood box, which had plenty of bees in it, was removed; the two frames with queen cells were put into two nucleus boxes (smaller than a regular brood box and suitable for raising new colonies); the remaining brood frames were shared between the boxes. Syrup was added in feeders. The nucs were then left for a few days. Any flying bees in the nucs would make their way back to the old hive.

18th May

Keith came to help Clare with the annual breeding bird survey. Clare is always surprised by the birds they don’t hear, and rather disappointed that they then can’t be included in the count, however as Keith says, this is only an audio equivalent of a snapshot - it could be repeated every hour on the same day, and the results might vary. One of the highlights was watching a Chiffchaff go in and out of brambles near the wall, suggesting there was a nest there.

19th May

Meanwhile the territorial disputes between the bucks continues - the old buck is captured marking again. John says it is unusual for bucks to share the same territory, although it can happen when the stronger animal doesn’t consider the other to be a threat, and will tolerate its presence.

20th May

Keith has often expressed his surprise that there have been no Whitethroats on Liddells, since the land offers ideal habitat for them - plenty of low vegetation like scrubs, bushes and brambles. Last year Clare thought she had seen one in the Scrub, however with no further sightings, concluded it must have been wishful seeing and more likely a Garden Warbler. Today she was thrilled to see a Whitethroat hopping about in the raspberries and brambles close to the hide, close and visible enough for there to be no doubt about identification, and thought that maybe she hadn’t been mistaken last year after all. She dared not move and scare the bird away, so couldn’t reach for her phone to take a photo.

The old doe appeared in the Pit Wood looking decidedly pregnant. Roe does have their young between mid-May and mid-June. In Northumberland the births tend to be at the later end of this period. This is the doe that had triplets last year so it will be exciting to see what young appear this year.

21st May

Clare had to inspect the second of her hives today and again found queen cells - the evidence the colony is preparing to swarm. This time she decided against endless searches for the queen and repeated the splitting procedure. As it was early morning, she was able to return later in the day and move the new brood box into its new position.

And on the theme of boxes, a Greater Spotted Woodpecker has been showing interest in J2 where Great tits are raising a brood. John has made a metal cover with a smaller hole for the box to deter the intruder.

Clare began her annual thistle cull on the Meadow, removing 106 plants on this first go. No doubt there will be more.

Clare also saw the first damselflies out on the Big Pond. They were Large Reds and too far away to photograph.

22nd May

Clare returned to the apiary to check on progress with the first split. She discovered the queen present in the original hive and laying well. Phew. When she opened the nucleus however, the queen cell was open, so the queen had already hatched. Clare went through the frames extremely cautiously and destroyed the one further queen cell that the bees had made. This nucleus will now be in purdah for at least three weeks to allow for the queen to mature, go on mating flights and start laying eggs.

23rd - 24th May

There is much feeding activity at both J1 and J2. Clare is hoping the trail camera on J2 will capture the fledglings leaving the nest. So far it has recorded the earliest food delivery at 4.46am, and the latest at 20.37pm. This article from the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology), gives more detail about the birds and breeding, noting that an excess of 10,000 caterpillars might be delivered to a typical brood. Clare has noted that parent birds from both J1 and J2 take food from the hide feeders and deliver it to the nest boxes. The birds also remove material from the nest to keep it clean. Both birds are involved in managing the brood.

25th May

A badger makes its way through the Pit Wood and returns 12 minutes later.

27th May

Clare went for an evening’s watching, hoping to see the Whitethroat but saw a Spotted Flycatcher instead. She also saw a bat in The Pit Wood however it was too fast to make any clearer identification.

28th - 29th May

The camera in the Pit Wood, which John is hoping will capture the doe and any kids some time soon, shows that the doe is still pregnant; the older buck ignores the branch he usually marks.

It was time to check on the bees after the second split. There were a couple of new queen cells in the newly created brood box so Clare took one down and took the other to Barry to see if it would hatch successfully and provide a new queen for his failing colony. The original hive had no evidence of a laying queen so she may have swarmed after the split; it was puzzling that the remaining bees hadn’t raised another queen cell from the eggs left behind, so Clare took a frame with eggs from the thriving colony and will check again in a few days time to see if the bees have created what they need. ‘Swarm control’ is a phrase created by beekeepers to help them think they are ahead of the bees’ game. Hmmm.

Clare visited the pond again to find dozens of damselflies in the air. She managed to get a couple of shots with her phone though they are not of great quality. The most interesting was seeing a newly emerged damselfly. It clung to the rush but would move to the far side of it every time Clare tried to get close with her phone. TrogTrogBlog Chris - another of the curatorium - suggested waving an outstretched hand to one side can help to get the damselfly to move round a bit more - as Clare dropped her phone in the pond on the first attempt, she is not that keen to try again.

On 26th May, in Nature Writing for Every Day of the Year, ed. McMorland Hunter, there is a passage from Our Village, by Mary Russell Mitford, 1824:

‘Walking along these meadows one bright sunny afternoon, a year or two back, and rather late in the season, I had an opportunity of noticing a curious circumstance in natural history. Standing close to the edge of the stream, I remarked a singular appearance on a large tuft of flags. It looked like bunches of flowers, the leaves of which seemed dark, yet transparent, intermingled with brilliant tubes of bright blue or shining green. On examining this phenomenon more closely, it turned out to be several clusters of dragon-flies, just emerged from their deformed chrysalis state, and still torpid and motionless from the wetness of their filmy wings. Half an hour later we returned to the spot and they were gone.’

Mating Large Red Damselflies - usually the first of the Odonata to emerge each spring

Adult male Azure Damselfly - TrogTrogBlog’s Chris says you can see the coenagrion spur on the side of the thorax. (Yes, Clare had to look up coenagrian too.) Chris suggested this, from is a great help to tell the difference from a Common Blue.

Teneral (of, relating to, or constituting a state of the imago of an insect immediately after moulting during which it is soft and immature in colouring) female azure damselfly

30th May

Tims sent this article about Brimstone butterflies in the north-east. Apparently they are prospering. Clare is pleased that the Alder Buckthorns Tim and Clare donated are now in leaf.

31st May

There are fewer videos of hares this month and John and Clare have seen fewer hares, although they are still about and Clare saw a small one on the Top Grazing which would seem to be one of this year’s young. It may be the adults are fully occupied in looking after them.

Next month is the Wildlife Trust’s annual challenge to everyone to do one wild thing every day throughout the month. John and Clare hope Blog readers will be inspired to join in.

April - otterly surprising

1st April

Clare is pleased with her choice of a different site for one of the trail cameras. The hares are the first to appear in the footage.

