3rd September
We planted two clumps of Meadow Cranesbill and a Pink Campion.
4th September
Clare saw the hare. We took still and moving pictures of the land.
10th September
Beech branches overhanging the road had been cut and had to be moved.
15th September
We built the bonfire for the party. Kate and Andy came for blackberries. There was a spectacular rainbow to the north, over Heavenfield.
14th September
Clare collected fruits and made hedgerow jelly. This is the recipe I use.
17th and 15th September
John, Neil and Andy build the shelter for the party. See Celebrations for photos.
21st September
We made a path down to the tree planting site (the Bird Cherry tree Mathilda bought us as a wedding gift)
28th September
We saw a kestrel
29th September
We saw a large dragonfly