3rd, 4th and 5th August
Preparing for Green Gym days - hauling brash out of Top Strip.
7th August
Green Gym: Tim, Sally, and Rachel: more Top Strip path; weeding around Meadow trees; Hawthorns brashed in Meadow; chipper.
8th August
Green Gym: Mel, Sally, Jane E, Pat, David: more path; more weeding/brashing in Meadow and round Sally's trees; tree-felling; chipper.
12th August
Perseid meteors seen from Top Grazing.
13th August
John dismantled shed from Mike D and it was trailered to Top Grazing to become a log shed.
Application (2) to Countryside Stewardship.
20th August
Preparing site for log shed - levelling, making base; 7 trees felled in Top Strip; clearing site for shepherd's hut; thistles taken out of planted section of Meadow.
26th August
Mel came to help and we erected the log shed. It awaits roof and guttering.
John not leaving a twig unshredded
Clare usually taking photographs, so good to have proof she works too
And here's what she helped to achieve
It's not a proper Green Gym Day without a picnic
Mel in a vital role
Shed erection stage 1 complete
Mel reckoning his role might not be so vital
Brashed Hawthorns on the Meadow
Putting the world to rights no doubt
John and power tools - a match made in heaven
Birds and bugs welcome here