3rd April

The Blackthorn is at last in blossom by the hives.

Clare was delighted to see not only a flock of fieldfares behind the hives today, but a Lesser Redpoll and a Siskin on the nyjer seed feeders at the hide. These latter two species have been noticeable by their absence from Liddells for many months. The partridge pair were on the Wetland.

John completed a side on the log shed and Clare set about weeding the steps up to the Point of View.

The male heron appears to be indulging in open water swimming.

4th April

The trail camera records deer in early morning snow. The big buck is captured scraping vigorously at the ground again, however this time he is making a couch. Having made his bed, he is seen lying on it later.

The male heron seems to be viewing the morning snow on the Crag.

Titmice seem to be attempting to use one of the trail cameras as a nesting site.

There were two Siskins on the feeders today, a male and a female.

7th April

The big buck is still marking his territory, this time near where the younger buck was captured in footage three days earlier.

Clare was delighted that she trusted her hunch and went to Primroseside in the Pit Wood. The primroses were out in abundance. She also found a patch of Opposite-leaved golden saxifrage in the Pit Wood that she had not noticed before. Read more about it here.

8th April

No disrespect to pheasants, however they don’t seem to manifest many signs of high intelligence.

9th April

Siskins are on the feeders daily now, though the Redpoll hasn’t been seen again. There is moss in boxes 2, 3 and J1 (Juno’s first box).

Today seemed to be tadpole hatching day on Liddells and there were clusters of what looked to be hundreds of tadpoles emerging in the Roadside and the Big ponds.

Tim and Jane kindly donated two Alder Buckthorn whips which Clare planted on the damp edge to the glade in the Pit Wood. Tim and Jane chose this species to replace trees damaged in their garden by Storm Arwen. The trees are a favourite of the Brimstone butterfly. Tim and Jane hope that with their trees and the ones on Liddells, there could be a local Brimstone corridor. Read more about the Alder Buckthon here.

Clare moved one of the trail cameras to below the hide in the Pit Wood and was delighted to see several clips of hares and deer. One of the clips shows a doe couching.

10th April

As well as a pair of Siskins, there were three Tree Sparrows around the feeders. John spent time there with his camera.

While Clare and John remain delighted at the diversity of species appearing on Liddells, it is noticeable that bird numbers, apart from the titmice, are dropping. This is in line with national, indeed global records, and dismaying.

Clare finished weeding the Point of View steps.

John thinks he may have found a form on the Wetland. Clare has set up her pop-up hide to see if she can verify this.

Clare and John watched the older doe, younger doe and young buck, and a hare all on the Top Grazing at the same time this afternoon.

Tree sparrow - note the chestnut head and black cheek spot, which differentiate it from the House sparrow

Very red-breasted Robin


Male Siskin with seed in its beak

Male and female Siskin

Bold Bluetit sticking its neck out

Looking in…

…and looking out

13th April

The Willow warblers are back and Clare has heard Blackcaps singing. She saw a flock of eight Tree sparrows near the feeders, which was encouraging after the comment about numbers dropping.

The herons have not been seen so often on the pond camera, perhaps because they have eaten all the frogs, however this one is successful in finding food. (PS no more herons appeared this month on the trail camera after today.)

Clare spent a couple of evenings in her pop-up hide and saw no evidence of hares near what might be a form, however she saw six deer the first evening (more than Clare and John thought were regulars on Liddells), two on the second, three hares on the first and one on the second evening, and on the second evening watched a Willow Warbler working the territory just in front of the hide for about fifteen minutes, while a Marsh tit was almost close enough to touch in a hawthorn next to her hide.

16th April

Another otter on one of the trail cameras! The camera is pointing west along a path that follows what might well have in the past been the route of a stream, and joins up with the stream from the spring. Following a suggestion from Chris (TrogTrogBlog), Clare has logged this and the earlier sighting with which surveys otters in the north-east.

18th April

Spring flowers are emerging - Clare and Pat saw Primroses, Cowslips, Violets, Wild strawberries and Wood anemone in flower today. The Wood anemones are a new discovery and were close to the Opposite-leaved golden saxifrage, so they might all have appeared since more light was let into that part of the Pit Wood.

Clare and Pat also saw a Great Spotted woodpecker, five Siskins and a Redpoll among the birds visiting the feeders.

John fixed the roof on to the new log shed.

A fox decides not to proceed, probably because of the red light on the trail camera.

20th April

Snake’s head fritillary are out on the Wildflower meadow and Clare is particularly pleased because she grew some of them from seed she had collected.

Clare went to photograph the Wood anemones in the Pit Wood only to find that they had vanished. This evening, browsing through a new book John is reading, about a Frenchman who spent seven years immersing himself in nature and living with wild roe deer, Clare read that ‘[h]ighly poisonous to other herbivores, wood anemones are eaten in large quantities by roe deer in the spring. Since they have no gall bladder, the toxin has no effect on them, apart from preventing certain illnesses’. So there may not be any more of these flowers on Liddells. Clare wonders if this has been the fate of the Winter aconite too.

21st April

A pair of mallards are captured mating again on the trail camera - they appear to be in a bit of a spin.

22nd April

The young buck and one of the young does take refreshment by the pond. Later the young buck appears on the second camera and a closer view shows that he is now in tatters.

23rd April

Clare heard a warbler singing and began her annual is-it-a-Blackcap-or-a-Garden-warbler challenge. She decided it was a Blackcap whereupon the bird, which was indeed a Blackcap, flew onto the gorse in front of her. As if by way of reward.

25th April

One of the pleasures of moving the trail cameras to different sites is discovering how many of the creatures on Liddells cover so much of the area. Here a Jay appears, as do the Partridge pair and a badger. As with the fox a few days earlier, the badger seems to be suspicious of the red light on the camera and changes route.

27th - 29th April

Dave has begun bringing logs from the Top Strip and the Orchard to the log shed where they can be stacked and dried.

Clare checked the hives again and discovered that one of them had eight frames of capped brood, which leaves the bees very little space for stores and more brood, and can prompt them to swarm. Clare quickly added a super and crossed all available digits.

The young buck’s winter coat is beginning to go.

30th April

One of the young does is losing her winter coat.

A last hare of the month (Clare and John saw two on the Top Grazing while on Liddells today). For a while now Clare and John have seen at least one hare on every visit, and more often that not, two or three.

To end the month and celebrate spring, John has taken a photograph of cherry blossom in the Top Strip. Enjoy the hanami.

March - pairing up

For reasons that will become apparent, there are a lot of videos in this month’s blog. It is unlikely that these will either show or be playable through the email you have received with the blog. If this is the case, go to the Liddells website, click on Blog and the videos will be available in the March post.

27th & 28th February

Some footage from the end of last month.

The pair of red-legged partridge have been exploring and found their way to the Pit Wood.

It is clear that the lame doe, as suspected, has lost her foot, however she continues to be mobile and able to forage.

A pair of hares appear to be almost synchronised.

The rather confusing to and fro movements seen in previous footage of a badger may be explained.

The older buck re-marks the elder branch in the Scrub and then seems to forget the branch is there.

1st March

Another surprise on the trail camera - footage of a wood mouse in the Pit Wood. They are nocturnal so not often seen, although John and Clare have seen one a couple of times in daylight near the bird feeders. Read more about them here.

John made a start on rebuilding the log shed, which will now be re-sited on the hay shed base. As he arrived a heron flew off from the Wetland. Dave took his chain saw to the fallen ash limb. The photograph reveal just how big a scar is left. The ash presumably now also qualifies as a veteran tree.

Clare went to check on the bee food and saw much activity at the hives. She was also treated to views of a goldcrest, a bullfinch and a yellowhammer nearby.

3rd March

A local mole catcher has trapped 16 moles, some of them on the Meadow. As activity seems to have subsided, Clare spent a couple of hours flattening the molehills. She planted some Winter Aconite in the Top Strip (a third attempt to establish the plant, so fingers crossed it will be third time lucky and they will survive). John fixed the first of the uprights for the log shed.

The Red-legged Partridge pair are back in the Scrub. To discover more about the species, click here.

4th March

Second upright for the log shed in place and today John saw the Heron again near the pond and a pair of Mallard in the water.

The Woodcock makes a third appearance in front of the trail camera.

Pole position

Pair of poles

6th March

Clare sowed several envelopes of wildflower seed that she had collected and been given, on the Meadow. Barry had kindly lent a harrow to deal with the many molehills on the Top Grazing. If only he’d gift wrapped it, it would have been a bow and harrow. John did the harrowing after lunch - eaten and harrow. He quite fell for the implement, obviously struck by Cupid’s harrow; it was so much quicker than flattening with a rake, indeed swift as a harrow. John’s route, however, was quite circuitous, so not as straight as a harrow. Clare indulged herself by making up harrow puns while tending to a bonfire.

Tim sent photos from Top Grazing and the hide.

While Clare was at the hide she was delighted to see a Blue Tit make three investigative visits to one of Juno’s bird boxes.

John and Clare saw two deer than another, two hares, and heard a Yellowhammer singing for the first time this year.

Mountainous molehills

A harrowing experience

Not a mountain, not even a molehill left

Marsh tit contemplating food choice. A pair appeared together at times.

House viewing

6th - 9th March

John had attempted to take a photograph of the heron earlier in the month, however the distance proved too great for much clarity, so Clare moved one of the trail cameras to the pond, a move that has proved to be a great success. (Ignore the date and time on the clips, Clare forgot to alter the settings when changing the batteries.)

Spot the heron! (It is in flight.)

The camera took nearly 300 videos over three days, of which a selection follows. There were two sequences of sunset reflecting in the camera lens which brought the image of the Biblical burning bush to Clare’s mind. There is footage of a pair of surprising visitors, the Mallards’ courtship behaviour, a delightful recording of a Dunnock singing, and lots of the heron, although this also provides possible evidence for the absence of frogspawn thus far. Frustratingly the image of the heron’s success is somewhat compromised by the camera logo. The heron is making several visits each day and spending from 10-25 minutes by the pond per visit.

The Mandarin Ducks were a complete surprise. John and Clare are wondering if they will appear again or whether this will be their only appearance. They nest in trees so Liddells offers the right habitat for them.To read more about them, click here.

Below the male Mallard starts a bit of courtship behaviour then very quickly gives up.

The footage of the Heron proves to be almost irresistible. The bird seems to have a natural cartoon quality. Blog readers can be reassured that the novelty will soon wear off and they will not be inundated with pond footage in subsequent posts. The footage reveals there are two different birds - a male and a female. The black neck plume, known as an aigret is much longer in the male. The term ‘aigret’ is from the French for egret, or lesser white heron, and refers to the tufted crest or head-plumes of the egret, fixed in the shape of a plume and used for adorning a headdress. The word may also identify any similar ornament in gems.

A brief clip of both ducks displaying courtship behaviour and then apparent success.

8th March - meanwhile back on dry land

The badger seems particularly interested in the ground below the deer-marked branch and this brings him close to the camera for a good view. The young buck checks the scent marks. The hares are still together.

9th March

As John and Clare arrived on the Top Grazing, a snipe flew off. Clare has frequently seen them in a neighbouring field, however this is a first for Liddells. The RSPB information page about snipe has a short video in which you can hear the characteristic drumming sound of the wings as they fly.

John completed the frame for the new log shed.

10th March

The older buck checks that he doesn’t need to mark again. This clip shows that he is ‘in tatters’ - when the blood supply to the velvet is shutdown and the tissue dies and begins to dry up and fall off. Deer are often seen thrashing their antlers in undergrowth, on bushes and trees in a bid to remove the velvet in a process known as fraying, cleaning or polishing. This is part of the damage deer can do to trees - their action strips the bark, usually from young trees, which compromises growth. About ten hours later the young buck marks again.

11th March

Dave started work on clearing the Silver birch at the top of the Crag, brought down by storm Arwen.

Back at the pond the Mandarins make a further appearance. Both male and female herons are successful in reducing the number of frogs in the pond. The young buck and one of the does are close to the pond, however it is reported that roe do not drink from water sources, satisfying their hydration needs from forage.

12th March

Clare went hunting for frogspawn and found some in both the Roadside and Crag ponds. She had checked the previous day without success so both these were very freshly laid.

More footage of the older buck in tatters - John says the deer has managed to get the points cleaned and polished however the velvet remains on the lower parts of the antlers. The badger rootles near the camera.

13th - 15th March

With careful tread, the male heron moves into position.

Buzzards are often seen above Liddells and occasionally perched in trees however the trail camera offers yet another delight and a buzzard joins the plethora of wildlife at the pond. It appears to bathe, with the heron making what sound like protesting sounds. The heron flies off making its bark-like call.

Having heard Chiffchaffs from the garden at home, Clare went to Liddells to hear if they had arrived and heard several singing in the Scrub and Pit Wood. She also came across a hare feeding on the edge of the Pit Wood - maybe it was listening to the Chiffchaffs as well.

She was also pleased that some frogs are surviving in the Big Pond, at least thus far, and there is a small quantity of frogspawn.

16th March

A hare appears to be all ears in the Scrub.

The doe appears with two kids. The young buck is still in velvet. This time he doesn’t check the scent mark. John says it is not unusual for antlers to grow unevenly.

Two badgers vie for supremacy on the path through the Scrub.

17th - 20th March

John fixed roof beams in the replacement log shed.

The young buck forages on bracken, demonstrating the variety of plants roe deer will eat.

From the hide Clare saw the first Tree Sparrow in many months.

Clare saw frogspawn in the big pond then two days later John called her over to witness about twenty frogs mating there. There was substantially more frogspawn. Clare managed to film for a second or two before the frogs dived for cover so, for readers of a delicate disposition, be aware there is frogsporn in this post. For a more thorough presentation of this phenomenon, click here.

21st - 24th March

Footage from the pond trail camera continues to be of interest. A hare appears in the background; the lame doe is still around; the other doe kid is still squeaking (John thinks the kids may stop squeaking when the doe separates from them when they are about a year old).

The mature buck is again captured marking his territory. He is anointing and also vigorously scraping, depositing scent from glands between his cleaves. Frank Holmes, writing about roe, says that scraping is the only form of territorial marking which is performed in a ferocious manner; he suggests that it results from an immediate threat to the territory. As the young buck is also using this spot, the footage would seem to illustrate Holmes’ point.

The native daffodils in the Top Strip are at last beginning to form clumps.

John finished replumbing the Necessarium. Clare was much amused by gifts from her sister - copies of The Specialist and The Master Builder by Charles Sale. Clare remembers that there was a copy of the former in their childhood home but had forgotten completely about it until Jean reminded her. Both books concern the professional activities of Lem Putt, a specialist in the simpler forms of sanitary engineering. Lem is attentive to both the material and the emotional needs of his clients, for example not using knotty timber in his constructions as knotholes can make spaces for snoopers. Clare likes to think that between them, she and John have been as considerate as Lem.

John also worked on the back panel of the log shed.

25th - 27th March

A stoat is on the alert in the Scrub.

John and Clare had decided to stay in the shepherd’s hut again. They were delighted to have chosen days where the weather was wonderful, the sunsets glorious and the night skies spectacular. Almost as soon as they had arrived, so did a Buff-tailed bumblebee queen, no doubt looking for a nesting spot. The Mallard pair were back on the pond - good to see them in the flesh or they might have been mallard imaginaire (Clare is delighted to make use of the literature component of her French A level). Clare saw a Tree sparrow again from the hide. A pair of curlews flew over on Friday evening. During that night Clare heard a fox barking close by for several minutes.

The next day Clare saw a Comma butterfly near the hives and Coltsfoot in flower in the Pit Wood. Four drakes and a duck flew off the big pond.

Early on Sunday Clare saw a hare go past the back of the shepherd’s hut and the young buck cross in front of it. There was also aTree Creeper and several Bullfinches on trees close by.

Buff-tailed bumblebee queen


Comma underside

29th - 31st March

And then there was snow. The pond camera continues to record visitors. On the afternoon of the 31st, Clare went to retrieve the camera discs for any last contributions to this post and the snow you see in the footage from that morning had all disappeared, as had every single Coltsfoot flower that Clare had gone to photograph. Coltsfoot leaves are eaten by birds, bees, and the caterpillars of several species of moth. Coltsfoot was known in the Middle Ages by the scientific names ungula caballina (horse hoof) and pes pulli (foal's foot) due to the supposed resemblance of the young leaf to the foot of a horse. The flowers are an excellent source of nectar for bees.

As she was walking past, Clare looked in one of the nest boxes in the Scrub and saw small amounts of moss. Nest-building has begun.

February - a territorial month

Corrections and clarifications

Apparently cattle can jump over walls and fences, particularly if they have escaped from a cattle shed and gone berserk. John spoke with the local farmer about the possibility of a red deer on Liddells and was told how two bullocks had got out and rampaged around the local countryside. Ah well - at least they add to the species recorded on Liddells, and John’s initial instinct that the hoof prints were from cattle was correct.

John has been editing and organising some of his many videos and found the following. Readers might like to see if they can correctly identify the succession of birds. Answers at the end of this post.

1st February

Today is the ancient Celtic festival of Imbolc which celebrates the beginning of Spring, so here are some springy hares.

2nd February

John is interested in the next trio of videos, all of which show the old buck ‘anointing’ in the Scrub - anointing is when the buck uses the glands situated on his brow at the base of the antlers, and also the inner canthus of the eye, to leave his scent on a branch. The buck is seeking to mark territory by leaving his scent. The buck anoints branch, then returns to anoint a different branch about an hour later. He then returns to this second branch within two hours of his first visit. John says that some observers suggest that the territorial activity of bucks begins in April. There are other theories which propose that territories are already well established by that time. These videos would support the latter view.

3rd February

The old buck is captured anointing in the Pit Wood this time.

Clare finished checking stakes and tubes for trees planted on the Wetland and on the Top Grazing.

A fox seems uncertain about the red light on the trail camera in the Scrub.

5th February

The roe deer continue their territorial activity This time the young buck marks exactly the same branch. It is highly likely that this buck was sired by the older one.

7th February

Dave came to log the Sycamore that has fallen to the force of storm Arwen in the Top Strip. John and Clare have decided to leave the stump and mound with the exposed hollows between the roots, as it offers habitat for burrowing creatures.

John began work on straightening the Necessarium ready to be fixed back in place.

The first snowdrops have appeared in the Top Strip.

Tim sent photos of a Long-tailed tit and a Nuthatch from his recent visits to the hide.

8th February

The Necessarium had blown over again in strong winds overnight.

John had a reward for all his frustration when he saw a Barn Owl quartering over the Wetland.

10th February

John and Clare wondered if they would see the Barn owl again however it proved to be too cold and windy. They were delighted to see all five roe deer. First the large doe appeared then each of her three kids. She leapt the fence and went down the wall on the neighbouring land. The large buck appeared shortly after and stayed close to the wall before jumping the fence and following the doe. The three kids seemed hesitant to follow her and eventually jumped the wall into Liddells. John says that the doe will be in the process of separating from her kids now.

Clare completed bird box maintenance ready for this year’s occupation.

11th February

John righted the Necessarium again and was able to fix it in place, although with more high winds forecast he is hesitant about the permanence of its position. Clare saw the Barn owl over the Wetland. A hare seems to be unusually hesitant about the trail camera in the Scrub, given how many times a day it is recorded going past the camera.

John saw the lame doe making her way up the Crag before leaping the wall at the top. Although she is limping, she is clearly feeding and getting around successfully.

Clare changed the camera disc after her visit to see the Barn Owl and both she and John were hugely delighted at footage on the disc she left. They had both been keeping their fingers crossed that this bird, which is notoriously secretive, might appear in front of the camera one day.

12th February

Janet and Peter arrived to plant three more trees, this time Wild Service trees, which bear chequers. Janet had named her trees Check Up, Check Out and Checkmate. The trees were panted near larger Wild Service trees in the Pit Wood in the hope that the older specimens will act as mother trees to the new one.

Clare planted two Oaks kindly donated by Margi.

The doe is intent on grooming the buck kid (frustratingly not quite in front of the camera although its buttons are clearly visible). She has not been recorded dedicating as much attention to the doe kids. Footage from September last year also shows her grooming the buck.

“I see no ships!”

One of Margi’s Oaks with its protecting gorse cushion.

15th February

The weather has inhibited much activity on Liddells so this year the tradition of putting up bird boxes on Valentine’s Day has had to be postponed. Also, neither trail camera captured any Valentine-related activity on 14th, however maybe the footage of the hares captures post-Valentine-related activity. It is always good to see a pair and keeps Clare’s hopes alive that one of the cameras will capture them boxing one day.

17th February

A stoat makes its way springily through the Scrub.

18th February

The young buck appears right in front of the trail camera - so close you can see how much its buttons have grown.

19th February

A pheasant appears to be acting as sentry in the Scrub; the hare is not allowed past.

21st February

The deer family are still together.

The Scrub camera has captured footage of a pair of Red-legged Partridge going through. This is another first for Liddells. Here Clare was amused by the hare rushing past one of the birds and thought ‘the hare and the partridge’ sounded as if it ought to be the title of a fable. She was delighted to discover that it is. Her investigations also provided further learning - ‘Partridge and Hare’s Ear’ is the name of an anglers’ fishing fly: ‘An old time classic wet fly or soft hackle the Partridge and Hare is fished under the water surface. The fly is a well known fly with its roots set firmly in English angling history. It is an impressionistic pattern fished successfully during Caddis hatches and spinner falls. The Partridge and Hare is traditionally a trout and grayling pattern but may be used for other aquatic insect feeding species.’ ( Here is the best image Clare could find.

Two hares speed their way through the Scrub again. Still no boxing.

22nd February

Good enough weather and a visit from Juno combined today so she was able to help with putting up the two bird boxes she had made with John last autumn.

The painting

The labelling

24th February

The badger appears to have been captured just as he has finished marking territory.

25th February

The big buck races through the Scrub.

Clare went to check on how the bees were going through their fondant and was pleased to be able to see through the plastic box that there were plenty of bees taking food in both hives. Thus far both colonies seem to have survived the winter. It is still far too cold to open the hives, however on warmer days the bees are out foraging. There is plenty of gorse in flower on Liddells now, as well as bulbs flowering on Liddells and in nearby gardens.

While Clare was there she could hear at least two thrushes singing non-stop for long stretches of time.

27th February.

A Jay returns to the Scrub. A general knowledge question in a recent Guardian quiz asked which was the most colourful of the corvids - the answer is, of course, the Jay.

Last hare footage of the month - another illustration of a sudden change of mind/direction.

Bird table at the hide - cast in order of appearance:

Marsh tit, Blue tit, Chaffinch (male), second Chaffinch (male), Nuthatch, Chaffinch (female), Coal tit, Chaffinch (male).

January 2022 - You must remember this, an osculation is still an osculation

1st January

In the absence of a bonfire to mark the end of 2021, Clare found fiery looking fungus and liked the idea of it growing on decaying matter - new life from old. She also found a different fungus and sticky buds.

Yellow brain fungus - also known as Witch’s Butter

Jelly ear fungus - so called for obvious reasons. This is on elder.

Sticky buds on Horse Chestnut

2nd January

The trail camera in its new position on the west edge of the Pit Wood is capturing many images of hares. Here is the first of the year.

3rd January

Janet and Peter came to plant a Hornbeam that Janet had chosen. She chose a site near the two Hornbeams Clare had been given two years ago, in the hope that they will communicate with each other. This is not a fanciful idea: Clare has noticed that the first Field Maple that Mel had donated stayed in a relatively dormant state until a second one was planted next to it, two years later. The first seemed to suddenly put on more growth and now both saplings are about 50 cm high, even though one is older that the other.


…and protecting

4th - 6th January

The trail camera captures the young buck (his buttons are visible on his head), and hares in the snow, one of which is foraging on rush as it pokes above the snow.

7th January - 15th January

John continues to work away at clearing shed debris and preparing a new base for the tool shed.

Footage from one of the cameras shows a buck in velvet - the antlers appear soft and rounded-looking in their protective cover.

A fox strides through the Pit Wood.

A badger’s attention is caught near the camera in the Pit Wood - this is where the hares frequent so it may be their scent that the badger investigates.

The older and younger doe are seen together in the Pit Wood.

Back to base-ics

16th January

John saw all four members of the deer family on the Top Grazing this morning. It was the first time the limping doe had been seen with the others for a while although she has appeared on her own on the trail camera in the Scrub.

John completed the subframe for the tool shed.

The hares show a turn of speed.

17th January

This was the first of several days John and Clare had set aside for tree maintenance, specifically checking tubes and stakes on all the planting. They completed the task in the Orchard and half the Wetland, where pruning some of the leggy Willows provided more whips to plant.

Clare and John planted three more fruit trees in the Orchard to join Beth’s pear - a Conference Pear, a Damson and an Egremont Russet (this last kindly donated by Stephen to help offset some of the trees lost to Storm Arwen).

On the way through the Pit Wood John and Clare noticed an Elder that had been slightly blown over by the storm and was now obstructing the path, however the change of position revealed wonderful examples of inosculation. The Elder can now be recognised as a ‘gemel’.

Catkins have appeared on the old Hazel at the corner of the Orchard and the Pit Wood.

18th January

Ever since 18th December, when ‘brume’ appeared in Word Perfect, Clare has been hoping for the conditions that would allow her to use it. Today was the day. The Scrub camera captured the mist earlier in the day.

'Brume,’ a winter mist, might follow ‘the intensity of a ‘heller’: a bitterly cold winter’s day named after the dwelling of the dead…[it is] the perfect word for the low-lying vapour that shrouds the land on a frosty morning; its roots lie in the Romans’ word brumalis - ‘belonging to the winter’…Robert McFarlane also reminds us of the ‘myst-hakel’ from Middle English, literally a ‘mist’cape’ - a fog or mist that mantles and cloaks the earth’.

John and Clare continued moving logs that had fallen, with the storm, onto the back of the log shed and finally cleared it ready for the rebuild.

Tree maintenance completed in the Top Strip.


And while talking of all things osculatory…

19th January

The Scrub camera frequently captures footage of hares. Clare noted that in a 24 hour period, there were 14 such videos, and on 5 of these a hare ran down the path away from the camera, only to return within 1-2 minutes. Clare imagines it like the White Rabbit in Alice, muttering, “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!” Though for what, will remain a mystery.

Nick O, a landscape historian, came to advise on how to undertake tree mapping on Liddells. He is going to make a start and then hand over to John and Clare. While walking round Nick told how the idea of veteran trees encompasses trees that are not just ancient, but trees that may have developed signs that would feature on ancient trees. With this in mind, the damaged Oak in the Orchard would qualify, as the scar from the broken limb will provide more habitat for wildlife.

20th January

A blackbird forages away in the Scrub, apparently oblivious both to adages about early birds catching worms, and to the Pheasants’ warring subplot in the background.

John completed the new floor for the tool shed. Previously the shed sat directly on the ground so this is an improvement and should stop both mole hills appearing round the inner edges of the shed and some of the internal dampness.

Blog followers may remember the tabby cat that occasionally makes its way through the Pit Wood. Today a different cat appears. John and Clare hope it will not prove to be a herald of misfortune.

22nd January

Encouraged by her first foray into tree planting, Janet returned with another Hornbeam and two Small-leaved Limes. They were duly planted near others of the same species.

Clare planted a Periwinkle near the north boundary below the bee hives. It is a plant that captured her imagination as a child after reading Rosemary Sutcliffe’s Brother Dusty Feet, set in Shakespearean England, in which the hero Hugh escapes an unhappy home, accompanied by his faithful dog Argos, and carrying a pot of periwinkle. Hugh meets with and joins a troupe of travelling players, and finds his fortune. Irresistible.

23rd January

A pair of lagomorphs in the Scrub. Both appear to be scenting.

The lame doe appeared on the camera in the Pit Wood. She spent about ten minutes foraging, couched for twelve minutes and then set off. She appears to be not as thin as previously.

24th January

John and Clare planted five Whitebeam near the bug hotel. Although more commonly found in the south, this planting is following advice from an advisor from the Forestry Commission who suggested choosing species with climate change in mind. Other trees that fall into this category are Sweet Chestnut and Small-leaved Lime. Clare removed tubes from the very small Scots Pines, having discovered that they do not do well with this protection. Instead Clare fashioned individual crowns of thorns from Hawthorn and Bramble to deter nibbling by hares and deer.

Crown of thorns

25th January

The pair of hares demonstrate mating behaviour.

The deer family all appear in the Pit Wood. The young buck seems to be trying out being a buck with his sister, then appears on alert followed by what John describes as a kind of adolescent playfulness. The four videos were taken within a seven minute period.

27th January

Mel and John tackled the huge Ash beam that had fallen across the path near the spring and over the Aconites in the Pit Wood.

The old buck goes through the Scrub. John says it is a magnificent animal and has a ‘competition standard head’. The velvet over the antlers is very clear to see.

Mel creating a brash pile aka bug hotel

29th January

Having mentioned the tabby cat a few days before, it then appeared. It has been coming through Liddells for over eight years now.

30th January

Good dramas are full of reversals, however John was dismayed this morning to discover this particular one, which was probably due more to Storm Malik than to the black cat’s presence a few days ago.

The shed was whipped back over onto its roof during the night.

John had asked several sturdy friends to come and help turn the tool shed onto its new base. Their first task now was to turn it back onto its back. Clare was present as documentary maker though had wondered if she would witness something like this.


Shed back in place. Drama over. Of course Storm Corrie is on its way…

This next clip technically belongs before all the ones about the shed, however in service to more drama, here is a different ending. The trail camera in the Pit Wood recorded another first for Liddells.

The otter would most likely be passing through rather than resident as there will be little food on Liddells for it. There is a large pond with fish about a quarter of a mile away and the otter may have come from there and be en route for the river, possibly via the stream that flows from the spring.

December - clearing up and a mystery visitor

2nd December

John and Dave worked on clearing debris from the sheds. John and Clare set about replacing stakes for saplings that had been blown over by storm Arwen. One of the Alders planted in the Wetland has produced its first catkins. Inspired by the photograph of the Suffolk sheep on Liddells, Barbara sent a needle-felted version she had made.

There seems to be a consensus amongst the Blog’s readership about the appeal of hares. The trail camera in the Scrub records hares on an almost daily basis, sometimes capturing footage of them several times in a short period.

Felted Suffolk in the Shepherd’s hut - what better place for it

5th December

Repairs to trees continues. John saw the lame doe kid near the Crag, so it is managing to survive however the other deer were not with it.

The Redwings seem to find plenty to eat in the Scrub and regularly visit the patch of ground near the camera. The area is also a frequent haunt of a Jay, however for the first time the camera has captured two in the same footage.

6/7th December

A stoat darts through the Scrub and a Jay appears to be successful in retrieving buried acorns. History does not relate whether or not these were buried by this bird, by another or by squirrels.

10th December

John and Dave did more clearing up at the sheds site and then started tackling the huge Oak limb that had fallen in the Orchard some time ago, sorting brash and logs.


…and stacking

12th December

Beth asked if she could celebrate her birthday with friends and their children at Liddells. Hal brought a picnic and birthday cake, a fire was lit and marshmallows toasted. Clare and John were particularly delighted as they had found a variety of Pear tree called ‘Beth’ and had hoped that Beth would be able to plant it in the Orchard on her birthday. Juno is now excited that she will be able to harvest pears - a bit of patience may be required.

15th December

John arrived on Liddells this morning to discover a considerable number of large ungulate prints mainly on the path leading down from the bottom gate. On further examination the prints appeared to begin on the Wildflower Meadow up by the road wall. They left the Meadow and reappeared on the other side of the fence, went on towards the Big Pond after a diversion round the first Willow arbour; there were also some on the slope going down to the Orchard and some on the Top Grazing near the top of the Scrub. Apart from the fact that there are no cows around locally at the moment, a cow could not have made the leaps over wall and fence, so the conclusion John and Clare have arrived at is that a Red Deer had paid a visit. Unfortunately it did not have the sense to cross in front of either of the trail cameras, so the identity of the ungulate remains a matter of speculation. There have been reports of the occasional Red Deer being spotted in the area.

The foot on the right is not of an ungulate, however does give a sense of the size of the print

21st December

The doe appears to have registered the changed position of the trail camera in the Scrub then seems to be investigating a scent mark on the broken end of a branch.

22nd December

A fox has an early morning outing in the Scrub.

John and Dave pressed on with work on the Oak limb in the Orchard, presumably not wanting to be called ‘Yule-shards’ (anyone ‘who leaves work unfinished before Christmas or the New Year, but which has the curious double meaning of ‘someone who has no new piece of apparel to celebrate the season’.’ Word Perfect). Clare will add ‘apparel’ to John’s Christmas present. She will leave Dave to attend to his own wardrobe.

With the debris cleared, the damage to the tree is clearer. The remains of the Tawny Owl box have been removed

Dave bearing logs

Logs stacked

25th December

Christmas Day, and in the absence of Liddells Christmas cards, here are two creatures who habitually appear on seasonal cards.

26th December

While Clare has yet to see a hare boxing on Liddells, this year she didn’t even see a hare on Boxing Day. The early morning snow might have deterred the animals. Of course a comment about how unusual it has been to see two Jays on the trail camera was inviting contradiction - here are two Jays braving the weather - one seemingly more than the other.

31st December

John and Clare checked the cameras today in the hope of some exciting end of the year footage - no such luck, however friends saw two hares running up the Crag this afternoon.

Thank you to all readers for your support .

Best wishes for 2022.

John and Clare

November - time to plant trees and a devastating end to the month

Clare has been saving a quotation from George Orwell for this month as Scots Pine saplings, and trees grown from acorns and conkers by Sally are ready to plant.

‘The planting of a tree, especially one of the long-living hardwood trees, is a gift which you can make to posterity at almost no cost and with almost no trouble, and if the tree takes root it will far outlive the visible effect of any of your other actions, good or evil.’ (From a 1946 essay in his ‘As I Please’ column in Tribune, and quoted by Rebecca Solnit in an article entitled ‘‘Every time you commit an antisocial act, push an acorn into the ground,’ The Guardian, 16.10.21.

1-11th November

John undertook preparations for planting, collecting stakes, cutting wire, strimming, removing turves.

Clare thinks readers need at least one hare a month. This one below is in the Scrub. The hare in the video clip is in the Pit Wood.

13th November

John and Clare planted ten Scots Pines on the Wetland, caging the five larger ones and tubing the others. Having heard on The Archers that ‘the thorn is mother to the oak,’ Clare protected the caged saplings from hares and rabbits with motherly gorse cushions.

Scots Pine with protective gorse

14th November

It appears that one of the regular foxes is a vixen

15th November

One hare is a treat, two hares doubly so.

16th November

Clare and John have been watching out for the return of the Woodcock and today John’s friend Mike saw two flying from the Scrub towards the Top Grazing.

19th November

Five trees planted today - two Oaks and two Horse Chestnuts that Sally had grown and donated, and a Crab Apple that Pat had ordered from Northumberland County Council and given to Liddells. NCC had offered a tree per household as part of their commitment to act in the face of climate change. There was such demand that all trees available were taken up this year, however they are repeating the scheme nest year.

The OED Word of the Day today is ‘Wildland’: Land in a natural or uncultivated state (also in plural in same sense). Also: a region or tract of such land. Clare and John hope that Liddells has some of this quality.

21st November

Clare spent a delightful afternoon on Liddells with Bridie Jackson, ‘a musical artist based in the North-East, well known within the region and beyond for her work as a composer, performer and creative practitioner’ (also currently leading Tynedale Community Choir while Kathyrn is on maternity leave). Bridie is working with Bethan Maddocks a visual artist who has been commissioned by Museums of Northumberland. Bethan is creating a hive to sit inside a building at Woodhorn Museum and Bridie is setting Kipling’s poem ‘The Bee-Boy’s Song’ to music, and creating a soundscape for the installation. Bridie interviewed Clare about bee-keeping, particularly about the tradition of telling the bees secrets, and visited the hives where she was able to record the bees. Clare could hear where the colony were clustering in the hive from the volume of the sound as Bridie moved the microphone across the entrance. Bridie sent a snippet of her first ‘play around’ and gave permission for it to be included in the blog. The bees in the background are in Hive1.

27th November

Readers will be aware of Storm Arwen, which hit the north-east with some ferocity last night. John went up to see how Liddells had been affected, expecting to see some trees down. Trees have indeed fallen, perhaps six to eight, and several limbs broken off. However he was in no way prepared for the sickening sight that greeted him. All four sheds and the Necessarium have gone. The tool shed and the Necessarium have been lifted up, overturned and are now on the far side of the fence between the Top Grazing and the Top Strip. The hay shed, log shed and former pony shelter have been reduced to planks and are scattered widely over the area behind where the sheds were. John and Clare are finding it hard to know where to start with clearing up. The shepherd’s hut, bird hide , bees and bee shed are all fine thank goodness. And no-one was hurt.

It has also been snowy and very cold on site, so not the most pleasant of conditions in which to work. Susie Dent offers some regional words for cold in Word Perfect on 17th November: ‘ ‘nithered’ is a favourite in northern England and Scotland, and ‘shrammed’ survives in the south and south-west); there is also the evocative ‘hunchy’ in Cambridgeshire. These words often derive from dialect verbs meaning ‘to shrivel’ or ‘to make numb’.’ Dent also refers to ‘some now long-lost words English dialect words that describe November’s comfortless elements. They include the word ‘gwenders’, defined in the English Dialect Dictionary as ‘a disagreeable tingling sensation in the extremities during cold weather’.

John and Clare have retrieved footage from both trail cameras. The scene in the Scrub, captured at 9.30 am, was after the storm had begun to die down. Three hours later all is calm in the Pit Wood.

While the storm’s destruction has been metaphorically ‘thwankin’ (‘from Scots, a thudding term applied to clouds that gather together in thick and gloomy succession’, Clare found metaphorical ‘Devil’s smiles’ (in Yorkshire, ‘gleams of sunshine among the darkest clouds’) in the catkins appearing on some of the young Hazels in the Top Strip.

Life goes on. As do the deer, although the wounded doe kid has not been seen since the beginning of the month. John says to notice in the second video the buds developing on the buck kid’s head which are signs of the antlers that will grow.

This Silver birch at the western top of the Crag shows some of the force of the storm.

30th November

John and Clare have been making inroads on the damage. It seems possible that, with help, the tool shed could be manoeuvered back into place although it will need a new base constructing before that can happen.

In checking through the Blog before publication, Clare was struck by the opening quotation and how poignant it seems at this end of the month. John has been given permission to include a photograph taken of the wood that lies just a few hundred yards from Liddells. The image shows just a fraction of the damage the wood sustained.

All the more reason to keep planting trees.

October - Autumn arrives

1st October

Forty Suffolk ewes arrived to eat the grass off the Top Gazing which has grown substantially since being cut for hay. The Suffolk Sheep Society’s website says that the ‘Suffolk is the flag-ship domestic breed in the British Isles and is recognised as the leading terminal sire on a variety of commercial ewes to produce top quality prime lamb. The breed has been in existence since the late 1700s.’

Digesting in the sun

2nd October

Twenty ewes arrived on the Wildflower Meadow. Synchronously Word Perfect today refers to ‘aftermath’, now used metaphorically, however originally meaning ‘an ‘after-mowing’: a second crop or new growth of grass after the first had been harvested.’ So all sixty sheep are dealing with the aftermath.

John has finished the plumbing for the necessarium.

6th October

‘ “Most people look at a forest and say, ‘Here are trees and there is dirt.’ They see nothing of interest unless someone takes them by the hand. I am astonished at how little most people can manage to see.” ‘ (from Unsheltered by Barbara Kingsolver)

John manages to see plenty, including the first Fieldfare of the year. They arrive in flocks with Redwings. Clare was delighted that Liddells is on a par with Ambridge - Jim Lloyd heard the first Redwing on this same day.

Marsh Tit

Female Chaffinch

This male Chaffinch has been ringed

According to Word Perfect, the Japanese have the expression kasa koso for the rustling sound of dry leaves.

7th October

The ewes did a great job on the Wildflower Meadow and have been moved to join the Suffolks on the Top Grazing.

9th October

John and Clare noticed a Goldfinch near the hide that seemed to be struggling although it was feeding and able to fly.

John and Clare were amused by the trail camera footage below.

10th October

While John added stronger stakes to some of the larches in the verge, Clare visited the hide and found that the Goldfinch had died there. Clare noticed that it was ringed so John sent the details to EURING. A reply came through very quickly:

Dear John Halliday

Thank you for taking the time to report to us details of a bird ring you found. Information about this bird and its movements is given below.

Ringing Scheme: London Ring Number: AJK9171 Species of bird: Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)

This bird was ringed by S C Enderby as age definitely hatched during current year, sex unknown on 21-Nov-2019 time unknown at near Acomb, Northumberland, UK

OS Map reference NY9365 accuracy 0, - co-ordinates 54deg 58min N -2deg -6min W accuracy 0.

It was found on 09-Oct-2021 time unknown at near Hexham, Northumberland, UK

OS Map reference NY9269 accuracy 0, - co-ordinates 55deg 0min N -2deg -7min W accuracy 0.

Finding condition: Dying

Finding circumstances: Found Sick, Definite Single cause NOT Known

Extra Information: Sickly. Unable to fly well. Dead the next day.

It was found 688 days after it was ringed, 4 km from the ringing site, direction NNW.

Bird Ringing in Britain & Ireland is organised by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO). Each year over 900,000 birds are ringed by over 2,500 highly trained bird ringers, most of whom are volunteers. They follow a careful training process that can take several years to complete to ensure that they have the necessary skills to catch and ring birds. The bird’s welfare is always the most important consideration during ringing activities.

Ringing began over 100 years ago to study the movements of birds. While it continues to generate information about movements, it also allows us to study how many young birds leave the nest and survive to breed as adults, as well as how many adults live from year to year and how many birds disperse to different breeding sites. Collection of this information helps us to understand why bird populations increase or decrease − vital information for conservation. Details of how many birds have been caught and where and when they have been found are available on the BTO website at

Some interesting facts discovered from ringing data....

Oldest bird – Manx shearwater, 50 yrs 11 months

Furthest travelled – Arctic Tern from Wales to Australia 18,000 km

Strangest recovery – Osprey ring found in stomach of a crocodile in The Gambia!

Many thanks again for reporting this bird and contributing to the work of the Ringing Scheme. If you would like to find out more about the BTO please check out our website

With best wishes

The Ringing Team

11th - 12th October

Having established that there are indeed three kids this year, they were seen again on the trail camera in the Scrub. The next night the doe went through. John says you can see not only what fine condition she is in, but her two gorget patches. They are on the underside of her neck, show that she is an older doe and help in identification.

15th & 19th October

A fox appears twice on the Scrub camera.

22nd - 23rd October

Footage of hares always proves irresistible. The Scrub camera recorded one passing through several times on these two days; on 22nd at 17.49 and 21.46, and on 23rd at 09.50, 13.49 and 14.05. Of course they may all be different hares. Below is one piece of footage from the selection, the white tail with its black tip and the black tips to its ears showing quite distinctly.

The sheep were taken off the Top Grazing. Again they have done a splendid job in taking the grass down ready for Spring growth.

The Jay is a bird often heard but not so often seen, or maybe you see a flash of the white rump as it flies away. The Woodland Trust describes the Jay as ‘a highly intelligent loudmouth’. ( In its Latin name, garrulus glandarius, thegarrulus’ means chattering, babbling or noisy. You can listen here. The whole name can be translated as ‘babbler of the acorns.’ The bird hides acorns for later consumption and it is thought that the ones whose whereabouts have been forgotten can be credited with the growth and spread of oak trees since the last Ice Age. In the footage below, it is unclear whether the Jay is burying or seeking to retrieve acorns, however it is great to have such a clear view of the bird.

A badger appears in the Pit Wood, probably rootling for worms.

24th October

The Scrub proves to be a popular foraging ground for the newly arrived Redwings.

26th October

The trail camera reveals time and again just how watchful and alert the wildlife is all the time. Below you will see a rabbit standing on its hind legs, possibly to see if the surrounding area is safe. Although footage of grey squirrels doesn’t make it into the Blog, the sound of a squirrel chattering is quite dramatic - a subsequent piece of footage (not included), suggests that it is the pheasant that is the source of agitation. Having never seen a kid squeaking before this year, John is delighted that the trail camera is offering so many examples of this phenomenon. Of course saying earlier this month that Jays are rarely seen was asking for contradiction. Not hiding at all. The badger is back - Clare fancifully imagines its satnav saying, “Rerootle, rerootle"!”

28th October

It would seem as though roe deer experience sibling rivalry.

The pheasants have their own back on the hare.

The third piece of footage is calling out for a caption. Any offers….?

29th October

A trio of videos of birds foraging in the Scrub. While Redwings and Titmice share the space, the Pheasants seem to claim it as theirs.

30th October

When Clare went to collect the camera discs today she saw and heard far more Blackbirds than usual - the overwintering visitors have arrived. There was also a large flock of Fieldfares in the Orchard. Sadly the camera has shown that one of the doe kids is limping badly and has lost condition. She hasn’t been seen with the adult doe and other two kids for a while. The young buck displays a passing interest in the bird feeder in the Scrub.